3,436 research outputs found

    3D Registration of Aerial and Ground Robots for Disaster Response: An Evaluation of Features, Descriptors, and Transformation Estimation

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    Global registration of heterogeneous ground and aerial mapping data is a challenging task. This is especially difficult in disaster response scenarios when we have no prior information on the environment and cannot assume the regular order of man-made environments or meaningful semantic cues. In this work we extensively evaluate different approaches to globally register UGV generated 3D point-cloud data from LiDAR sensors with UAV generated point-cloud maps from vision sensors. The approaches are realizations of different selections for: a) local features: key-points or segments; b) descriptors: FPFH, SHOT, or ESF; and c) transformation estimations: RANSAC or FGR. Additionally, we compare the results against standard approaches like applying ICP after a good prior transformation has been given. The evaluation criteria include the distance which a UGV needs to travel to successfully localize, the registration error, and the computational cost. In this context, we report our findings on effectively performing the task on two new Search and Rescue datasets. Our results have the potential to help the community take informed decisions when registering point-cloud maps from ground robots to those from aerial robots.Comment: Awarded Best Paper at the 15th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics 2017 (SSRR 2017

    Viewfinder: final activity report

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    The VIEW-FINDER project (2006-2009) is an 'Advanced Robotics' project that seeks to apply a semi-autonomous robotic system to inspect ground safety in the event of a fire. Its primary aim is to gather data (visual and chemical) in order to assist rescue personnel. A base station combines the gathered information with information retrieved from off-site sources. The project addresses key issues related to map building and reconstruction, interfacing local command information with external sources, human-robot interfaces and semi-autonomous robot navigation. The VIEW-FINDER system is a semi-autonomous; the individual robot-sensors operate autonomously within the limits of the task assigned to them, that is, they will autonomously navigate through and inspect an area. Human operators monitor their operations and send high level task requests as well as low level commands through the interface to any nodes in the entire system. The human interface has to ensure the human supervisor and human interveners are provided a reduced but good and relevant overview of the ground and the robots and human rescue workers therein

    Monte Carlo Localization in Hand-Drawn Maps

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    Robot localization is a one of the most important problems in robotics. Most of the existing approaches assume that the map of the environment is available beforehand and focus on accurate metrical localization. In this paper, we address the localization problem when the map of the environment is not present beforehand, and the robot relies on a hand-drawn map from a non-expert user. We addressed this problem by expressing the robot pose in the pixel coordinate and simultaneously estimate a local deformation of the hand-drawn map. Experiments show that we are able to localize the robot in the correct room with a robustness up to 80

    SANet: Scene agnostic network for camera localization

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    This thesis presents a scene agnostic neural architecture for camera localization, where model parameters and scenes are independent from each other. Despite recent advancement in learning based methods with scene coordinate regression, most approaches require training for each scene one by one, not applicable for online applications such as SLAM and robotic navigation, where a model must be built on-the-fly. Our approach learns to build a hierarchical scene representation and predicts a dense scene coordinate map of a query RGB image on-the-fly given an arbitrary scene. The 6 DoF camera pose of the query image can be estimated with the predicted scene coordinate map. Additionally, the dense prediction can be used for other online robotic and AR applications such as obstacle avoidance. We demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method on both indoor and outdoor benchmarks, achieving state-of-the-art performance among methods working for arbitrary scenes without retraining or adaptation

    Portable Multi-Hypothesis Monte Carlo Localization for Mobile Robots

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    Self-localization is a fundamental capability that mobile robot navigation systems integrate to move from one point to another using a map. Thus, any enhancement in localization accuracy is crucial to perform delicate dexterity tasks. This paper describes a new location that maintains several populations of particles using the Monte Carlo Localization (MCL) algorithm, always choosing the best one as the sytems's output. As novelties, our work includes a multi-scale match matching algorithm to create new MCL populations and a metric to determine the most reliable. It also contributes the state-of-the-art implementations, enhancing recovery times from erroneous estimates or unknown initial positions. The proposed method is evaluated in ROS2 in a module fully integrated with Nav2 and compared with the current state-of-the-art Adaptive ACML solution, obtaining good accuracy and recovery times.Comment: Submission for ICRA 202

    Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments

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    Localization is an essential capability of mobile robots and place recognition is an important component of localization. Only having precise localization, robots can reliably plan, navigate and understand the environment around them. The main task of visual place recognition algorithms is to recognize based on the visual input if the robot has seen previously a given place in the environment. Cameras are one of the popular sensors robots get information from. They are lightweight, affordable, and provide detailed descriptions of the environment in the form of images. Cameras are shown to be useful for the vast variety of emerging applications, from virtual and augmented reality applications to autonomous cars or even fleets of autonomous cars. All these applications need precise localization. Nowadays, the state-of-the-art methods are able to reliably estimate the position of the robots using image streams. One of the big challenges still is the ability to localize a camera given an image stream in the presence of drastic visual appearance changes in the environment. Visual appearance changes may be caused by a variety of different reasons, starting from camera-related factors, such as changes in exposure time, camera position-related factors, e.g. the scene is observed from a different position or viewing angle, occlusions, as well as factors that stem from natural sources, for example seasonal changes, different weather conditions, illumination changes, etc. These effects change the way the same place in the environments appears in the image and can lead to situations where it becomes hard even for humans to recognize the places. Also, the performance of the traditional visual localization approaches, such as FABMAP or DBow, decreases dramatically in the presence of strong visual appearance changes. The techniques presented in this thesis aim at improving visual place recognition capabilities for robotic systems in the presence of dramatic visual appearance changes. To reduce the effect of visual changes on image matching performance, we exploit sequences of images rather than individual images. This becomes possible as robotic systems collect data sequentially and not in random order. We formulate the visual place recognition problem under strong appearance changes as a problem of matching image sequences collected by a robotic system at different points in time. A key insight here is the fact that matching sequences reduces the ambiguities in the data associations. This allows us to establish image correspondences between different sequences and thus recognize if two images represent the same place in the environment. To perform a search for image correspondences, we construct a graph that encodes the potential matches between the sequences and at the same time preserves the sequentiality of the data. The shortest path through such a data association graph provides the valid image correspondences between the sequences. Robots operating reliably in an environment should be able to recognize a place in an online manner and not after having recorded all data beforehand. As opposed to collecting image sequences and then determining the associations between the sequences offline, a real-world system should be able to make a decision for every incoming image. In this thesis, we therefore propose an algorithm that is able to perform visual place recognition in changing environments in an online fashion between the query and the previously recorded reference sequences. Then, for every incoming query image, our algorithm checks if the robot is in the previously seen environment, i.e. there exists a matching image in the reference sequence, as well as if the current measurement is consistent with previously obtained query images. Additionally, to be able to recognize places in an online manner, a robot needs to recognize the fact that it has left the previously mapped area as well as relocalize when it re-enters environment covered by the reference sequence. Thus, we relax the assumption that the robot should always travel within the previously mapped area and propose an improved graph-based matching procedure that allows for visual place recognition in case of partially overlapping image sequences. To achieve a long-term autonomy, we further increase the robustness of our place recognition algorithm by incorporating information from multiple image sequences, collected along different overlapping and non-overlapping routes. This allows us to grow the coverage of the environment in terms of area as well as various scene appearances. The reference dataset then contains more images to match against and this increases the probability of finding a matching image, which can lead to improved localization. To be able to deploy a robot that performs localization in large scaled environments over extended periods of time, however, collecting a reference dataset may be a tedious, resource consuming and in some cases intractable task. Avoiding an explicit map collection stage fosters faster deployment of robotic systems in the real world since no map has to be collected beforehand. By using our visual place recognition approach the map collection stage can be skipped, as we are able to incorporate the information from a publicly available source, e.g., from Google Street View, into our framework due to its general formulation. This automatically enables us to perform place recognition on already existing publicly available data and thus avoid costly mapping phase. In this thesis, we additionally show how to organize the images from the publicly available source into the sequences to perform out-of-the-box visual place recognition without previously collecting the otherwise required reference image sequences at city scale. All approaches described in this thesis have been published in peer-reviewed conference papers and journal articles. In addition to that, most of the presented contributions have been released publicly as open source software
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