7,821 research outputs found

    IMC customer-based perception: strategic antecedents and consequences on post-purchase customer behaviour

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    Last decades Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) have been mainly analysed from a managerial perspective, overlooking the customer opinion. Thus, this research studies IMC customer-based perception, its strategic antecedents and consequences on post-purchase customer behaviour (satisfaction, word-of-mouth recommendations, and repurchase intention), from a multi-country perspective. The structural equation modelling and multi-group analysis are based on the customers´ survey data in Belarus and Spain. The results suggest that technology orientation positively affects IMC, and, customer orientation does not. IMC positively affects customer satisfaction, which in turn positively impacts on WOM and repurchase intention. WOM does not influence on repurchase intention. IMC directly affects WOM and repurchase intention in Spain and does not in Belarus, which is the significant country difference

    Assessing the overall perceived quality of the undergraduate students

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    Purpose - The paper is twofold aimed: (i) defining and validating a scale to assess the quality of the university experienced by students and (ii) analyzing the role of the aforementioned di- mensions and their impact on students’ satisfaction. Methodology/Approach - A survey of 2,557 undergraduate students that finished their degrees in 2013 at universities located in the region of Catalonia has been analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). An exploratory analysis suggests the final dimensions that were confirmed in a confirmatory analysis. The psychometric characteristics of the scale are provided to show reliability and validity of the constructs. An extra model (also using SEM) assesses the impact of these dimensions on overall satisfac- tion. Findings - The quality is a multifactor construct composed by: (i) “syllabus”, which refers to the quality of the learning methods and the coordination efforts through the whole study period; (ii) “skills development”, referring to the skills that students might acquire along their studies and (iii) “services and facilities” of the university. Moreover, the first and third factors act as “enablers” for the second factor one. Nevertheless, only “Syllabus” dimension affects significantly on students’ satisfaction, whereas “services and facilities” do not have a significant role, although they are necessary in order to provide a good service. Research Limitation/implication - Although the sample is large enough to draw robust re- sults, it is limited the Catalonia. The paper provides recommendations for university managers and public administration authorities in order to allocate the available resources. Originality/Value of paper - In an era of global competition, universities are trying to adapt to these new requirements by expanding they academic offer, introducing innovative teaching methods, providing teaching resources to lecturers, and updating the general services of the university among others. All these services will be considered when students evaluate their experience at the university. The paper contributes with an assessment scale for the holistic service provided by the university within the period that the student is in the university. These findings can be applied to help define attractive academic programs and provide useful insights on how the supporting facilities should be designed to allow students take advantage of their learning process at universities.Postprint (published version

    İçerik Yönetim Sisteminde Kullanılabilirlik Yapılarının İncelenmesi

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    The internet provides a media-rich navigational environment where people interact with computer systems. This interactive relationship between humans and computers can be explored from a socio-technical philosophy. Thus, investigating individual behaviors toward new information technologies based on their experiences with the internet technology in general, and content management in particular emerged as an alternative stream of research. Since users' behaviors are heavily influenced by web sites usability, this study is aimed at exploring multidimensionalty in usability constructs of a content management system. The findings indicate that multidimensional model - at least- with two upper constructs exist in usability. This finding supports the socio-technical perspective in usability in that content presentation and architectural design were perceived as separate constructs by participants.İnternet, bireylerin bilgisayar sistemleri ile etkileşim sağladığı medya açısından zengin bir ortam sunmaktadır. Bilgisayarlar ve bireylar arasındaki bu etkileşimli ortam, sosyoteknik bir açıdan incelenebilir. Bu nedenle, bireylerin yeni teknolojiye yönelik davranışlarını, internet teknolojileri ile olan deneyimlerine ve içerik yönetimine dayalı olarak inceleme, araştırmalarda alternatif bir yaklaşım olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Bireylerin davranışları, web sitelerinin kullanışlılığından çok fazla etkilenmektedir. Bu görüşten hareketle bu çalışmanın amacı, bir içerik yönetim sisteminin kullanışlılık yapılarını çok boyutluluk açısından araştırmaktır. Bulgular, kullanışlılık açısından en az iki olmak üzere model olarak çok boyutlu bir yapının varlığını göstermektedir. Bu bulgu, kullanışlılık açısından sosyoteknik bakış açısı ile içerik sunumunun ve mimari tasarımın farklı yapılar olarak ele alınması gerektiği görüşünü desteklemektedir


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    The Web portals business model has spread rapidly over the last few years. Despite this, there have been very few scholarly findings about which services and characteristics make a Web site a portal and which dimensions determine the customers’ evaluation of the portal’s quality. Taking the example of financial portals, the authors develop a theoretical framework of the Web portal quality construct by determining the number and nature of corresponding dimensions, which are: security and trust, basic services quality, cross-buying services quality, added values, transaction support and relationship quality. To measure the six portal quality dimensions, multi item measurement scales are developed and validated.Construct Validation, Customer Retention, E-Banking, E- Loyalty, Service Quality, Web Portals

    Toward a comprehensive conceptualization of the digital divide and its impact on e-government system success: evidence from local governments in Indonesia

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    Purpose - This research aimed to investigate the digital divide and its impact on egovernment system success in Indonesia. Design/methodology - This study applies two-stage sequential mixed method research approach. Findings - The results supported direct influences of digital divide on e-government system success, the mediating effects of trust in e-government and the moderating effects of demographic variables. Research implications/contributions - It contributes to the developments of literature on digital divide and e-government, and to the implementation of egovernment

    Examining dimensions of patient satisfaction with telemedicine

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    During the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) medical institutions and practitioners have drastically increased their adoption of telemedicine. The proliferation of telemedicine systems has sparked renewed interest among IS researchers in evaluating its usage. One of the main indicators used to measure the success of telemedicine services is patient satisfaction. Yet several problems exist with current methods used to evaluate telemedicine satisfaction. Patient satisfaction with telemedicine is frequently evaluated using either single question items or handmade instruments that are seldom assessed for validity. While telemedicine satisfaction is typically evaluated through single measures, satisfaction is considered a complex and multidimensional concept. Because of the lack of insight that satisfaction measures provide it may be difficult to interpret or act upon the results of evaluations. The goal of this study is to examine and evaluate the dimensionality of telemedicine satisfaction and its perceived value. This study achieves this by following a novel multi-phased mixed methods approach. This approach includes exploratory, confirmatory and evaluatory phases that are used to: 1) identify telemedicine satisfaction dimensions and their relationship to satisfaction; 2) develop and confirm a model of patient satisfaction with telemedicine and 3) evaluate the value of the results in practice. The results demonstrate a model of satisfaction informed by system quality, information quality, health service quality, usefulness, and additional intention measures. Additional findings demonstrate the challenges with subjective interpretations of satisfaction’s meaning by providers. Results show that interpretations can vary between single-item measures and dimensional views of satisfaction. Implications and recommendations are discussed

    An assessment of brand experience knowledge literature: using bibliometric data to identify future research direction

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    There is wide consensus that the brand experience literature (BEL) suffers from a deficit in conceptual works. This study argues that, for brand experience research to overcome its conceptual insipidity, it must reexamine the core of its intellectual structure to rediscover what ‘an experience provided by brands’ truly implies. The purpose of this paper is to reconceptualize and present a future research framework for research into the concept of brand experience, by identifying both the core and peripheral sources of knowledge of the concept and its association with brand meaning. Through a bibliometric process covering 136 articles published between 2002 and 2018, resulting in a database of 2,698 citations, this brand experience conceptual paper fills a critical research gap by providing the first full-scale bibliometric study to date of the BEL, using a combination of high citation and co-citation metrics. Based on this conceptual reorientation, a matrix for future development is presented, enabling the reader to visualize the scope and breadth of potential brand experience research horizons in areas relating to customer experience, consumer-brand relationship, online brand experience and sensory brand experience. The four approaches listed in the matrix – firm-based, social constructionist, virtuality and embodiment – provide a roadmap for future brand experience research undertakings to explore the rich potential of experience evoked by brands

    Assessing university students’ perception of academic quality using machine learning

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    Purpose – The aim of this research is to assess the influence of the underlying service quality variable, usually related to university students’ perception of the educational experience. Another aspect analysed in this work is the development of a procedure to determinewhich variables are more significant to assess students’ satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach – In order to achieve both goals, a twofold methodology was approached. In the first phase of research, an assessment of the service quality was performed with data gathered from 580 students in a process involving the adaptation of the SERVQUAL scale through a multi-objective optimization methodology. In the second phase of research, results obtained from students were compared with those obtained from the teaching staff at the university. Findings – Results from the analysis revealed the most significant service quality dimensions from the students’ viewpoint according to the scores that they provided. Comparison of the results with the teaching staff showed noticeable differences when assessing academic quality. Originality/value – Significant conclusions can be drawn from the theoretical review of the empirical evidences obtained through this study helping with the practical design and implementation of quality strategies in higher education especially in regard to university education.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) #1 under Grant RTI2018-101674-B-I00European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) #2 under Grant FPA2017-85197-PERDF #3 under Grant B-SEJ-209-UGR1

    Sustainable consumption: towards action and impact. : International scientific conference November 6th-8th 2011, Hamburg - European Green Capital 2011, Germany: abstract volume

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    This volume contains the abstracts of all oral and poster presentations of the international scientific conference „Sustainable Consumption – Towards Action and Impact“ held in Hamburg (Germany) on November 6th-8th 2011. This unique conference aims to promote a comprehensive academic discourse on issues concerning sustainable consumption and brings together scholars from a wide range of academic disciplines. In modern societies, private consumption is a multifaceted and ambivalent phenomenon: it is a ubiquitous social practice and an economic driving force, yet at the same time, its consequences are in conflict with important social and environmental sustainability goals. Finding paths towards “sustainable consumption” has therefore become a major political issue. In order to properly understand the challenge of “sustainable consumption”, identify unsustainable patterns of consumption and bring forward the necessary innovations, a collaborative effort of researchers from different disciplines is needed

    Determinants of customers’ loyalty for hospitality industry

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    Customer loyalty is very necessary for the competitive market environment. The growing presence of relationship marketing efforts has led to increased competition among service providers. So hospitality industry is more service oriented, effecting by customers’ interest. To achieve the desirable customer to the business, for this purpose Relationship marketing efforts would have to be implemented in order to determine whether frequent guest is loyal to the particular company. Previous research has identified the determinants of customers’ loyalty for a hotel industry and has been adapted and used in this study. Structural equation analysis was applied to identify which factors (service quality, customer satisfaction, trust, value and hotel membership program, socio demography of the customer) have positively impact customer loyalty. According the result of this study all the determinants of loyalty have significance relationship with customer loyalty, and it was also indentified that customer loyalty as a function of both behavioral and attitudinal loyalty. The framework adopted and modified for this research demonstrated the formation of a solid structure that would allow for collecting valuable findings. This study has extended and adopts the previous loyalty model and has been applied in the hotel industry of Penang, Malaysia