60 research outputs found

    Full-duplex wireless communications: challenges, solutions and future research directions

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    The family of conventional half-duplex (HD) wireless systems relied on transmitting and receiving in different time-slots or frequency sub-bands. Hence the wireless research community aspires to conceive full-duplex (FD) operation for supporting concurrent transmission and reception in a single time/frequency channel, which would improve the attainable spectral efficiency by a factor of two. The main challenge encountered in implementing an FD wireless device is the large power difference between the self-interference (SI) imposed by the device’s own transmissions and the signal of interest received from a remote source. In this survey, we present a comprehensive list of the potential FD techniques and highlight their pros and cons. We classify the SI cancellation techniques into three categories, namely passive suppression, analog cancellation and digital cancellation, with the advantages and disadvantages of each technique compared. Specifically, we analyse the main impairments (e.g. phase noise, power amplifier nonlinearity as well as in-phase and quadrature-phase (I/Q) imbalance, etc.) that degrading the SI cancellation. We then discuss the FD based Media Access Control (MAC)-layer protocol design for the sake of addressing some of the critical issues, such as the problem of hidden terminals, the resultant end-to-end delay and the high packet loss ratio (PLR) due to network congestion. After elaborating on a variety of physical/MAC-layer techniques, we discuss potential solutions conceived for meeting the challenges imposed by the aforementioned techniques. Furthermore, we also discuss a range of critical issues related to the implementation, performance enhancement and optimization of FD systems, including important topics such as hybrid FD/HD scheme, optimal relay selection and optimal power allocation, etc. Finally, a variety of new directions and open problems associated with FD technology are pointed out. Our hope is that this treatise will stimulate future research efforts in the emerging field of FD communication

    Towards 6G-Enabled Internet of Things with IRS-Empowered Backscatter-Assisted WPCNs

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    Wireless powered communication networks (WPCNs) are expected to play a key role in the forthcoming 6G systems. However, they have not yet found their way to large-scale practical implementations due to their inherent shortcomings such as the low efficiency of energy transfer and information transmission. In this thesis, we aim to study the integration of WPCNs with other novel technologies of backscatter communication and intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) to enhance the performance and improve the efficiency of these networks so as to prepare them for being seamlessly fitted into the 6G ecosystem. We first study the incorporation of backscatter communication into conventional WPCNs and investigate the performance of backscatter-assisted WPCNs (BS-WPCNs). We then study the inclusion of IRS into the WPCN environment, where an IRS is used for improving the performance of energy transfer and information transmission in WPCNs. After that, the simultaneous integration of backscatter communication and IRS technologies into WPCNs is investigated, where the analyses show the significant performance gains that can be achieved by this integration

    Robust wireless sensor network for smart grid communication : modeling and performance evaluation

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    Our planet is gradually heading towards an energy famine due to growing population and industrialization. Hence, increasing electricity consumption and prices, diminishing fossil fuels and lack significantly in environment-friendliness due to their emission of greenhouse gasses, and inefficient usage of existing energy supplies have caused serious network congestion problems in many countries in recent years. In addition to this overstressed situation, nowadays, the electric power system is facing many challenges, such as high maintenance cost, aging equipment, lack of effective fault diagnostics, power supply reliability, etc., which further increase the possibility of system breakdown. Furthermore, the adaptation of the new renewable energy sources with the existing power plants to provide an alternative way for electricity production transformed it in a very large and complex scale, which increases new issues. To address these challenges, a new concept of next generation electric power system, called the "smart grid", has emerged in which Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are playing the key role. For a reliable smart grid, monitoring and control of power system parameters in the transmission and distribution segments are crucial. This necessitates the deployment of a robust communication network within the power grid. Traditionally, power grid communications are realized through wired communications, including power line communication (PLC). However, the cost of its installation might be expensive especially for remote control and monitoring applications. More recently, plenty of research interests have been drawn to the wireless communications for smart grid applications. In this regard, the most promising methods of smart grid monitoring explored in the literature is based on wireless sensor network (WSN). Indeed, the collaborative nature of WSN brings significant advantages over the traditional wireless networks, including low-cost, wider coverage, self-organization, and rapid deployment. Unfortunately, harsh and hostile electric power system environments pose great challenges in the reliability of sensor node communications because of strong RF interference and noise called impulsive noise. On account of the fundamental of WSN-based smart grid communications and the possible impacts of impulsive noise on the reliability of sensor node communications, this dissertation is supposed to further fill the lacking of the existing research outcomes. To be specific, the contributions of this dissertation can be summarized as three fold: (i) investigation and performance analysis of impulsive noise mitigation techniques for point-to-point single-carrier communication systems impaired by bursty impulsive noise; (ii) design and performance analysis of collaborative WSN for smart grid communication by considering the RF noise model in the designing process, a particular intension is given to how the time-correlation among the noise samples can be taken into account; (iii) optimal minimum mean square error (MMSE)estimation of physical phenomenon like temperature, current, voltage, etc., typically modeled by a Gaussian source in the presence of impulsive noise. In the first part, we compare and analyze the widely used non-linear methods such as clipping, blanking, and combined clipping-blanking to mitigate the noxious effects of bursty impulsive noise for point-to-point communication systems with low-density parity-check (LDPC) coded single-carrier transmission. While, the performance of these mitigation techniques are widely investigated for multi-carrier communication systems using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission under the effect of memoryless impulsive noise, we note that OFDM is outperformed by its single-carrier counterpart when the impulses are very strong and/or they occur frequently, which likely exists in contemporary communication systems including smart grid communications. Likewise, the assumption of memoryless noise model is not valid for many communication scenarios. Moreover, we propose log-likelihood ratio (LLR)-based impulsive noise mitigation for the considered scenario. We show that the memory property of the noise can be exploited in the LLR calculation through maximum a posteriori (MAP) detection. In this context, provided simulation results highlight the superiority of the LLR-based mitigation scheme over the simple clipping/blanking schemes. The second contribution can be divided into two aspects: (i) we consider the performance analysis of a single-relay decode-and-forward (DF) cooperative relaying scheme over channels impaired by bursty impulsive noise. For this channel, the bit error rate (BER) performances of direct transmission and a DF relaying scheme using M-PSK modulation in the presence of Rayleigh fading with a MAP receiver are derived; (ii) as a continuation of single-relay collaborative WSN scheme, we propose a novel relay selection protocol for a multi-relay DF collaborative WSN taking into account the bursty impulsive noise. The proposed protocol chooses the N’th best relay considering both the channel gains and the states of the impulsive noise of the source-relay and relay-destination links. To analyze the performance of the proposed protocol, we first derive closed-form expressions for the probability density function (PDF) of the received SNR. Then, these PDFs are used to derive closed-form expressions for the BER and the outage probability. Finally, we also derive the asymptotic BER and outage expressions to quantify the diversity benefits. From the obtained results, it is seen that the proposed receivers based on the MAP detection criterion is the most suitable one for bursty impulsive noise environments as it has been designed according to the statistical behavior of the noise. Different from the aforementioned contributions, talked about the reliable detection of finite alphabets in the presence of bursty impulsive noise, in the thrid part, we investigate the optimal MMSE estimation for a scalar Gaussian source impaired by impulsive noise. In Chapter 5, the MMSE optimal Bayesian estimation for a scalar Gaussian source, in the presence of bursty impulsive noise is considered. On the other hand, in Chapter 6, we investigate the distributed estimation of a scalar Gaussian source in WSNs in the presence of Middleton class-A noise. From the obtained results we conclude that the proposed optimal MMSE estimator outperforms the linear MMSE estimator developed for Gaussian channel

    Energy Harvesting Enabled Relaying network: Design System and Performance Analysis

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    The thesis deals with the design of new protocols and the analysis of wireless-powered communications networks’ performance. In order to bring the contribution to the science in field of my topic, this thesis starts with the study of wireless power supply policies, namely the separated power (SP) and harvested power (HP) techniques at the relay node in the full-duplex (FD) decode-and-forward (DF) relaying networks (RNs). In the second emphasis, the thesis deals with the factors degrading the system performance, i.e., channel state information (CSI) and hardware impairments (HWIs) using Hybrid time switching-based and power splitting-based relaying (HTPSR) protocol. Besides that, an optimization problem regarding time switching (TS) and power splitting (PS) ratios are solved in this thesis, where a genetic algorithm was used. In the third emphasis of this thesis, a two-way simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) network is considered to be an important technique, in which two new proposed protocols, namely power time splitting-based two-slot (PTSTW) and power time splitting-based three-slot (PTSTH) are deployed and compared with each other. The throughput performance is analyzed for both developed protocols. The following emphasis is the study of relay selection (RS) schemes. The three optimal RS schemes are proposed to examine the system performance, namely: * Half-duplex (HD) deploying maximal ratio combine (HDMRC), * FD deploying joint decoding (FDJD), * and hybrid FD/HD relaying transmission scheme (HTS). All of them operate in two optimal power supply policies - optimal power under the individual power constraints (OPIPC) and optimal power with energy harvesting ability (OPEHA). The simulation results show that the HTS outperforms HDMRC and FDJD, and OPEHA is better than OPIPC. Finally, Optimal time for transmitting power at source (OTPS) and Optimal time for transmitting power at relay (OTPR) are proposed to optimize the transmit power in a cognitive relaying network (CRN). For performance analysis, the outage probability, the rate-energy trade-off and the average energy efficiency are studied to enhance the successful data transmission.Tato dizertační práce se věnuje návrhu nových protokolů pro bezdrátově napájené komunikační sítě, jejichž efektivita je následně podrobena analýze. V této práci jsou probrány přístupy k bezdrátovému napájení komunikačních zařízení, a sice SP (Separated Power) a HP (Harvested Power), kdy energie je získána z okolí. Tyto techniky jsou zkoumány z pohledu tzv. relay uzlu R (Relay node) v plně duplexních sítích RN (Relaying Networks) pracujících v režimu DF (Decode-and-Forward). Mimoto, jsou v práci rozebrány i faktory snižující výkonnost a efektivitu bezdrátově napájených komunikačních systémů využívajících navržený hybridní protokol HTPSR (Hybrid Time Switching-based and Power Splitting-based Relaying). Pro tyto účely je využita zejména informace o stavu kanálu CSI (Channel State Information), přičemž detekovány a vyhodnoceny jsou i vlivy jednotlivých zařízení HWIs (Hardware Impairments). Pro zmíněný protokol HTPSR je v práci taktéž řešen problém optimalizace poměru mezi intervaly časového přepínání TS (Time Switching) a děleného napájení PS (Power Splitting), kde byl využit genetický algoritmus. Další oblastí, která je v této práci zkoumána, je síť umožňující současný přenos informací i energie pro napájení, pro niž byly v rámci této práce navrženy, nasazeny a vyhodnoceny dva protokoly, a to PTSTW (Power Time Splitting-based Two-slot) a PTSTH (Power Time Splitting-based Three-slot). Následně jsou v dizertaci zkoumány tři navržená schémata, ve kterých může být provozován uzel R a je provedena jejich výkonnostní analýza, konkrétně jde o režim: * poloduplexní využívající techniku kombinování maximálních poměrů HDMRC (Half-duplex Deploying Maximal Ratio Combine), * plně duplexní využívající sdružené dekódování FDJD (Full-duplex Deploying Joint Decoding), * a hybridní kombinující oba výše zmíněné způsoby v režimu HTS (Hybrid Transmission Scheme). Všechna tato tři schémata jsou provozována v optimalizovaných režimech provozu, přičemž v práci jsou rozebrány dva – optimální napájení s individuálními limity OPIPC (Optimal Power Under the Individual Power Constraints) a optimální napájení s možností využití získávání energie OPEHA (Optimal Power with Energy Harvesting Ability). Z následných simulací pak bylo zjištěno, že HTS svou efektivitou předčí jak HDMRC, tak FDJD a že režim OPEHA je výhodnější než režim OPIPC. Posledním přínosem této práce jsou dva navržené způsoby určení časových poměrů OTPS (Optimal Time for transmitting Power at Source) a OTPR (Optimal Time for transmitting Power at Relay) s cílem optimalizovat přenos energie v CR (Cognitive Relaying) sítích. Rovněž byly pečlivě zkoumány výkonnostní parametry jako pravděpodobnost výpadku, poměr mezi přenosovou rychlostí systému a dodanou energií a průměrná efektivita systému při přenosu energie, a to za účelem zlepšení vlastností datových přenosů.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvyhově

    Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Communication Networks: Performance Analysis and Optimal Resource Allocation

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    Energy harvesting is considered as a prominent solution to supply the energy demand for low-power consuming devices and sensor nodes. This approach relinquishes the requirements of wired connections and regular battery replacements. This thesis analyzes the performance of energy harvesting communication networks under various operation protocols and multiple access schemes. Furthermore, since the radio frequency signal has energy, in addition to conveying information, it is also possible to power energy harvesting component while establishing data connectivity with information-decoding component. This leads to the concept of simultaneous wireless information and power transfer. The central goal of this thesis is to conduct a performance analysis in terms of throughput and energy efficiency, and determine optimal resource allocation strategies for wireless information and power transfer. In the first part of the thesis, simultaneous transfer of information and power through wireless links to energy harvesting and information decoding components is studied considering finite alphabet inputs. The concept of non-uniform probability distribution is introduced for an arbitrary input, and mathematical formulations that relate probability distribution to the required harvested energy level are provided. In addition, impact of statistical quality of service (QoS) constraints on the overall performance is studied, and power control algorithms are provided. Next, power allocation strategies that maximize the system energy efficiency subject to peak power constraints are determined for fading multiple access channels. The impact of channel characteristics, circuit power consumption and peak power level on the node selection, i.e., activation of user equipment, and the corresponding optimal transmit power level are addressed. Initially, wireless information transfer only is considered and subsequently wireless power transfer is taken into account. Assuming energy harvesting components, two scenarios are addressed based on the receiver architecture, i.e, having separated antenna or common antenna for the information decoding and energy harvesting components. In both cases, optimal SWIPT power control policies are identified, and impact of the required harvested energy is analyzed. The second line of research in this thesis focuses on wireless-powered communication devices that operate based on harvest-then-transmit protocol. Optimal time allocation for the downlink and uplink operation interval are identified formulating throughput maximization and energy-efficiency maximization problems. In addition, the performance gain among various types of downlink-uplink operation protocols is analyzed taking into account statistical QoS constraints. Furthermore, the performance analysis of energy harvesting user equipment is extended to full-duplex wireless information and power transfer as well as cellular networks. In full-duplex operation, optimal power control policies are identified, and the significance of introducing non-zero mean component on the information-bearing signal is analyzed. Meanwhile, SINR coverage probabilities, average throughput and energy efficiency are explicitly characterized for wireless-powered cellular networks, and the impact of downlink SWIPT and uplink mmWave schemes are addressed. In the final part of the thesis, energy efficiency is considered as the performance metric, and time allocation strategies that maximize energy efficiency for wireless powered communication networks with non-orthogonal multiple access scheme are determined. Low complex algorithms are proposed based on Dinkelbach’s method. In addition, the impact of statistical QoS constraints imposed as limitations on the buffer violation probabilities is addressed

    Spectral-energy efficiency trade-off of relay-aided cellular networks

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    Wireless communication networks are traditionally designed to operate at high spectral e ciency with less emphasis on power consumption as it is assumed that endless power supply is available through the power grid where the cells are connected to. As new generations of mobile networks exhibit decreasing gains in spectral e ciency, the mobile industry is forced to consider energy reform policies in order to sustain the economic growth of itself and other industries relying on it. Consequently, the energy e ciency of conventional direct transmission cellular networks is being examined while alternative green network architectures are also explored. The relay-aided cellular network is being considered as one of the potential network architecture for energy e cient transmission. However, relaying transmission incurs multiplexing loss due to its multi-hop protocol. This, in turn, reduces network spectral e ciency. Furthermore, interference is also expected to increase with the deployment of Relay Stations (RSs) in the network. This thesis examines the power consumption of the conventional direct transmission cellular network and contributes to the development of the relay-aided cellular network. Firstly, the power consumption of the direct transmission cellular network is investigated. While most work considered transmitter side strategies, the impact of the receiver on the Base Station (BS) total power consumption is investigated here. Both the zero-forcing and minimum mean square error weight optimisation approaches are considered for both the conventional linear and successive interference cancellation receivers. The power consumption model which includes both the radio frequency transmit power and circuit power is described. The in uence of the receiver interference cancellation techniques, the number of transceiver antennas, circuit power consumption and inter-cell interference on the BS total power consumption is investigated. Secondly, the spectral-energy e ciency trade-o in the relay-aided cellular network is investigated. The signal forwarding and interference forwarding relaying paradigms are considered with the direct transmission cellular network taken as the baseline. This investigation serves to understand the dynamics in the performance trade-o . To select a suitable balance point in the trade-o , the economic e ciency metric is proposed whereby the spectral-energy e ciency pair which maximises the economic pro tability is found. Thus, the economic e ciency metric can be utilised as an alternative means to optimise the relay-aided cellular network while taking into account the inherent spectral-energy e ciency trade-o . Finally, the method of mitigating interference in the relay-aided cellular network is demonstrated by means of the proposed relay cooperation scheme. In the proposed scheme, both joint RS decoding and independent RS decoding approaches are considered during the broadcast phase while joint relay transmission is employed in the relay phase. Two user selection schemes requiring global Channel State Information (CSI) are considered. The partial semi-orthogonal user selection method with reduced CSI requirement is then proposed. As the cooperative cost limits the practicality of cooperative schemes, the cost incurred at the cooperative links between the RSs is investigated for varying degrees of RS cooperation. The performance of the relay cooperation scheme with di erent relay frequency reuse patterns is considered as well. In a nutshell, the research presented in this thesis reveals the impact of the receiver on the BS total power consumption in direct transmission cellular networks. The relayaided cellular network is then presented as an alternative architecture for energy e cient transmission. The economic e ciency metric is proposed to maximise the economic pro tability of the relay network while taking into account the existing spectral-energy e ciency trade-o . To mitigate the interference from the RSs, the relay cooperation scheme for advanced relay-aided cellular networks is proposed