96 research outputs found

    Arabic Sentiment Analysis with Noisy Deep Explainable Model

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    Sentiment Analysis (SA) is an indispensable task for many real-world applications. Compared to limited resourced languages (i.e., Arabic, Bengali), most of the research on SA are conducted for high resourced languages (i.e., English, Chinese). Moreover, the reasons behind any prediction of the Arabic sentiment analysis methods exploiting advanced artificial intelligence (AI)-based approaches are like black-box - quite difficult to understand. This paper proposes an explainable sentiment classification framework for the Arabic language by introducing a noise layer on Bi-Directional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)-BiLSTM models that overcome over-fitting problem. The proposed framework can explain specific predictions by training a local surrogate explainable model to understand why a particular sentiment (positive or negative) is being predicted. We carried out experiments on public benchmark Arabic SA datasets. The results concluded that adding noise layers improves the performance in sentiment analysis for the Arabic language by reducing overfitting and our method outperformed some known state-of-the-art methods. In addition, the introduced explainability with noise layer could make the model more transparent and accountable and hence help adopting AI-enabled system in practice.Comment: This is the pre-print version of our accepted paper at the 7th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval~(ACM NLPIR'2023

    A Named Entity Recognition Method Enhanced with Lexicon Information and Text Local Feature

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    At present, Named Entity Recognition (NER) is one of the fundamental tasks for extracting knowledge from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) texts. The variability of the length of TCM entities and the characteristics of the language of TCM texts lead to ambiguity of TCM entity boundaries. In addition, better extracting and exploiting local features of text can improve the accuracy of named entity recognition. In this paper, we proposed a TCM NER model with lexicon information and text local feature enhancement of text. In this model, a lexicon is introduced to encode the characters in the text to obtain the context-sensitive global semantic representation of the text. The convolutional neural network (CNN) and gate joined collaborative attention network are used to form a text local feature extraction module to capture the important semantic features of local text. Experiments were conducted on two TCM domain datasets and the F1 values are 91.13% and 90.21% respectively

    A Hybrid Convolutional Network and Long Short-Term Memory (HBCNLS) model for Sentiment Analysis on Movie Reviews

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    This paper proposes a hybrid model (HBCNLS) for sentiment analysis that combines the strengths of multiple machine learning approaches. The model consists of a convolutional neural network (CNN) for feature extraction, a long short-term memory (LSTM) network for capturing sequential dependencies, and a fully connected layer for classification on movie review dataset. We evaluate the performance of the HBCNLS on the IMDb movie review dataset and compare it to other state-of-the-art models, including BERT. Our results show that the hybrid model outperforms the other models in terms of accuracy, precision, and recall, demonstrating the effectiveness of the hybrid approach. The research work also compares the performance of BERT, a pre-trained transformer model, with long short-term memory (LSTM) networks and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for the task of sentiment analysis on a movie review dataset.

    Extraction of aspects from Online Reviews Using a Convolution Neural Network

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    The quality of the product is measured based on the opinions gathered from product reviews expressed on a product. Opinion mining deals with extracting the features or aspects from the reviews expressed by the users. Specifically, this model uses a deep convolutional neural network with three channels of input: a semantic word embedding channel that encodes the semantic content of the word, a part of speech tagging channel for sequential labelling and domain embedding channel for domain specific embeddings which is pooled and processed with a Softmax function. This model uses three input channels for aspect extraction. Experiments are conducted on amazon review dataset. This model achieved better result

    A Bi-Directional GRU Architecture for the Self-Attention Mechanism: An Adaptable, Multi-Layered Approach with Blend of Word Embedding

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    Sentiment analysis (SA) has become an essential component of natural language processing (NLP) with numerous practical applications to understanding “what other people think”. Various techniques have been developed to tackle SA using deep learning (DL); however, current research lacks comprehensive strategies incorporating multiple-word embeddings. This study proposes a self-attention mechanism that leverages DL and involves the contextual integration of word embedding with a time-dispersed bidirectional gated recurrent unit (Bi-GRU). This work employs word embedding approaches GloVe, word2vec, and fastText to achieve better predictive capabilities. By integrating these techniques, the study aims to improve the classifier’s capability to precisely analyze and categorize sentiments in textual data from the domain of movies. The investigation seeks to enhance the classifier’s performance in NLP tasks by addressing the challenges of underfitting and overfitting in DL. To evaluate the model’s effectiveness, an openly available IMDb dataset was utilized, achieving a remarkable testing accuracy of 99.70%

    Real-Time Stock Market Recommendation & Prediction using Multi Source Data

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    Stock investors must be cognizant of both the current price of their stock and the price at which they want to sell it in the future. This does not stop investors to monitor past price patterns and apply their knowledge to the present. ’Past performance is not an indicator of future success’, as the saying goes. To put it another way, historical stock data alone isn’t enough to forecast future stock prices. Another key factor to consider in a trading strategy is the impact of market psychology. Financial data, which is a type of multimedia data, provides a wealth of information that has been widely used for data analysis tasks. However, predicting stock prices remains a popular study topic for investors and financial scholars. Forecasting stock prices has become an extremely difficult undertaking because of the significant noise, nonlinearity, and volatility of stock price statistic data

    LSTM-DGWO-Based Sentiment Analysis Framework for Analyzing Online Customer Reviews

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    Sentiment analysis furnishes consumer concerns regarding products, enabling product enhancement development. Existing sentiment analysis using machine learning techniques is computationally intensive and less reliable. Deep learning in sentiment analysis approaches such as long short term memory has adequately evolved, and the selection of optimal hyperparameters is a significant issue. This study combines the LSTM with differential grey wolf optimization (LSTM-DGWO) deep learning model. The app review dataset is processed using the bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) framework for efficient word embeddings. Then, review features are extracted by the genetic algorithm (GA), and the optimal review feature set is extracted using the firefly algorithm (FA). Finally, the LSTM-DGWO model categorizes app reviews, and the DGWO algorithm optimizes the hyperparameters of the LSTM model. The proposed model outperformed conventional methods with a greater accuracy of 98.89%. The findings demonstrate that sentiment analysis can be practically applied to understand the customer’s perception of enhancing products from a business perspective.publishedVersio

    Computational Sarcasm Analysis on Social Media: A Systematic Review

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    Sarcasm can be defined as saying or writing the opposite of what one truly wants to express, usually to insult, irritate, or amuse someone. Because of the obscure nature of sarcasm in textual data, detecting it is difficult and of great interest to the sentiment analysis research community. Though the research in sarcasm detection spans more than a decade, some significant advancements have been made recently, including employing unsupervised pre-trained transformers in multimodal environments and integrating context to identify sarcasm. In this study, we aim to provide a brief overview of recent advancements and trends in computational sarcasm research for the English language. We describe relevant datasets, methodologies, trends, issues, challenges, and tasks relating to sarcasm that are beyond detection. Our study provides well-summarized tables of sarcasm datasets, sarcastic features and their extraction methods, and performance analysis of various approaches which can help researchers in related domains understand current state-of-the-art practices in sarcasm detection.Comment: 50 pages, 3 tables, Submitted to 'Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery' for possible publicatio

    A novel Auto-ML Framework for Sarcasm Detection

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    Many domains have sarcasm or verbal irony presented in the text of reviews, tweets, comments, and dialog discussions. The purpose of this research is to classify sarcasm for multiple domains using the deep learning based AutoML framework. The proposed AutoML framework has five models in the model search pipeline, these five models are the combination of convolutional neural network (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), deep neural network (DNN), and Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM). The hybrid combination of CNN, LSTM, and DNN models are presented as CNN-LSTM-DNN, LSTM-DNN, BiLSTM-DNN, and CNN-BiLSTM-DNN. This work has proposed the algorithms that contrast polarities between terms and phrases, which are categorized into implicit and explicit incongruity categories. The incongruity and pragmatic features like punctuation, exclamation marks, and others integrated into the AutoML DeepConcat framework models. That integration was possible when the DeepConcat AutoML framework initiate a model search pipeline for five models to achieve better performance. Conceptually, DeepConcat means that model will integrate with generalized features. It was evident that the pretrain model BiLSTM achieved a better performance of 0.98 F1 when compared with the other five model performances. Similarly, the AutoML based BiLSTM-DNN model achieved the best performance of 0.98 F1, which is better than core approaches and existing state-of-the-art Tweeter tweet dataset, Amazon reviews, and dialog discussion comments. The proposed AutoML framework has compared performance metrics F1 and AUC and discovered that F1 is better than AUC. The integration of all feature categories achieved a better performance than the individual category of pragmatic and incongruity features. This research also evaluated the performance of the dropout layer hyperparameter and it achieved better performance than the fixed percentage like 10% of dropout parameter of the AutoML based Bayesian optimization. Proposed AutoML framework DeepConcat evaluated best pretrain models BiLSTM-DNN and CNN-CNN-DNN to transfer knowledge across domains like Amazon reviews and Dialog discussion comments (text) using the last strategy, full layer, and our fade-out freezing strategies. In the transfer learning fade-out strategy outperformed the existing state-of-the-art model BiLSTM-DNN, the performance is 0.98 F1 on tweets, 0.85 F1 on Amazon reviews, and 0.87 F1 on the dialog discussion SCV2-Gen dataset. Further, all strategies with various domains can be compared for the best model selection
