191,966 research outputs found

    Deep Reinforcement Learning for Swarm Systems

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    Recently, deep reinforcement learning (RL) methods have been applied successfully to multi-agent scenarios. Typically, these methods rely on a concatenation of agent states to represent the information content required for decentralized decision making. However, concatenation scales poorly to swarm systems with a large number of homogeneous agents as it does not exploit the fundamental properties inherent to these systems: (i) the agents in the swarm are interchangeable and (ii) the exact number of agents in the swarm is irrelevant. Therefore, we propose a new state representation for deep multi-agent RL based on mean embeddings of distributions. We treat the agents as samples of a distribution and use the empirical mean embedding as input for a decentralized policy. We define different feature spaces of the mean embedding using histograms, radial basis functions and a neural network learned end-to-end. We evaluate the representation on two well known problems from the swarm literature (rendezvous and pursuit evasion), in a globally and locally observable setup. For the local setup we furthermore introduce simple communication protocols. Of all approaches, the mean embedding representation using neural network features enables the richest information exchange between neighboring agents facilitating the development of more complex collective strategies.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, version 3 (published in JMLR Volume 20

    Learning Reward Machines in Cooperative Multi-Agent Tasks

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    This paper presents a novel approach to Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) that combines cooperative task decomposition with the learning of reward machines (RMs) encoding the structure of the sub-tasks. The proposed method helps deal with the non-Markovian nature of the rewards in partially observable environments and improves the interpretability of the learnt policies required to complete the cooperative task. The RMs associated with each sub-task are learnt in a decentralised manner and then used to guide the behaviour of each agent. By doing so, the complexity of a cooperative multi-agent problem is reduced, allowing for more effective learning. The results suggest that our approach is a promising direction for future research in MARL, especially in complex environments with large state spaces and multiple agents.Comment: Neuro-symbolic AI for Agent and Multi-Agent Systems Workshop at AAMAS'2

    Multi-agent deep reinforcement learning with centralized training and decentralized execution for transportation infrastructure management

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    We present a multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) framework for managing large transportation infrastructure systems over their life-cycle. Life-cycle management of such engineering systems is a computationally intensive task, requiring appropriate sequential inspection and maintenance decisions able to reduce long-term risks and costs, while dealing with different uncertainties and constraints that lie in high-dimensional spaces. To date, static age- or condition-based maintenance methods and risk-based or periodic inspection plans have mostly addressed this class of optimization problems. However, optimality, scalability, and uncertainty limitations are often manifested under such approaches. The optimization problem in this work is cast in the framework of constrained Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs), which provides a comprehensive mathematical basis for stochastic sequential decision settings with observation uncertainties, risk considerations, and limited resources. To address significantly large state and action spaces, a Deep Decentralized Multi-agent Actor-Critic (DDMAC) DRL method with Centralized Training and Decentralized Execution (CTDE), termed as DDMAC-CTDE is developed. The performance strengths of the DDMAC-CTDE method are demonstrated in a generally representative and realistic example application of an existing transportation network in Virginia, USA. The network includes several bridge and pavement components with nonstationary degradation, agency-imposed constraints, and traffic delay and risk considerations. Compared to traditional management policies for transportation networks, the proposed DDMAC-CTDE method vastly outperforms its counterparts. Overall, the proposed algorithmic framework provides near optimal solutions for transportation infrastructure management under real-world constraints and complexities

    Learning in Nonzero-Sum Stochastic Games with Potentials

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    Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has become effective in tackling discrete cooperative game scenarios. However, MARL has yet to penetrate settings beyond those modelled by team and zero-sum games, confining it to a small subset of multi-agent systems. In this paper, we introduce a new generation of MARL learners that can handle nonzero-sum payoff structures and continuous settings. In particular, we study the MARL problem in a class of games known as stochastic potential games (SPGs) with continuous state-action spaces. Unlike cooperative games, in which all agents share a common reward, SPGs are capable of modelling real-world scenarios where agents seek to fulfil their individual goals. We prove theoretically our learning method, SPot-AC, enables independent agents to learn Nash equilibrium strategies in polynomial time. We demonstrate our framework tackles previously unsolvable tasks such as Coordination Navigation and large selfish routing games and that it outperforms the state of the art MARL baselines such as MADDPG and COMIX in such scenarios.Comment: ICML 202

    Adaptive trajectory-constrained exploration strategy for deep reinforcement learning

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    Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) faces significant challenges in addressing the hard-exploration problems in tasks with sparse or deceptive rewards and large state spaces. These challenges severely limit the practical application of DRL. Most previous exploration methods relied on complex architectures to estimate state novelty or introduced sensitive hyperparameters, resulting in instability. To mitigate these issues, we propose an efficient adaptive trajectory-constrained exploration strategy for DRL. The proposed method guides the policy of the agent away from suboptimal solutions by leveraging incomplete offline demonstrations as references. This approach gradually expands the exploration scope of the agent and strives for optimality in a constrained optimization manner. Additionally, we introduce a novel policy-gradient-based optimization algorithm that utilizes adaptively clipped trajectory-distance rewards for both single- and multi-agent reinforcement learning. We provide a theoretical analysis of our method, including a deduction of the worst-case approximation error bounds, highlighting the validity of our approach for enhancing exploration. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conducted experiments on two large 2D grid world mazes and several MuJoCo tasks. The extensive experimental results demonstrate the significant advantages of our method in achieving temporally extended exploration and avoiding myopic and suboptimal behaviors in both single- and multi-agent settings. Notably, the specific metrics and quantifiable results further support these findings. The code used in the study is available at \url{https://github.com/buaawgj/TACE}.Comment: 35 pages, 36 figures; accepted by Knowledge-Based Systems, not publishe

    Enhancing Exploration and Safety in Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    A Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) agent tries to learn a policy maximizing a long-term objective by trials and errors in large state spaces. However, this learning paradigm requires a non-trivial amount of interactions in the environment to achieve good performance. Moreover, critical applications, such as robotics, typically involve safety criteria to consider while designing novel DRL solutions. Hence, devising safe learning approaches with efficient exploration is crucial to avoid getting stuck in local optima, failing to learn properly, or causing damages to the surrounding environment. This thesis focuses on developing Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms to foster efficient exploration and safer behaviors in simulation and real domains of interest, ranging from robotics to multi-agent systems. To this end, we rely both on standard benchmarks, such as SafetyGym, and robotic tasks widely adopted in the literature (e.g., manipulation, navigation). This variety of problems is crucial to assess the statistical significance of our empirical studies and the generalization skills of our approaches. We initially benchmark the sample efficiency versus performance trade-off between value-based and policy-gradient algorithms. This part highlights the benefits of using non-standard simulation environments (i.e., Unity), which also facilitates the development of further optimization for DRL. We also discuss the limitations of standard evaluation metrics (e.g., return) in characterizing the actual behaviors of a policy, proposing the use of Formal Verification (FV) as a practical methodology to evaluate behaviors over desired specifications. The second part introduces Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) as a gradient-free complimentary optimization strategy. In detail, we combine population-based and gradient-based DRL to diversify exploration and improve performance both in single and multi-agent applications. For the latter, we discuss how prior Multi-Agent (Deep) Reinforcement Learning (MARL) approaches hinder exploration, proposing an architecture that favors cooperation without affecting exploration
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