46,538 research outputs found

    Mulberry Garden Seasonal Dinner Menu 5th – 7th July, 2012

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    Mulberry Garden is located in Mulberry Lane, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 opposite the Bang and Olufsen Store in Donnybrook where Morehampton Road meets Donnybrook Road. The proprietor is John Wyer. It opens three evenings a week Thursday to Saturday. The menu changes every week with a choice of two starters, two main courses, a pudding and a cheese plates. The cost is €40 per person. “At Mulberry Garden, we serve one menu based around the finest and freshest seasonal, Irish produce. Our chefs are passionate about using Irish produce and work closely with the best local farmers, butchers, fishermen and artisan producers to bring you an exciting and brand new menu every week which celebrates the delicious and wonderful food heritage of Ireland. Our menu is a throwback to the origin of restaurants where a fixed table d’hote menu based around the best produce from that days market was served in convivial and comfortable surroundings with good wine as a well-earned and welcome respite after a hard day’s work or travel. So, our request to you is simple. Bring along your sense of adventure, leave your inhibitions behind and put your faith in our team of talented chefs and the culinary delights of the Irish countryside. Of course, we like to work especially closely with our vegetarian guests and we will endeavour to meet all your dietary requirements.” Taken from the Mulberry Garden websitehttps://arrow.tudublin.ie/menus21c/1030/thumbnail.jp

    Mulberry Garden Restaurant: Wine List

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    Mulberry Garden is located in Mulberry Lane, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 opposite the Bang and Olufsen Store in Donnybrook where Morehampton Road meets Donnybrook Road. The proprietor is John Wyer. It opens three evenings a week Thursday to Saturday. The menu changes every week with a choice of two starters, two main courses, a pudding and a cheese plates. The cost is €40 per person. “At Mulberry Garden, we serve one menu based around the finest and freshest seasonal, Irish produce. Our chefs are passionate about using Irish produce and work closely with the best local farmers, butchers, fishermen and artisan producers to bring you an exciting and brand new menu every week which celebrates the delicious and wonderful food heritage of Ireland. Our menu is a throwback to the origin of restaurants where a fixed table d’hote menu based around the best produce from that days market was served in convivial and comfortable surroundings with good wine as a well-earned and welcome respite after a hard day’s work or travel. So, our request to you is simple. Bring along your sense of adventure, leave your inhibitions behind and put your faith in our team of talented chefs and the culinary delights of the Irish countryside. Of course, we like to work especially closely with our vegetarian guests and we will endeavour to meet all your dietary requirements.” Taken from the Mulberry Garden websitehttps://arrow.tudublin.ie/menus21c/1070/thumbnail.jp

    Mulberry Garden Restaurant: Dinner Menu 30th. of May-1st of June, 2013

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    Mulberry Garden is located in Mulberry Lane, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 opposite the Bang and Olufsen Store in Donnybrook where Morehampton Road meets Donnybrook Road. The proprietor is John Wyer. It opens three evenings a week Thursday to Saturday. The menu changes every week with a choice of two starters, two main courses, a pudding and a cheese plates. The cost is €40 per person. “At Mulberry Garden, we serve one menu based around the finest and freshest seasonal, Irish produce. Our chefs are passionate about using Irish produce and work closely with the best local farmers, butchers, fishermen and artisan producers to bring you an exciting and brand new menu every week which celebrates the delicious and wonderful food heritage of Ireland. Our menu is a throwback to the origin of restaurants where a fixed table d’hote menu based around the best produce from that days market was served in convivial and comfortable surroundings with good wine as a well-earned and welcome respite after a hard day’s work or travel. So, our request to you is simple. Bring along your sense of adventure, leave your inhibitions behind and put your faith in our team of talented chefs and the culinary delights of the Irish countryside. Of course, we like to work especially closely with our vegetarian guests and we will endeavour to meet all your dietary requirements.” Taken from the Mulberry Garden websitehttps://arrow.tudublin.ie/menus21c/1068/thumbnail.jp

    Mulberry Garden : Seasonal Dinner Menu

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    Mulberry Lane, Donnybrook, Dublin 4.https://arrow.tudublin.ie/menus21c/1116/thumbnail.jp

    Mulberry Garden : October Seasonal Dinner Menu

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    Mulberry Lane, Donnybrook Dublin 4, Ireland, D04 WE03https://arrow.tudublin.ie/menus21c/1483/thumbnail.jp

    Mulberry Garden Seasonal Dinner Menu 6th – 8th of December ,2012

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    Mulberry Garden is located in Mulberry Lane, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 opposite the Bang and Olufsen Store in Donnybrook where Morehampton Road meets Donnybrook Road. The proprietor is John Wyer. It opens three evenings a week Thursday to Saturday. The menu changes every week with a choice of two starters, two main courses, a pudding and a cheese plates. The cost is €40 per person. “At Mulberry Garden, we serve one menu based around the finest and freshest seasonal, Irish produce. Our chefs are passionate about using Irish produce and work closely with the best local farmers, butchers, fishermen and artisan producers to bring you an exciting and brand new menu every week which celebrates the delicious and wonderful food heritage of Ireland. Our menu is a throwback to the origin of restaurants where a fixed table d’hote menu based around the best produce from that days market was served in convivial and comfortable surroundings with good wine as a well-earned and welcome respite after a hard day’s work or travel. So, our request to you is simple. Bring along your sense of adventure, leave your inhibitions behind and put your faith in our team of talented chefs and the culinary delights of the Irish countryside. Of course, we like to work especially closely with our vegetarian guests and we will endeavour to meet all your dietary requirements.” Taken from the Mulberry Garden websitehttps://arrow.tudublin.ie/menus21c/1031/thumbnail.jp

    Mulberry Garden Seasonal Dinner Menu, 22nd – 24th March. 2012

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    Mulberry Garden is located in Mulberry Lane, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 opposite the Bang and Olufsen Store in Donnybrook where Morehampton Road meets Donnybrook Road. The proprietor is John Wyer. It opens three evenings a week Thursday to Saturday. The menu changes every week with a choice of two starters, two main courses, a pudding and a cheese plates. The cost is €40 per person. “At Mulberry Garden, we serve one menu based around the finest and freshest seasonal, Irish produce. Our chefs are passionate about using Irish produce and work closely with the best local farmers, butchers, fishermen and artisan producers to bring you an exciting and brand new menu every week which celebrates the delicious and wonderful food heritage of Ireland. Our menu is a throwback to the origin of restaurants where a fixed table d’hote menu based around the best produce from that days market was served in convivial and comfortable surroundings with good wine as a well-earned and welcome respite after a hard day’s work or travel. So, our request to you is simple. Bring along your sense of adventure, leave your inhibitions behind and put your faith in our team of talented chefs and the culinary delights of the Irish countryside. Of course, we like to work especially closely with our vegetarian guests and we will endeavour to meet all your dietary requirements.” Taken from the Mulberry Garden websitehttps://arrow.tudublin.ie/menus21c/1029/thumbnail.jp

    Mulberry Garden Restaurant: Vegetarian Menu 30th. of May-1st.June, 2013

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    Mulberry Garden is located in Mulberry Lane, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 opposite the Bang and Olufsen Store in Donnybrook where Morehampton Road meets Donnybrook Road. The proprietor is John Wyer. It opens three evenings a week Thursday to Saturday. The menu changes every week with a choice of two starters, two main courses, a pudding and a cheese plates. The cost is €40 per person. “At Mulberry Garden, we serve one menu based around the finest and freshest seasonal, Irish produce. Our chefs are passionate about using Irish produce and work closely with the best local farmers, butchers, fishermen and artisan producers to bring you an exciting and brand new menu every week which celebrates the delicious and wonderful food heritage of Ireland. Our menu is a throwback to the origin of restaurants where a fixed table d’hote menu based around the best produce from that days market was served in convivial and comfortable surroundings with good wine as a well-earned and welcome respite after a hard day’s work or travel. So, our request to you is simple. Bring along your sense of adventure, leave your inhibitions behind and put your faith in our team of talented chefs and the culinary delights of the Irish countryside. Of course, we like to work especially closely with our vegetarian guests and we will endeavour to meet all your dietary requirements.” Taken from the Mulberry Garden websitehttps://arrow.tudublin.ie/menus21c/1069/thumbnail.jp

    Paper Session I-C - An Update on Zero Gravity effects on Human Space Flight and a Progress Report on Artificial Gravity Experiments

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    The future commercialization of space will require increased human presence. This is due to the risk and complexity associated with the manufacture, assembly, operation, maintenance and modification of facilities in space. This human element is a natural outgrowth from the discovery and exploration stages to the habitation phase of space. However, for mankind to be successful in this endeavor, we must build space vehicles and facilities that reflect our “natural” earth environment - when possible. One of those critical environmental factors is gravity and its associated role in the health, orientation and mobility of living organisms. International space flight experience over the past thirty-six years has provided volumes of medical research data on the near term and projected long range effects of micro-gravity on humans. Unfortunately, this analysis is widely scattered in government research libraries, databases and bookshelves around the earth in English, Russian, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Also, these reports are written in highly technical and statistical terms and as such, the results of years of analysis, millions of research dollars and difficult training remain hidden from the general public (who ultimately pay for our space efforts) and the beginning researcher. This paper reviews that research - as currently available from both the Russian and United States manned space programs. Specifically, this paper focuses on the zero-gravity effects on the physiological make-up of man. These effects play a key role in our ability to cope with the detailed and myriad tasks in space


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    Mulberry merupakan tanaman pohon yang berbeda dari berry kebanyakan yang merupakan tanaman semak. Tinggi pohon mulberry sekitar 10-15 meter dan hidup di area subtropik di Afrika, Asia dan Amerika. Mulberry atau yang dikenal juga dengan nama murbei adalah tanaman dari keluarga Moraceae berjenis Morus. Menurut BPPT, pada tahun 2005 terdapat 45.085,5 Ha lahan mulberry di Indonesia dan sekitar 9.000 hektar diantaranya terdapat di Jawa Barat. Tanaman mulberry memiliki banyak spesies, diantaranya Morus alba, Morus multicaulis, Morus nigra, Morus macroura, Morus cathayana, Morus indica, Morus canva, Morus Khunpai, Morus husan, Morus lembang. Maksud penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan air terhadap karakteristik sari buah dan ampas black mulberry. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menetapkan jumlah air yang tepat agar dihasilkan sari buah black mulberry dengan karakteristik terbaik. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi mengenai jumlah air yang tepat dalam pembuatan sari buah black mulberry, sehingga dapat dihasilkan sari buah black mulberry dengan karakteristik terbaik. Buah black mulberry merupakan buah yang kaya akan kandungan air, lebih dari 80% adalah air. Buah black mulberry memiliki rasa yang cukup manis namun masam, rasa masam ini menandakan bahwa pada buah black mulberry terkandung vitamin C. Vitamin C termasuk golongan vitamin antioksidan yang mampu menangkal berbagai radikal bebas ekstraselular. Penelitian pendahuluan yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk menentukan kandungan alami dari buah black mulberry yang akan digunakan pada penelitian utama, yang meliputi penentuan kadar air, penentuan kadar vitamin C, penentuan aktifitas antioksidan, dan penentuan kadar gula pada buah black mulberry. Penelitian utama terdiri dari rancangan perlakuan, rancangan percobaan, rancangan analisis, dan rancangan respon
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