3 research outputs found

    Improving meteorological information to air transport

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    Meteorological information and services supporting the various operations of air transport enable a safe, efficient and cost-effective operating environment for airspace users, air navigation service providers and air traffic management. The continuing pursuit towards an improved quality of observation, forecasting and decision support services is driven by an increasingly weather-sensitive society and growing impacts of hazardous weather events. This thesis provides an overview of the field of aeronautical meteorological research by introducing the organisations involved, global and regional strategies, impacts of weather on air transport, current state of the art in meteorological research and decision support systems serving air transport needs with a view of where the field should evolve next. This thesis is an attempt to highlight key findings and point the reader towards the direction of further research on the given topics. Research supporting air transport operations with the optimal use of weather information is a specialized field where advances are led by the needs of various airspace users. Research institutions for example in the United States have contributed greatly due to the severe weather impacts experienced by the National Airspace System (NAS), the ability of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to direct long-term funding to solve specific aviation-related research questions. The creation and maintenance of long-lived teams of scientists and engineers working together to produce end-to-end solutions that meet the needs of the aviation industry is the key to improving meteorological information to aviation users while university research is typically shorter duration and typical does not result in operational systems. From a global perspective, research is yet to be organised in a way that would contribute to solving aviation issues beyond single research projects and/or programmes. There is a lot more the scientific community could do to develop tailored information to decision support systems used by the aviation sector, but it would require systematic investments and the establishment of research groups focusing on the applied science questions and technology transfer. This thesis provides an overview of recommended decision support system development topics with an outline of potential milestones.Tieto ilmakehän nykyisestä ja tulevasta tilasta sekä tätä tietoa ilmailun tarpeisiin tuottavat palvelut mahdollistavat turvallisen, toimivan sekä kustannustehokkaan toimintaympäristön ilmatilan käyttäjille, ilmailun palveluiden tuottajille sekä ilmatilan hallintaa toteuttaville tahoille. Vaarallisille sääilmiöille herkemmäksi kehittyvä yhteiskunta vaatii havaintojen, ennusteiden sekä päätöksenteon tukijärjestelmien jatkuvaa kehittämistä asiakkaiden tarpeisiin. Tämä lisensiaatintutkielma tarjoaa maailmanlaajuisen yleiskatsauksen ilmailun sääpalveluiden tutkimukseen ja tuotekehitykseen pyrkimyksenään esitellä keskeiset toimijat, alueelliset ja kansalliset kehittämisohjelmat ja strategiat, sään vaikutukset ilmailulle, ilmailun sääpalveluiden nykytila sekä tulevaisuuden toimintaympäristön edellyttämät uudet lentosääpalvelut. Tavoitteena on korostaa ilmailun kannalta tärkeimpiä meteorologisia kehityskohteita ja ohjata lukija jo tehdyn tutkimuksen pariin. Ilmailun toimintoja tukevien sääpalveluiden kehittämiseen tähtäävä tutkimus on hyvin soveltava erikoisala, missä asiakkaiden tarpeet määrittävät tutkimuskohteet. Kehitys on keskittynyt voimakkaasti Yhdysvaltoihin, mihin on syynä kapasiteetin äärirajoilla toimiva ilmatila sekä kyky rahoittaa pitkäkestoisia meteorologisia tutkimushankkeita ilmailun tarpeisiin. Meteorologian tutkijoiden ja insinöörien pitkäkestoinen yhteistyö tuottaa koko arvoketjun kattavia projekteja, joiden lopputuloksena syntyy asiakkaan tarpeisiin räätälöityjä palveluita hyödyntäen yliopistoissa tehtävää tutkimusta sekä tietoteknisten ratkaisujen kehittymistä. Maailmanlaajuisesti katsottuna ilmailun sääpalveluiden tutkimusta ja tuotekehitystä ei ole toistaiseksi järjestetty yhtenäisen strategian tai tavoitteiden alle. Tieteellinen yhteisö pystyisi kasvattamaan merkittävästi panostaan ilmailun turvallisuuden kehittämiseksi, mikäli tuotekehityksen rahoitus organisoitaisiin paremmin ja osaaminen keskitettäisiin soveltavan tutkimuksen ryhmiin. Tämä tutkielma sisältää suosituksia päätöksenteon tukijärjestelmiin integroitavista sääpalveluista, joiden avulla säätilan vaikutus lentotoiminnalle voidaan viedä suoraan päätöksentekotasolle. Tutkielmassa esitettyjen projektiaihioiden tarkoituksena esittää konkreettisia toimenpiteitä, joilla varmistutaan tutkimuksen soveltuvuudesta loppukäyttäjien toimintaan

    Improving meteorological information to air transport

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    Meteorological information and services supporting the various operations of air transport enable a safe, efficient and cost-effective operating environment for airspace users, air navigation service providers and air traffic management. The continuing pursuit towards an improved quality of observation, forecasting and decision support services is driven by an increasingly weather-sensitive society and growing impacts of hazardous weather events. This thesis provides an overview of the field of aeronautical meteorological research by introducing the organisations involved, global and regional strategies, impacts of weather on air transport, current state of the art in meteorological research and decision support systems serving air transport needs with a view of where the field should evolve next. This thesis is an attempt to highlight key findings and point the reader towards the direction of further research on the given topics. Research supporting air transport operations with the optimal use of weather information is a specialized field where advances are led by the needs of various airspace users. Research institutions for example in the United States have contributed greatly due to the severe weather impacts experienced by the National Airspace System (NAS), the ability of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to direct long-term funding to solve specific aviation-related research questions. The creation and maintenance of long-lived teams of scientists and engineers working together to produce end-to-end solutions that meet the needs of the aviation industry is the key to improving meteorological information to aviation users while university research is typically shorter duration and typical does not result in operational systems. From a global perspective, research is yet to be organised in a way that would contribute to solving aviation issues beyond single research projects and/or programmes. There is a lot more the scientific community could do to develop tailored information to decision support systems used by the aviation sector, but it would require systematic investments and the establishment of research groups focusing on the applied science questions and technology transfer. This thesis provides an overview of recommended decision support system development topics with an outline of potential milestones

    An ebd-enabled design knowledge acquisition framework

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    Having enough knowledge and keeping it up to date enables designers to execute the design assignment effectively and gives them a competitive advantage in the design profession. Knowledge elicitation or acquisition is a crucial component of system design, particularly for tasks requiring transdisciplinary or multidisciplinary cooperation. In system design, extracting domain-specific information is exceedingly tricky for designers. This thesis presents three works that attempt to bridge the gap between designers and domain expertise. First, a systematic literature review on data-driven demand elicitation is given using the Environment-based Design (EBD) approach. This review address two research objectives: (i) to investigate the present state of computer-aided requirement knowledge elicitation in the domains of engineering; (ii) to integrate EBD methodology into the conventional literature review framework by providing a well-structured research question generation methodology. The second study describes a data-driven interview transcript analysis strategy that employs EBD environment analysis, unsupervised machine learning, and a range of natural language processing (NLP) approaches to assist designers and qualitative researchers in extracting needs when domain expertise is lacking. The second research proposes a transfer-learning method-based qualitative text analysis framework that aids researchers in extracting valuable knowledge from interview data for healthcare promotion decision-making. The third work is an EBD-enabled design lexical knowledge acquisition framework that automatically constructs a semantic network -- RomNet from an extensive collection of abstracts from engineering publications. Applying RomNet can improve the design information retrieval quality and communication between each party involved in a design project. To conclude, this thesis integrates artificial intelligence techniques, such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods, Machine Learning techniques, and rule-based systems to build a knowledge acquisition framework that supports manual, semi-automatic, and automatic extraction of design knowledge from different types of the textual data source