355 research outputs found

    Multi-View Video Packet Scheduling

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    In multiview applications, multiple cameras acquire the same scene from different viewpoints and generally produce correlated video streams. This results in large amounts of highly redundant data. In order to save resources, it is critical to handle properly this correlation during encoding and transmission of the multiview data. In this work, we propose a correlation-aware packet scheduling algorithm for multi-camera networks, where information from all cameras are transmitted over a bottleneck channel to clients that reconstruct the multiview images. The scheduling algorithm relies on a new rate-distortion model that captures the importance of each view in the scene reconstruction. We propose a problem formulation for the optimization of the packet scheduling policies, which adapt to variations in the scene content. Then, we design a low complexity scheduling algorithm based on a trellis search that selects the subset of candidate packets to be transmitted towards effective multiview reconstruction at clients. Extensive simulation results confirm the gain of our scheduling algorithm when inter-source correlation information is used in the scheduler, compared to scheduling policies with no information about the correlation or non-adaptive scheduling policies. We finally show that increasing the optimization horizon in the packet scheduling algorithm improves the transmission performance, especially in scenarios where the level of correlation rapidly varies with time

    Recent Developments on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks and Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

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    This book presents collective works published in the recent Special Issue (SI) entitled "Recent Developments on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks and Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks”. These works expose the readership to the latest solutions and techniques for MANETs and VANETs. They cover interesting topics such as power-aware optimization solutions for MANETs, data dissemination in VANETs, adaptive multi-hop broadcast schemes for VANETs, multi-metric routing protocols for VANETs, and incentive mechanisms to encourage the distribution of information in VANETs. The book demonstrates pioneering work in these fields, investigates novel solutions and methods, and discusses future trends in these field

    Timely and reliable packets delivery over Internet of Vehicles (IoVs) for road accidents prevention: a cross-layer approach

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    With the envisioned era of Internet of Things (IoTs), all aspects of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) will be connected to improve transport safety, relieve traffic congestion, reduce air pollution, enhance the comfort of transportation and significantly reduce road accidents. In IoVs, regular exchange of current position, direction, velocity, etc., enables mobile vehicles to predict an upcoming accident and alert the human drivers in time or proactively take precautionary actions to avoid the accident. The actualization of this concept requires the use of channel access protocols that can guarantee reliable and timely broadcast of safety messages. This paper investigates the application of network coding concept to increase content of every transmission and achieve improved broadcast reliability with less number of retransmission. In particular, we proposed Code Aided Retransmission-based Error Recovery (CARER) scheme, introduced an RTB/CTB handshake to overcome hidden node problem and reduce packets collision rate. In order to avoid broadcast storm problem associated with the use of RTB/CTB packet in a broadcast transmission, we developed a rebroadcasting metric used to successfully select a vehicle to rebroadcast the encoded message. The performance of CARER protocol is clearly shown with detailed theoretical analysis and further validated with simulation experiments

    Ordering, timeliness and reliability for publish/subscribe systems over WAN

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    In the last few years, the increasing use of the Internet and geo-political, sociological and financial changes induced by globalization, are paving the way for a connected world where the information is always available at the right place and the right time. As such, applications previously deployed for ``closed'' environmets, are now federating into geographically distributed systems connected through a Wide Area Network (WAN). By this evolution, in the near future no system will be isolated: every system will be composed by interconnected systems, i.e., it will be a System of Systems (SoS). Example of SoS are the Large-scale Complex Critical Infrastructure (LCCIs), such as power grids, transport infrastructures (airports and seaports), financial infrastructures, next generation intelligence platforms, to cite a few. In these systems, multiple sources of information generate a high volume of events that need to be delivered to all intended destinations by respecting several Quality of Service (QoS) constraints imposed by the critical nature of LCCIs. As such, particular attention is devoted to the middleware solution used to disseminate information in the SoS. Due to its inherently scalability provided by space, time and synchronization decoupling properties, the publish/subscribe paradigm is becoming attractive for the implementation of a middleware service for LCCIs. However, scalability is not the only requirement exhibited by SoS. Several services need to control a broader set of QoS requirements, such as timeliness, ordering and reliability. Unfortunately, current middleware solutions do not address QoS constraints required by SoS. Current publish/subscribe middleware solutions for the WAN environment offer only a best effort event dissemination, with no additional control on QoS. Just a few implementations try to address some isolated QoS policy, making them not suitable for a SoS scenario. The contribution of this thesis is to devise a QoS layer that can be posed on top of a generic publish/subscribe middleware that enriches its service by addressing: (i) ordering, (ii) reliability and (iii) timeliness in event dissemination in SoS over WAN. Specifically, we first analyze several real case studies, by highlighting their QoS requirements in terms of ordering, reliability and timeliness, and compare these requirements with both current research prototypes and commercial systems. Then, we fill the gap by proposing novel algorithms to address those requirements. The proposed protocols can also be combined together in order to provide the QoS level required by the particular application. In this way, QoS issues do not need to be addressed at application level, so as to leave applications to implement just their native functionalities

    Ordering, timeliness and reliability for publish/subscribe systems over WAN

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    In the last few years, the increasing use of the Internet and geo-political, sociological and financial changes induced by globalization, are paving the way for a connected world where the information is always available at the right place and the right time. As such, applications previously deployed for ``closed'' environmets, are now federating into geographically distributed systems connected through a Wide Area Network (WAN). By this evolution, in the near future no system will be isolated: every system will be composed by interconnected systems, i.e., it will be a System of Systems (SoS). Example of SoS are the Large-scale Complex Critical Infrastructure (LCCIs), such as power grids, transport infrastructures (airports and seaports), financial infrastructures, next generation intelligence platforms, to cite a few. In these systems, multiple sources of information generate a high volume of events that need to be delivered to all intended destinations by respecting several Quality of Service (QoS) constraints imposed by the critical nature of LCCIs. As such, particular attention is devoted to the middleware solution used to disseminate information in the SoS. Due to its inherently scalability provided by space, time and synchronization decoupling properties, the publish/subscribe paradigm is becoming attractive for the implementation of a middleware service for LCCIs. However, scalability is not the only requirement exhibited by SoS. Several services need to control a broader set of QoS requirements, such as timeliness, ordering and reliability. Unfortunately, current middleware solutions do not address QoS constraints required by SoS. Current publish/subscribe middleware solutions for the WAN environment offer only a best effort event dissemination, with no additional control on QoS. Just a few implementations try to address some isolated QoS policy, making them not suitable for a SoS scenario. The contribution of this thesis is to devise a QoS layer that can be posed on top of a generic publish/subscribe middleware that enriches its service by addressing: (i) ordering, (ii) reliability and (iii) timeliness in event dissemination in SoS over WAN. Specifically, we first analyze several real case studies, by highlighting their QoS requirements in terms of ordering, reliability and timeliness, and compare these requirements with both current research prototypes and commercial systems. Then, we fill the gap by proposing novel algorithms to address those requirements. The proposed protocols can also be combined together in order to provide the QoS level required by the particular application. In this way, QoS issues do not need to be addressed at application level, so as to leave applications to implement just their native functionalities

    Exploiting Caching and Multicast for 5G Wireless Networks

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    The landscape toward 5G wireless communication is currently unclear, and, despite the efforts of academia and industry in evolving traditional cellular networks, the enabling technology for 5G is still obscure. This paper puts forward a network paradigm toward next-generation cellular networks, targeting to satisfy the explosive demand for mobile data while minimizing energy expenditures. The paradigm builds on two principles; namely caching and multicast. On one hand, caching policies disperse popular content files at the wireless edge, e.g., pico-cells and femto-cells, hence shortening the distance between content and requester. On other hand, due to the broadcast nature of wireless medium, requests for identical files occurring at nearby times are aggregated and served through a common multicast stream. To better exploit the available cache space, caching policies are optimized based on multicast transmissions. We show that the multicast-aware caching problem is NP-hard and develop solutions with performance guarantees using randomized-rounding techniques. Trace-driven numerical results show that in the presence of massive demand for delay tolerant content, combining caching and multicast can indeed reduce energy costs. The gains over existing caching schemes are 19% when users tolerate delay of three minutes, increasing further with the steepness of content access pattern

    Benchmarking the cooperative awareness service at application layer with IEEE 802.11p and LTE-PC5 Mode-4

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. Al document ha d’aparèixer l’enllaç a la publicació original a IEEE, o bé al Digital Object Identifier (DOI).Vehicular communications hold the promise of disrupting mobility services and supporting the mass adoption of future autonomous vehicles. Regulators have set aside specific spectrum at the 5.9 GHz band to support Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) safety applications, for which a world-wide adoption of a standardized radio technology is a key factor to deliver on this promise. Two technologies are currently positioned to begin its commercial path, IEEE 802.11p and LTE-PC5 Mode-4. The main differences between these technologies lie on the design of their channel access mechanisms. This paper provides an analysis of the impact that the Medium Access Control (MAC) mechanisms included in 802.11p and LTE-PC5 Mode-4 will have on the performance of the applications using the Cooperative Awareness Service, applying two new application-level metrics used by safety applications: Neighborhood Awareness Ratio and Position Error. We have found that, even with an equivalent physical layer performance, the MAC layer of LTE-PC5 Mode-4 will mostly outperform the MAC layer of IEEE 802.11p (or its not yet ready enhanced version 802.11bd). However, IEEE 802.11p/bd results in slightly better vehicle positioning accuracy at lower distances.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Opportunistic Routing with Network Coding in Powerline Communications

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    Opportunistic Routing (OR) can be used as an alternative to the legacy routing (LR) protocols in networks with a broadcast lossy channel and possibility of overhearing the signal. The power line medium creates such an environment. OR can better exploit the channel than LR because it allows the cooperation of all nodes that receive any data. With LR, only a chain of nodes is selected for communication. Other nodes drop the received information. We investigate OR for the one-source one-destination scenario with one traffic flow. First, we evaluate the upper bound on the achievable data rate and advocate the decentralized algorithm for its calculation. This knowledge is used in the design of Basic Routing Rules (BRR). They use the link quality metric that equals the upper bound on the achievable data rate between the given node and the destination. We call it the node priority. It considers the possibility of multi-path communication and the packet loss correlation. BRR allows achieving the optimal data rate pertaining certain theoretical assumptions. The Extended BRR (BRR-E) are free of them. The major difference between BRR and BRR-E lies in the usage of Network Coding (NC) for prognosis of the feedback. In this way, the protocol overhead can be severely reduced. We also study Automatic Repeat-reQuest (ARQ) mechanism that is applicable with OR. It differs to ARQ with LR in that each sender has several sinks and none of the sinks except destination require the full recovery of the original message. Using BRR-E, ARQ and other services like network initialization and link state control, we design the Advanced Network Coding based Opportunistic Routing protocol (ANChOR). With the analytic and simulation results we demonstrate the near optimum performance of ANChOR. For the triangular topology, the achievable data rate is just 2% away from the theoretical maximum and it is up to 90% higher than it is possible to achieve with LR. Using the G.hn standard, we also show the full protocol stack simulation results (including IP/UDP and realistic channel model). In this simulation we revealed that the gain of OR to LR can be even more increased by reducing the head-of-the-line problem in ARQ. Even considering the ANChOR overhead through additional headers and feedbacks, it outperforms the original G.hn setup in data rate up to 40% and in latency up to 60%.:1 Introduction 2 1.1 Intra-flow Network Coding 6 1.2 Random Linear Network Coding (RLNC) 7 2 Performance Limits of Routing Protocols in PowerLine Communications (PLC) 13 2.1 System model 14 2.2 Channel model 14 2.3 Upper bound on the achievable data rate 16 2.4 Achieving the upper bound data rate 17 2.5 Potential gain of Opportunistic Routing Protocol (ORP) over Common Single-path Routing Protocol (CSPR) 19 2.6 Evaluation of ORP potential 19 3 Opportunistic Routing: Realizations and Challenges 24 3.1 Vertex priority and cooperation group 26 3.2 Transmission policy in idealized network 34 3.2.1 Basic Routing Rules (BRR) 36 3.3 Transmission policy in real network 40 3.3.1 Purpose of Network Coding (NC) in ORP 41 3.3.2 Extended Basic Routing Rules (BRR) (BRR-E) 43 3.4 Automatic ReQuest reply (ARQ) 50 3.4.1 Retransmission request message contents 51 3.4.2 Retransmission Request (RR) origination and forwarding 66 3.4.3 Retransmission response 67 3.5 Congestion control 68 3.5.1 Congestion control in our work 70 3.6 Network initialization 74 3.7 Formation of the cooperation groups (coalitions) 76 3.8 Advanced Network Coding based Opportunistic Routing protocol (ANChOR) header 77 3.9 Communication of protocol information 77 3.10 ANChOR simulation . .79 3.10.1 ANChOR information in real time .80 3.10.2 Selection of the coding rate 87 3.10.3 Routing Protocol Information (RPI) broadcasting frequency 89 3.10.4 RR contents 91 3.10.5 Selection of RR forwarder 92 3.10.6 ANChOR stability 92 3.11 Summary 95 4 ANChOR in the Gigabit Home Network (G.hn) Protocol 97 4.1 Compatibility with the PLC protocol stack 99 4.2 Channel and noise model 101 4.2.1 In-home scenario 102 4.2.2 Access network scenario 102 4.3 Physical layer (PHY) layer implementation 102 4.3.1 Bit Allocation Algorithm (BAA) 103 4.4 Multiple Access Control layer (MAC) layer 109 4.5 Logical Link Control layer (LLC) layer 111 4.5.1 Reference Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) 111 4.5.2 Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest (HARQ) in ANChOR 114 4.5.3 Modeling Protocol Data Unit (PDU) erasures on LLC 116 4.6 Summary 117 5 Study of G.hn with ANChOR 119 5.1 ARQ analysis 119 5.2 Medium and PHY requirements for “good” cooperation 125 5.3 Access network scenario 128 5.4 In-home scenario 135 5.4.1 Modeling packet erasures 136 5.4.2 Linear Dependence Ratio (LDR) 139 5.4.3 Worst case scenario 143 5.4.4 Analysis of in-home topologies 145 6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 A Proof of the neccessity of the exclusion rule 160 B Gain of ORPs to CSRPs 163 C Broadcasting rule 165 D Proof of optimality of BRR for triangular topology 167 E Reducing the retransmission probability 168 F Calculation of Expected Average number of transmissions (EAX) for topologies with bi-directional links 170 G Feedback overhead of full coding matrices 174 H Block diagram of G.hn physical layer in ns-3 model 175 I PER to BER mapping 17