4 research outputs found

    A Survey on Prediction of Movie’s Box Office Collection Using Social Media

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    Predicting the box office profits of a movie prior to its world wide release are a significant but also an exigent problem that needs a advanced of Intelligence. Currently, social media has given away its diagnostic strength in a variety of fields, which encourages us to develop social media substance to predict box office profits. The collection of movies in provisions of profit relies on so many features for instance its making studio, type, screenplay superiority, pre release endorsement etc, each of which are usually utilized to approximation their probable achievement at the box office. Nevertheless, the “Wisdom of Crowd” and social media have been accredited as a powerful indication in appreciative customer activities to media. In this survey, we converse the influence of socially created Meta data derived from the social multimedia websites and review the effect of social media on box office collection and success of movies. This survey paper is written for (social networking) investigators who looking for to evaluate prediction of movies using social media. It gives a complete study of social media analytics for social networking, wikis, actually easy syndication feeds, blogs, newsgroups, chat and news feeds etc. Keywords: Social Networking, Social media. Movie’s Box Office, Prediction, Profitability, Sentiment analysi

    Estudo de respostas emocionais Ă s cores no contexto de cartazes de cinema

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    Este estudo aborda a influĂȘncia das cores na elicitação de emoçÔes, visando uma melhor compreensĂŁo da dimensĂŁo emocional das cores na criação e interpretação de mensagens visuais. No contexto desta pesquisa, buscou-se verificar em que medida as respostas emocionais a cartazes de filmes variam com a mudança de suas cores predominantes e se os cartazes podem ser associados Ă  emoção caracterĂ­stica de seu gĂȘnero cinematogrĂĄfico sem o uso de paletas de cores convencionadas. O estudo foi realizado em duas fases. Na Fase 1, descritiva, foram identificados, por meio da caracterização quantitativa das cores, os padrĂ”es cromĂĄticos mais representativos em conjuntos de cartazes de filmes pertencentes aos gĂȘneros Terror e ComĂ©dia RomĂąntica, cujas emoçÔes predominantes estĂŁo localizadas em quadrantes opostos no Espaço Afetivo. Na Fase 2, experimental, foram verificados os efeitos dos padrĂ”es nas respostas emocionais de 50 participantes, utilizando-se estĂ­mulos visuais produzidos com imagens associadas a emoçÔes opostas no Espaço Afetivo, por meio da escala Self-Assesment Manikin - SAM. Para a produção dos estĂ­mulos visuais, foram usadas imagens do International Affective Picture System - IAPS. A pesquisa descritiva realizada na Fase 1 identificou padrĂ”es cromĂĄticos com caracterĂ­sticas opostas. O padrĂŁo composto pelas cores com atributos comuns Ă  maioria dos cartazes analisados do gĂȘnero Terror apresentou predominĂąncia de cores com baixos nĂ­veis de saturação e claridade, enquanto o padrĂŁo cromĂĄtico com atributos comuns Ă  maioria dos cartazes analisados do gĂȘnero ComĂ©dia RomĂąntica apresentou cores com nĂ­veis altos e mĂ©dios de claridade e saturação. No experimento realizado, a inversĂŁo dos padrĂ”es de cores nĂŁo alterou de modo proeminente as dimensĂ”es das emoçÔes percebidas nas imagens, indicando que a influĂȘncia das cores nas respostas emocionais pode estar subordinada Ă s caracterĂ­sticas emocionais das imagens. No entanto, diferenças observadas na dispersĂŁo das frequĂȘncias e entre as mĂ©dias de respostas emocionais sugerem que padrĂ”es de cores, quando associados a dimensĂ”es afetivas semelhantes Ă quelas das imagens, tendem a reforçar as respostas emocionais correspondentes; e que certas imagens podem ser mais suscetĂ­veis a influĂȘncia das cores nas respostas emocionais do que outras

    Movie posters classification into genres based on low-level features

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    O desenho no cartaz de cinema portuguĂȘs : um caso de estudo de 1895 a 1960

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    The research herein found meets its starting point and main reason in the idea of drawing, and the poster as the artifact where it occurs. In its particular case, the reality that places it in the territory of the Portuguese cinema, pushing forward towards the consolidation not only of the theory but also of its history and therefore propose a model capable of its analysis. It assembles the history of drawing/illustration, of the Portuguese cinema and of the poster. And itÂŽs in these overlapping intersections that the movements, protagonists, and works capable of participation in the informed construction of the integral narrative of the theme are revealed. The research led us to pre-select a group of 118 posters where the drawing is the main protagonist, providing a full scope of the theme. From this rose the need to research and create a model capable of a delivering a fully detailed analysis of these artifacts and the drawing contained wherein. This made mandatory the reading not only of essential works on the themes but also another group of collateral researches that proved to become essential to the one we now present. From this connection emerged 15 selected posters that represent the time between the birth and mute cinema in Portugal, to the year 1960. These, aim to represent the total universe of the posters researched for this period, while at the same time they reveal unique details and particularities while exposing the decisions and influences (both national and international) that act upon them. The model proposed, transversal when considering itÂŽs application in the visual territories and devoted in particular to the drawing/illustration fields, shows through its modularity a proficuous application, allowing it to be used as a tool for other creatives, participating in its visual literacy and raising the knowledge achieved from the observe