7 research outputs found

    Movement-Efficient Sensor Deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks With Limited Communication Range.

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    We study a mobile wireless sensor network (MWSN) consisting of multiple mobile sensors or robots. Three key factors in MWSNs, sensing quality, energy consumption, and connectivity, have attracted plenty of attention, but the interaction of these factors is not well studied. To take all the three factors into consideration, we model the sensor deployment problem as a constrained source coding problem. %, which can be applied to different coverage tasks, such as area coverage, target coverage, and barrier coverage. Our goal is to find an optimal sensor deployment (or relocation) to optimize the sensing quality with a limited communication range and a specific network lifetime constraint. We derive necessary conditions for the optimal sensor deployment in both homogeneous and heterogeneous MWSNs. According to our derivation, some sensors are idle in the optimal deployment of heterogeneous MWSNs. Using these necessary conditions, we design both centralized and distributed algorithms to provide a flexible and explicit trade-off between sensing uncertainty and network lifetime. The proposed algorithms are successfully extended to more applications, such as area coverage and target coverage, via properly selected density functions. Simulation results show that our algorithms outperform the existing relocation algorithms

    An efficient quality of services based wireless sensor network for anomaly detection using soft computing approaches

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) is widely acceptable communication network where human-intervention is less. Another prominent factors are cheap in cost and covers huge area of field for communication. WSN as name suggests sensor nodes are present which communicate to the neighboring node to form a network. These nodes are communicate via radio signals and equipped with battery which is one of most challenge in these networks. The battery consumption is depend on weather where sensors are deployed, routing protocols etc. To reduce the battery at routing level various quality of services (QoS) parameters are available to measure the performance of the network. To overcome this problem, many routing protocol has been proposed. In this paper, we considered two energy efficient protocols i.e. LEACH and Sub-cluster LEACH protocols. For provision of better performance of network Levenberg-Marquardt neural network (LMNN) and Moth-Flame optimisation both are implemented one by one. QoS parameters considered to measure the performance are energy efficiency, end-to-end delay, Throughput and Packet delivery ratio (PDR). After implementation, simulation results show that Sub-cluster LEACH with MFO is outperforms among other algorithms.Along with this, second part of paper considered to anomaly detection based on machine learning algorithms such as SVM, KNN and LR. NSLKDD dataset is considered and than proposed the anomaly detection method.Simulation results shows that proposed method with SVM provide better results among others

    Energy-Efficient Node Deployment in Static and Mobile Heterogeneous Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Networks

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    We study a heterogeneous wireless sensor network (WSN) where N heterogeneous access points (APs) gather data from densely deployed sensors and transmit their sensed information to M heterogeneous fusion centers (FCs) via multi-hop wireless communication. This heterogeneous node deployment problem is modeled as an optimization problem with total wireless communication power consumption of the network as its objective function. We consider both static WSNs, where nodes retain their deployed position, and mobile WSNs where nodes can move from their initial deployment to their optimal locations. Based on the derived necessary conditions for the optimal node deployment in static WSNs, we propose an iterative algorithm to deploy nodes. In addition, we study the necessary conditions of the optimal movement-efficient node deployment in mobile WSNs with constrained movement energy, and present iterative algorithms to find such deployments, accordingly. Simulation results show that our proposed node deployment algorithms outperform the existing methods in the literature, and achieves a lower total wireless communication power in both static and mobile WSNs, on average

    Movement-Efficient Sensor Deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks With Limited Communication Range

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