33,581 research outputs found

    Why buy an album? The motivations behind recorded music purchases

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    Browne, employability and the rhetoric of choice: student as producer and the sustainability of HE

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    This paper presents a critical reflection of the rhetoric of choice offered in the current system of HE. The theoretical foundation of the discussion draws on the work of Bauman (2007) as a support for a critical stance on the implementation of the recent reviews of HE, for instance by Browne (2010) and Dearing (1997). The concept and agenda of the student as ‘producer’, versus the student as consumer or even student as commodity, are further evaluated in the context of the ‘free’ market and the apparent 'industrialisation’ of HE, which has arguably brought graduate ‘employability’ to centre stage. The work goes on to discuss how student choice of course appears to go beyond judgments about potential job prospects. Along with this, it is argued that the values espoused by consumerism may well have a detrimental effect on the way that students develop the types of skills that employers say they want. Counteracting this, the student as producer is investigated as a means by which students become active producers of themselves as enterprising citizens, which also has benefit in respect of their future employability

    In their own words: A qualitative study exploring influences on the food choices of university students

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    Issue addressed: University students generally make independent decisions regarding food choices. Current research about knowledge of Australian Dietary Guidelines (ADG), sources of nutrition information and influences on food choices for this group is scarce. Methods: Qualitative data were collected from gender‐separated focus groups comprising four female (n = 31) and four male (n = 18) to identify: knowledge of ADG; sources of nutrition information; factors that influence food choices; perceived relevant nutrition messages and how best to deliver them. Results: Gaps in knowledge were identified particularly regarding number of serves and serving size for food groups. Social media was the most commonly reported source of knowledge. Social media was also a major influence on food choice due to its impact on body ideals. Conclusion: Current health promotion nutrition messages were perceived irrelevant given the focus on long‐term health risks. Health and adhering to the ADG were not identified as important. The desire to look a particular way was the major influence on food choices. So what? While there is an awareness of ADG, our participants made a deliberate decision not to follow them. This provides a challenge for developing relevant preventive health messages for this target audience


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    This paper focuses on determining the core of undergraduate human resource economics and evaluating the coverage of these topics in undergraduate agricultural economics texts and curricula. We include survey results which provide information on undergraduate students' exposure to and their preparation regarding human resource issues in their chosen careers.Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    Learning and Games

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    Part of the Volume on the Ecology of Games: Connecting Youth, Games, and Learning In this chapter, I argue that good video games recruit good learning and that a game's design is inherently connected to designing good learning for players. I start with a perspective on learning now common in the Learning Sciences that argues that people primarily think and learn through experiences they have had, not through abstract calculations and generalizations. People store these experiences in memory -- and human long-term memory is now viewed as nearly limitless -- and use them to run simulations in their minds to prepare for problem solving in new situations. These simulations help them to form hypotheses about how to proceed in the new situation based on past experiences. The chapter also discusses the conditions experience must meet if it is to be optimal for learning and shows how good video games can deliver such optimal learning experiences. Some of the issues covered include: identity and learning; models and model-based thinking; the control of avatars and "empathy for a complex system"; distributed intelligence and cross-functional teams for learning; motivation, and ownership; emotion in learning; and situated meaning, that is, the ways in which games represent verbal meaning through images, actions, and dialogue, not just other words and definitions

    A collaborative project using narratives: What happens when pupils work on mathematical investigations?

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    Mathematical investigations involve searching for patterns, formulating, testing, and justifying conjectures, reflecting, and generalising. Doing investigations in the classroom is a powerful activity for students’ learning but poses many challenges to the teacher. To study the professional knowledge involved in this kind of work was the aim of a collaborative action-research project that involved one classroom teacher and two university teacher educators. We used narratives to depict relevant elements of teachers’ activity and to show key aspects of their dilemmas and uncertainties. This paper discusses the role of the collaborative work undertaken by the participants in the project as they reflected about classroom practices and curriculum issues, based on a narrative of a class where sixth grade students worked on a mathematical investigation.InvestigaçÔes matemĂĄticas envolvem a procura de regularidades, a formulação, teste e justificação de conjecturas, reflexĂŁo e generalização. Fazer investigaçÔes na sala de aula Ă© uma actividade poderosa para a aprendizagem dos alunos mas coloca muitos desafios ao professor. O estudo do conhecimento profissional envolvido neste tipo de trabalho constituiu o objectivo de um projecto colaborativo de investigação-acção que envolveu uma professora de MatemĂĄtica e dois educadores matemĂĄticos universitĂĄrios. UsĂĄmos narrativas para ilustrar aspectos relevantes da actividade da professora e para mostrar elementos importantes dos seus dilemas e incertezas. Tendo por base uma aula do 6.Âș ano de escolaridade em que os alunos trabalharam numa investigação matemĂĄtica, o artigo discute o papel do trabalho colaborativo realizado pelos participantes no projecto enquanto reflectem sobre as prĂĄticas lectivas e as questĂ”es curriculares

    Factors that Influence Chinese Outbound Tourists’ Intention to Consume Local Food

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    Food consumption is an essential activity for tourists. Food can be used for destination marketing to attract travellers, and is one of the main purposes of travel for Chinese tourists. This study investigates the factors that motivate Chinese tourists’ intention to consume local food during their travels. Using a quantitative study of 308 mainland Chinese tourists to Hong Kong, we find that these tourists value local and traditional food experiences. The physical surroundings and prestige of the food experience are Chinese tourists’ major concerns for dining experiences. Local food consumed at the destination is a way to escape from the routine and acquire knowledge of the local culture. The sensory appeal brought by local cuisines also motivate Chinese tourists to consume local foods. These results can assist destination marketers and local restaurateurs to increasing the attractiveness of their destinations and restaurants

    Computational Economics: Help for the Underestimated Undergraduate

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    Our concern in this paper is that the capability of economics undergraduates is substantially underestimated in the design of the present college curriculum and that our students are insufficiently challenged and motivated. Students enter our classrooms with substantial previous knowledge about computers and computation and we are not taking full advantage of this opportunity. We suggest a set of examples from computational economics which are challenging enough to motivate students and simple enough that they can master them within a few hours. By encouraging the students to modify the models in directions of their own interest avenues for creative endeavor are opened which deeply involve the students in their own education.teaching computational economics
