811 research outputs found

    Combined wavelet domain and motion compensated filtering compliant with video codecs

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    In this paper, we introduce the idea of using motion estimation resources from a video codec for video denoising. This is not straightforward because the motion estimators aimed for video compression and coding, tolerate errors in the estimated motion field and hence are not directly applicable to video denoising. To solve this problem, we propose a novel motion field filtering step that refines the accuracy of the motion estimates to a degree that is required for denoising. We illustrate the use of the proposed motion estimation method within a wavelet-based video denoising scheme. The resulting video denoising method is of low-complexity and receives comparable results with respect to the latest video denoising methods

    Wavelet-based denoising for 3D OCT images

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    Optical coherence tomography produces high resolution medical images based on spatial and temporal coherence of the optical waves backscattered from the scanned tissue. However, the same coherence introduces speckle noise as well; this degrades the quality of acquired images. In this paper we propose a technique for noise reduction of 3D OCT images, where the 3D volume is considered as a sequence of 2D images, i.e., 2D slices in depth-lateral projection plane. In the proposed method we first perform recursive temporal filtering through the estimated motion trajectory between the 2D slices using noise-robust motion estimation/compensation scheme previously proposed for video denoising. The temporal filtering scheme reduces the noise level and adapts the motion compensation on it. Subsequently, we apply a spatial filter for speckle reduction in order to remove the remainder of noise in the 2D slices. In this scheme the spatial (2D) speckle-nature of noise in OCT is modeled and used for spatially adaptive denoising. Both the temporal and the spatial filter are wavelet-based techniques, where for the temporal filter two resolution scales are used and for the spatial one four resolution scales. The evaluation of the proposed denoising approach is done on demodulated 3D OCT images on different sources and of different resolution. For optimizing the parameters for best denoising performance fantom OCT images were used. The denoising performance of the proposed method was measured in terms of SNR, edge sharpness preservation and contrast-to-noise ratio. A comparison was made to the state-of-the-art methods for noise reduction in 2D OCT images, where the proposed approach showed to be advantageous in terms of both objective and subjective quality measures

    Light Field Denoising via Anisotropic Parallax Analysis in a CNN Framework

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    Light field (LF) cameras provide perspective information of scenes by taking directional measurements of the focusing light rays. The raw outputs are usually dark with additive camera noise, which impedes subsequent processing and applications. We propose a novel LF denoising framework based on anisotropic parallax analysis (APA). Two convolutional neural networks are jointly designed for the task: first, the structural parallax synthesis network predicts the parallax details for the entire LF based on a set of anisotropic parallax features. These novel features can efficiently capture the high frequency perspective components of a LF from noisy observations. Second, the view-dependent detail compensation network restores non-Lambertian variation to each LF view by involving view-specific spatial energies. Extensive experiments show that the proposed APA LF denoiser provides a much better denoising performance than state-of-the-art methods in terms of visual quality and in preservation of parallax details