11 research outputs found

    Team behaviour analysis in sports using the poisson equation

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    We propose a novel physics-based model for analysing team play- ers’ positions and movements on a sports playing field. The goal is to detect for each frame the region with the highest population of a given team’s players and the region towards which the team is moving as they press for territorial advancement, termed the region of intent. Given the positions of team players from a plan view of the playing field at any given time, we solve a particular Poisson equation to generate a smooth distribution. The proposed distribu- tion provides the likelihood of a point to be occupied by players so that more highly populated regions can be detected by appropriate thresholding. Computing the proposed distribution for each frame provides a sequence of distributions, which we process to detect the region of intent at any time during the game. Our model is evalu- ated on a field hockey dataset, and results show that the proposed approach can provide effective features that could be used to gener- ate team statistics useful for performance evaluation or broadcasting purposes

    Automated Top View Registration of Broadcast Football Videos

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    In this paper, we propose a novel method to register football broadcast video frames on the static top view model of the playing surface. The proposed method is fully automatic in contrast to the current state of the art which requires manual initialization of point correspondences between the image and the static model. Automatic registration using existing approaches has been difficult due to the lack of sufficient point correspondences. We investigate an alternate approach exploiting the edge information from the line markings on the field. We formulate the registration problem as a nearest neighbour search over a synthetically generated dictionary of edge map and homography pairs. The synthetic dictionary generation allows us to exhaustively cover a wide variety of camera angles and positions and reduce this problem to a minimal per-frame edge map matching procedure. We show that the per-frame results can be improved in videos using an optimization framework for temporal camera stabilization. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach by presenting extensive results on a dataset collected from matches of football World Cup 2014

    Penjerap komposit “lignoselulosa-karbon teraktif (buah semarak api)” dan kaolin dalam rawatan air sisa getah asli mentah

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    Pembangunan industri getah asli mentah menyumbang kepada krisis alam sekitar akibat daripada penjanaan air sisa yang berlebihan. Air sisa getah asli mentah ini mengandungi BOD, COD, ammoniakal nitrogen dan pepejal terampai yang tinggi. Dengan itu, teknologi baharu penjerap komposit dalam rawatan air sisa berpotensi menyingkirkan bahan pencemar. Penjerap komposit yang dihasikkan ini dari buah semarak api (lignoselulosa dan karbon teraktif) dan kaolin. Ujikaji kelompok dan turus lapisan tetap digunakan dan nisbah optimum komposit ditentukan menggunakan kaedah reka bentuk campuran D-optimal. Pencirian penjerap komposit dibuat terhadap luas permukaan BET, Mikroskop Imbasan Elektron Analisis Elemen-Sinar-X Sebaran Tenaga (SEM-EDX), Potensi Zeta dan Spektroskopi Inframerah Transformasi Fourier (FTIR). Dua model isoterma penjerapan Langmuir dan Freundlich digunakan untuk menyelidik isoterma penjerapan. Model kinetik Pseudo-tertib pertama, Pseudo-tertib kedua, Elovich dan Intra-partikel untuk meneliti sifat kinetik. Penjanaan semula bahan penjerap komposit sehingga lima pusingan penjerapan atau nyahjerapan juga disiasat. Keputusan mendapati nisbah komposisi optimum komposit ialah 0.4 g lignoselulosa, 0.8 g karbon teraktif dan 0.8 g kaolin. Keadaan optimum penjerapan COD, NH3-N dan warna bagi penjerap komposit pada dos 4 g bahan penjerap, pH 8, halaju goncangan 150 PPM dan 120 minit masa sentuhan dengan penyingkiran maksimum masing-masing ialah 81.7%, 80.2% dan 93.3%. Luas permukaan (BET) bahan penjerap komposit ialah 63.60 m2/g dan nilai negatif potensi zeta menunjukkan potensi dalam proses penjerapan. Analisis pencirian FTIR dan SEM-EDX mendedahkan penukaran ion sebagai mekanisma utama sebelum dan selepas penjerapan. Model isoterma penjerapan menunjukkan bahawa data isoterma penjerapan komposit ini sesuai dengan isoterma Langmuir dan kinetic penjerapan menunjukkan pematuhan yang baik untuk model Pseudo-tertib kedua. Turus lapisan tetap dianalisa dan keputusan menunjukkan bahawa pada kadar aliran rendah 2 mL/min mematuhi model Thomas dan Yoon-Nelson berbanding dengan model Adam-Bohart. Analisis penjerapan atau nyahjerapan telah mencapai tiga kitaran kebolehgunaan penjerap komposit. Kesimpulannya, kajian ini telah membuktikan bahwa penjerap komposit berpotensi dalam menyingkirkan COD, NH3-N dan warna daripada air sisa getah asli

    Automatic behavior analysis in tag games: from traditional spaces to interactive playgrounds

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    Tag is a popular children’s playground game. It revolves around taggers that chase and then tag runners, upon which their roles switch. There are many variations of the game that aim to keep children engaged by presenting them with challenges and different types of gameplay. We argue that the introduction of sensing and floor projection technology in the playground can aid in providing both variation and challenge. To this end, we need to understand players’ behavior in the playground and steer the interactions using projections accordingly. In this paper, we first analyze the behavior of taggers and runners in a traditional tag setting. We focus on behavioral cues that differ between the two roles. Based on these, we present a probabilistic role recognition model. We then move to an interactive setting and evaluate the model on tag sessions in an interactive tag playground. Our model achieves 77.96 % accuracy, which demonstrates the feasibility of our approach. We identify several avenues for improvement. Eventually, these should lead to a more thorough understanding of what happens in the playground, not only regarding player roles but also when the play breaks down, for example when players are bored or cheat