35 research outputs found

    Fusion of wearable and visual sensors for human motion analysis

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    Human motion analysis is concerned with the study of human activity recognition, human motion tracking, and the analysis of human biomechanics. Human motion analysis has applications within areas of entertainment, sports, and healthcare. For example, activity recognition, which aims to understand and identify different tasks from motion can be applied to create records of staff activity in the operating theatre at a hospital; motion tracking is already employed in some games to provide an improved user interaction experience and can be used to study how medical staff interact in the operating theatre; and human biomechanics, which is the study of the structure and function of the human body, can be used to better understand athlete performance, pathologies in certain patients, and assess the surgical skill of medical staff. As health services strive to improve the quality of patient care and meet the growing demands required to care for expanding populations around the world, solutions that can improve patient care, diagnosis of pathology, and the monitoring and training of medical staff are necessary. Surgical workflow analysis, for example, aims to assess and optimise surgical protocols in the operating theatre by evaluating the tasks that staff perform and measurable outcomes. Human motion analysis methods can be used to quantify the activities and performance of staff for surgical workflow analysis; however, a number of challenges must be overcome before routine motion capture of staff in an operating theatre becomes feasible. Current commercial human motion capture technologies have demonstrated that they are capable of acquiring human movement with sub-centimetre accuracy; however, the complicated setup procedures, size, and embodiment of current systems make them cumbersome and unsuited for routine deployment within an operating theatre. Recent advances in pervasive sensing have resulted in camera systems that can detect and analyse human motion, and small wear- able sensors that can measure a variety of parameters from the human body, such as heart rate, fatigue, balance, and motion. The work in this thesis investigates different methods that enable human motion to be more easily, reliably, and accurately captured through ambient and wearable sensor technologies to address some of the main challenges that have limited the use of motion capture technologies in certain areas of study. Sensor embodiment and accuracy of activity recognition is one of the challenges that affect the adoption of wearable devices for monitoring human activity. Using a single inertial sensor, which captures the movement of the subject, a variety of motion characteristics can be measured. For patients, wearable inertial sensors can be used in long-term activity monitoring to better understand the condition of the patient and potentially identify deviations from normal activity. For medical staff, inertial sensors can be used to capture tasks being performed for automated workflow analysis, which is useful for staff training, optimisation of existing processes, and early indications of complications within clinical procedures. Feature extraction and classification methods are introduced in thesis that demonstrate motion classification accuracies of over 90% for five different classes of walking motion using a single ear-worn sensor. To capture human body posture, current capture systems generally require a large number of sensors or reflective reference markers to be worn on the body, which presents a challenge for many applications, such as monitoring human motion in the operating theatre, as they may restrict natural movements and make setup complex and time consuming. To address this, a method is proposed, which uses a regression method to estimate motion using a subset of fewer wearable inertial sensors. This method is demonstrated using three sensors on the upper body and is shown to achieve mean estimation accuracies as low as 1.6cm, 1.1cm, and 1.4cm for the hand, elbow, and shoulders, respectively, when compared with the gold standard optical motion capture system. Using a subset of three sensors, mean errors for hand position reach 15.5cm. Unlike human motion capture systems that rely on vision and reflective reference point markers, commonly known as marker-based optical motion capture, wearable inertial sensors are prone to inaccuracies resulting from an accumulation of inaccurate measurements, which becomes increasingly prevalent over time. Two methods are introduced in this thesis, which aim to solve this challenge using visual rectification of the assumed state of the subject. Using a ceiling-mounted camera, a human detection and human motion tracking method is introduced to improve the average mean accuracy of tracking to within 5.8cm in a laboratory of 3m Ă— 5m. To improve the accuracy of capturing the position of body parts and posture for human biomechanics, a camera is also utilised to track the body part movements and provide visual rectification of human pose estimates from inertial sensing. For most subjects, deviations of less than 10% from the ground truth are achieved for hand positions, which exhibit the greatest error, and the occurrence of sources of other common visual and inertial estimation errors, such as measurement noise, visual occlusion, and sensor calibration are shown to be reduced.Open Acces

    An Online Full-Body Motion Recognition Method Using Sparse and Deficient Signal Sequences

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    This paper presents a method to recognize continuous full-body human motion online by using sparse, low-cost sensors. The only input signals needed are linear accelerations without any rotation information, which are provided by four Wiimote sensors attached to the four human limbs. Based on the fused hidden Markov model (FHMM) and autoregressive process, a predictive fusion model (PFM) is put forward, which considers the different influences of the upper and lower limbs, establishes HMM for each part, and fuses them using a probabilistic fusion model. Then an autoregressive process is introduced in HMM to predict the gesture, which enables the model to deal with incomplete signal data. In order to reduce the number of alternatives in the online recognition process, a graph model is built that rejects parts of motion types based on the graph structure and previous recognition results. Finally, an online signal segmentation method based on semantics information and PFM is presented to finish the efficient recognition task. The results indicate that the method is robust with a high recognition rate of sparse and deficient signals and can be used in various interactive applications

    Body sensor networks: smart monitoring solutions after reconstructive surgery

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    Advances in reconstructive surgery are providing treatment options in the face of major trauma and cancer. Body Sensor Networks (BSN) have the potential to offer smart solutions to a range of clinical challenges. The aim of this thesis was to review the current state of the art devices, then develop and apply bespoke technologies developed by the Hamlyn Centre BSN engineering team supported by the EPSRC ESPRIT programme to deliver post-operative monitoring options for patients undergoing reconstructive surgery. A wireless optical sensor was developed to provide a continuous monitoring solution for free tissue transplants (free flaps). By recording backscattered light from 2 different source wavelengths, we were able to estimate the oxygenation of the superficial microvasculature. In a custom-made upper limb pressure cuff model, forearm deoxygenation measured by our sensor and gold standard equipment showed strong correlations, with incremental reductions in response to increased cuff inflation durations. Such a device might allow early detection of flap failure, optimising the likelihood of flap salvage. An ear-worn activity recognition sensor was utilised to provide a platform capable of facilitating objective assessment of functional mobility. This work evolved from an initial feasibility study in a knee replacement cohort, to a larger clinical trial designed to establish a novel mobility score in patients recovering from open tibial fractures (OTF). The Hamlyn Mobility Score (HMS) assesses mobility over 3 activities of daily living: walking, stair climbing, and standing from a chair. Sensor-derived parameters including variation in both temporal and force aspects of gait were validated to measure differences in performance in line with fracture severity, which also matched questionnaire-based assessments. Monitoring the OTF cohort over 12 months with the HMS allowed functional recovery to be profiled in great detail. Further, a novel finding of continued improvements in walking quality after a plateau in walking quantity was demonstrated objectively. The methods described in this thesis provide an opportunity to revamp the recovery paradigm through continuous, objective patient monitoring along with self-directed, personalised rehabilitation strategies, which has the potential to improve both the quality and cost-effectiveness of reconstructive surgery services.Open Acces

    Automatic analysis and classification of cardiac acoustic signals for long term monitoring

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    Objective: Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide resulting in over 17.9 million deaths each year. Most of these diseases are preventable and treatable, but their progression and outcomes are significantly more positive with early-stage diagnosis and proper disease management. Among the approaches available to assist with the task of early-stage diagnosis and management of cardiac conditions, automatic analysis of auscultatory recordings is one of the most promising ones, since it could be particularly suitable for ambulatory/wearable monitoring. Thus, proper investigation of abnormalities present in cardiac acoustic signals can provide vital clinical information to assist long term monitoring. Cardiac acoustic signals, however, are very susceptible to noise and artifacts, and their characteristics vary largely with the recording conditions which makes the analysis challenging. Additionally, there are challenges in the steps used for automatic analysis and classification of cardiac acoustic signals. Broadly, these steps are the segmentation, feature extraction and subsequent classification of recorded signals using selected features. This thesis presents approaches using novel features with the aim to assist the automatic early-stage detection of cardiovascular diseases with improved performance, using cardiac acoustic signals collected in real-world conditions. Methods: Cardiac auscultatory recordings were studied to identify potential features to help in the classification of recordings from subjects with and without cardiac diseases. The diseases considered in this study for the identification of the symptoms and characteristics are the valvular heart diseases due to stenosis and regurgitation, atrial fibrillation, and splitting of fundamental heart sounds leading to additional lub/dub sounds in the systole or diastole interval of a cardiac cycle. The localisation of cardiac sounds of interest was performed using an adaptive wavelet-based filtering in combination with the Shannon energy envelope and prior information of fundamental heart sounds. This is a prerequisite step for the feature extraction and subsequent classification of recordings, leading to a more precise diagnosis. Localised segments of S1 and S2 sounds, and artifacts, were used to extract a set of perceptual and statistical features using wavelet transform, homomorphic filtering, Hilbert transform and mel-scale filtering, which were then fed to train an ensemble classifier to interpret S1 and S2 sounds. Once sound peaks of interest were identified, features extracted from these peaks, together with the features used for the identification of S1 and S2 sounds, were used to develop an algorithm to classify recorded signals. Overall, 99 features were extracted and statistically analysed using neighborhood component analysis (NCA) to identify the features which showed the greatest ability in classifying recordings. Selected features were then fed to train an ensemble classifier to classify abnormal recordings, and hyperparameters were optimized to evaluate the performance of the trained classifier. Thus, a machine learning-based approach for the automatic identification and classification of S1 and S2, and normal and abnormal recordings, in real-world noisy recordings using a novel feature set is presented. The validity of the proposed algorithm was tested using acoustic signals recorded in real-world, non-controlled environments at four auscultation sites (aortic valve, tricuspid valve, mitral valve, and pulmonary valve), from the subjects with and without cardiac diseases; together with recordings from the three large public databases. The performance metrics of the methodology in relation to classification accuracy (CA), sensitivity (SE), precision (P+), and F1 score, were evaluated. Results: This thesis proposes four different algorithms to automatically classify fundamental heart sounds – S1 and S2; normal fundamental sounds and abnormal additional lub/dub sounds recordings; normal and abnormal recordings; and recordings with heart valve disorders, namely the mitral stenosis (MS), mitral regurgitation (MR), mitral valve prolapse (MVP), aortic stenosis (AS) and murmurs, using cardiac acoustic signals. The results obtained from these algorithms were as follows: • The algorithm to classify S1 and S2 sounds achieved an average SE of 91.59% and 89.78%, and F1 score of 90.65% and 89.42%, in classifying S1 and S2, respectively. 87 features were extracted and statistically studied to identify the top 14 features which showed the best capabilities in classifying S1 and S2, and artifacts. The analysis showed that the most relevant features were those extracted using Maximum Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform (MODWT) and Hilbert transform. • The algorithm to classify normal fundamental heart sounds and abnormal additional lub/dub sounds in the systole or diastole intervals of a cardiac cycle, achieved an average SE of 89.15%, P+ of 89.71%, F1 of 89.41%, and CA of 95.11% using the test dataset from the PASCAL database. The top 10 features that achieved the highest weights in classifying these recordings were also identified. • Normal and abnormal classification of recordings using the proposed algorithm achieved a mean CA of 94.172%, and SE of 92.38%, in classifying recordings from the different databases. Among the top 10 acoustic features identified, the deterministic energy of the sound peaks of interest and the instantaneous frequency extracted using the Hilbert Huang-transform, achieved the highest weights. • The machine learning-based approach proposed to classify recordings of heart valve disorders (AS, MS, MR, and MVP) achieved an average CA of 98.26% and SE of 95.83%. 99 acoustic features were extracted and their abilities to differentiate these abnormalities were examined using weights obtained from the neighborhood component analysis (NCA). The top 10 features which showed the greatest abilities in classifying these abnormalities using recordings from the different databases were also identified. The achieved results demonstrate the ability of the algorithms to automatically identify and classify cardiac sounds. This work provides the basis for measurements of many useful clinical attributes of cardiac acoustic signals and can potentially help in monitoring the overall cardiac health for longer duration. The work presented in this thesis is the first-of-its-kind to validate the results using both, normal and pathological cardiac acoustic signals, recorded for a long continuous duration of 5 minutes at four different auscultation sites in non-controlled real-world conditions.Open Acces

    Smart Sensors for Healthcare and Medical Applications

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    This book focuses on new sensing technologies, measurement techniques, and their applications in medicine and healthcare. Specifically, the book briefly describes the potential of smart sensors in the aforementioned applications, collecting 24 articles selected and published in the Special Issue “Smart Sensors for Healthcare and Medical Applications”. We proposed this topic, being aware of the pivotal role that smart sensors can play in the improvement of healthcare services in both acute and chronic conditions as well as in prevention for a healthy life and active aging. The articles selected in this book cover a variety of topics related to the design, validation, and application of smart sensors to healthcare

    Computational intelligence approaches to robotics, automation, and control [Volume guest editors]

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    Advanced Sensors for Real-Time Monitoring Applications

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    It is impossible to imagine the modern world without sensors, or without real-time information about almost everything—from local temperature to material composition and health parameters. We sense, measure, and process data and act accordingly all the time. In fact, real-time monitoring and information is key to a successful business, an assistant in life-saving decisions that healthcare professionals make, and a tool in research that could revolutionize the future. To ensure that sensors address the rapidly developing needs of various areas of our lives and activities, scientists, researchers, manufacturers, and end-users have established an efficient dialogue so that the newest technological achievements in all aspects of real-time sensing can be implemented for the benefit of the wider community. This book documents some of the results of such a dialogue and reports on advances in sensors and sensor systems for existing and emerging real-time monitoring applications

    Hyperspectral Imaging for Fine to Medium Scale Applications in Environmental Sciences

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    The aim of the Special Issue “Hyperspectral Imaging for Fine to Medium Scale Applications in Environmental Sciences” was to present a selection of innovative studies using hyperspectral imaging (HSI) in different thematic fields. This intention reflects the technical developments in the last three decades, which have brought the capacity of HSI to provide spectrally, spatially and temporally detailed data, favoured by e.g., hyperspectral snapshot technologies, miniaturized hyperspectral sensors and hyperspectral microscopy imaging. The present book comprises a suite of papers in various fields of environmental sciences—geology/mineral exploration, digital soil mapping, mapping and characterization of vegetation, and sensing of water bodies (including under-ice and underwater applications). In addition, there are two rather methodically/technically-oriented contributions dealing with the optimized processing of UAV data and on the design and test of a multi-channel optical receiver for ground-based applications. All in all, this compilation documents that HSI is a multi-faceted research topic and will remain so in the future

    Computational intelligence approaches to robotics, automation, and control [Volume guest editors]

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    Text Similarity Between Concepts Extracted from Source Code and Documentation

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    Context: Constant evolution in software systems often results in its documentation losing sync with the content of the source code. The traceability research field has often helped in the past with the aim to recover links between code and documentation, when the two fell out of sync. Objective: The aim of this paper is to compare the concepts contained within the source code of a system with those extracted from its documentation, in order to detect how similar these two sets are. If vastly different, the difference between the two sets might indicate a considerable ageing of the documentation, and a need to update it. Methods: In this paper we reduce the source code of 50 software systems to a set of key terms, each containing the concepts of one of the systems sampled. At the same time, we reduce the documentation of each system to another set of key terms. We then use four different approaches for set comparison to detect how the sets are similar. Results: Using the well known Jaccard index as the benchmark for the comparisons, we have discovered that the cosine distance has excellent comparative powers, and depending on the pre-training of the machine learning model. In particular, the SpaCy and the FastText embeddings offer up to 80% and 90% similarity scores. Conclusion: For most of the sampled systems, the source code and the documentation tend to contain very similar concepts. Given the accuracy for one pre-trained model (e.g., FastText), it becomes also evident that a few systems show a measurable drift between the concepts contained in the documentation and in the source code.</p