945 research outputs found

    Wavelet-based motion artifact removal for electrodermal activity

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    Electrodermal activity (EDA) recording is a powerful, widely used tool for monitoring psychological or physiological arousal. However, analysis of EDA is hampered by its sensitivity to motion artifacts. We propose a method for removing motion artifacts from EDA, measured as skin conductance (SC), using a stationary wavelet transform (SWT). We modeled the wavelet coefficients as a Gaussian mixture distribution corresponding to the underlying skin conductance level (SCL) and skin conductance responses (SCRs). The goodness-of-fit of the model was validated on ambulatory SC data. We evaluated the proposed method in comparison with three previous approaches. Our method achieved a greater reduction of artifacts while retaining motion-artifact-free data

    Liikeartefaktat elektrokardiografiassa

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    Movement of the patient during electrocardiograph (ECG) recording is a severe source of artifacts. Recent technical developments have enabled ECG recording without continuous supervision by experts. However, ECG recording outside of hospitals is prone to poor quality and movement artifacts. Therefore, it is important to study how and how much ECG recordings are affected by movement. Movement artifacts can hide signal components or mimic them, which causes false negative or false positive detections. Methods to manage movement artifacts include both computational and non-computational approaches. Computational approaches include, for example, adaptive filtering and machine learning methods. Additional variables that correlate with the artifact sources can be utilized in artifact recognition. For example, acceleration, impedance, and pressure signals have been studied as possible movement references. These additional signals are recorded by sensors that are placed on the ECG electrodes or on the patient’s body. In this thesis, the effect of movement artifacts is quantified using a simulation. The simulation makes use of open ECG databases. This study investigates how automated ECG analysis is affected by incremental increase in the movement artifact level. According to the results QRS detection statistics worsen with increased artifact levels. Capturing a movement reference for ECG is studied by experimental research. ECG and inertial measurement unit signals were recorded during different movements in order to analyze the creation of movement artifacts and movement reference signals. According to the results, placement of the movement reference signal sensor has a significant effect on the results. Different movements are captured better by different sensors and affect different ECG leads with different strengths.Potilaan liike sydĂ€nsĂ€hkökĂ€yrĂ€mittauksen (EKG) aikana on merkittĂ€vĂ€ artefaktien lĂ€hde. Viimeaikainen teknologinen kehitys on mahdollistanut EKG-mittauksen ilman asiantuntijoiden jatkuvaa valvontaa. EKG-mittaukset sairaalaolosuhteiden ulkopuolella ovat kuitenkin erityisen alttiita huonolle signaalilaadulle ja liikeartefaktoille. TĂ€mĂ€n vuoksi on tĂ€rkeÀÀ tutkia, miten ja kuinka paljon liike vaikuttaa EKG-mittauksiin. Liikeartefaktat voivat joko peittÀÀ tai jĂ€ljitellĂ€ EKG-signaalin eri osia, aiheuttaen vÀÀriĂ€ negatiivisia tai vÀÀriĂ€ positiivisia havaintoja. Liikeartefaktojen vaikutusta voidaan vĂ€hentÀÀ sekĂ€ laskennallisten ettĂ€ muiden menetelmien avulla. Laskennallisia menetelmiĂ€ ovat esimerkiksi adaptiivinen suodatus ja koneoppimismenetelmĂ€t. Artefaktojen lĂ€hteen kanssa korreloivia muuttujia mittaamalla voidaan edistÀÀ artefaktojen tunnistusta EKG-signaalista. Esimerkiksi kiihtyvyys-, impedanssi- ja painesignaalien kĂ€yttöÀ liikereferensseinĂ€ on tutkittu. KyseisiĂ€ referenssisignaaleja voidaan mitata EKG-elektrodeihin tai potilaan kehoon kiinnitettĂ€villĂ€ sensoreilla. Liikeartefaktojen vaikutuksen suuruutta tutkitaan tĂ€ssĂ€ työssĂ€ simulaation avulla. Simulaatiossa hyödynnetÀÀn avoimia EKG-tietokantoja. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan sitĂ€, miten vĂ€hittĂ€inen liikeartefaktatason kasvu vaikuttaa automaattiseen EKG-analyysiin. Tulosten mukaan QRS-detektioon liittyvĂ€t tilastot huononevat artefaktatason kasvaessa. Liikereferenssin luomista tarkastellaan kokeellisen tutkimuksen avulla. EKG- ja inertiamittausyksikkö-signaaleja mitattiin erilaisten liikkeiden aikana, jotta voitaisiin havainnoida liikeartefaktojen ja liikesignaalin syntymistĂ€. Tulosten mukaan liikereferenssiĂ€ mittaavan sensorin sijoituspaikalla on merkittĂ€vĂ€ vaikutus tuloksiin. Tietyt liikkeet saadaan paremmin mitattua eri tavoin sijoitettujen sensorien avulla. LisĂ€ksi liikkeet vaikuttavat eri vahvuuksilla eri EKG-kytkentöihin

    Signal quality assessment of a novel ecg electrode for motion artifact reduction

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    Background: The presence of noise is problematic in the analysis and interpretation of the ECG, especially in ambulatory monitoring. Restricting the analysis to high-quality signal segments only comes with the risk of excluding significant arrhythmia episodes. Therefore, the development of novel electrode technology, robust to noise, continues to be warranted. Methods: The signal quality of a novel wet ECG electrode (Piotrode) is assessed and compared to a commercially available, commonly used electrode (Ambu). The assessment involves indices of QRS detection and atrial fibrillation detection performance, as well as signal quality indices (ensemble standard deviation and time–frequency repeatability), computed from ECGs recorded simultaneously from 20 healthy subjects performing everyday activities. Results: The QRS detection performance using the Piotrode was considerably better than when using the Ambu, especially for running but also for lighter activities. The two signal quality indices demonstrated similar trends: the gap in quality became increasingly larger as the subjects became increasingly more active. Conclusions: The novel wet ECG electrode produces signals with less motion artifacts, thereby offering the potential to reduce the review burden, and accordingly the cost, associated with ambulatory monitoring

    Graphene textile smart clothing for wearable cardiac monitoring

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    Wearable electronics is a rapidly growing field that recently started to introduce successful commercial products into the consumer electronics market. Employment of biopotential signals in wearable systems as either biofeedbacks or control commands are expected to revolutionize many technologies including point of care health monitoring systems, rehabilitation devices, human–computer/machine interfaces (HCI/HMIs), and brain–computer interfaces (BCIs). Since electrodes are regarded as a decisive part of such products, they have been studied for almost a decade now, resulting in the emergence of textile electrodes. This study reports on the synthesis and application of graphene nanotextiles for the development of wearable electrocardiography (ECG) sensors for personalized health monitoring applications. In this study, we show for the first time that the electrocardiogram was successfully obtained with graphene textiles placed on a single arm. The use of only one elastic armband, and an “all-textile-approach” facilitates seamless heart monitoring with maximum comfort to the wearer. The functionality of graphene textiles produced using dip coating and stencil printing techniques has been demonstrated by the non-invasive measurement of ECG signals, up to 98% excellent correlation with conventional pre-gelled, wet, silver/silver-chloride (Ag / AgCl) electrodes. Heart rate have been successfully determined with ECG signals obtained in different situations. The system-level integration and holistic design approach presented here will be effective for developing the latest technology in wearable heart monitoring devices

    Noise Reduction Technique for Heart Rate Monitoring Devices

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    Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal has been widely used to detect the heart rate of the human, and it is useful in cardiac pathology. ECG detects several heart diseases of the patients. Wearable technology comes to be conducted as work as the monitoring devices to get the ECG signal directly from the patients. However, the movement of the patients will cause noises which interfere the result of the ECG. To overcome this problem, the digital filter is proposed to be designed and used in getting an accurate ECG signal. The filtering ECG results give likely in analysing the heart disease.The structures and the coefficients of the digital filters are designed using Filter Design & Analysis (FDA) tool in MATLAB. The analysis of magnitude responseis done in two type of the digital filter - the infinite impulse response (IIR) and finite impulse response (FIR). This paper evaluatesthat the FIR digital filter is more stable and better to be used in removing noise from ECG signals


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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in many regions worldwide, accounting for nearly one third of global deaths in 2001. Wearable electrocardiographic cardiovascular monitoring devices have contributed to reduce CVD mortality and cost by enabling the diagnosis of conditions with infrequent symptoms, the timely detection of critical signs that can be precursor to sudden cardiac death, and the long-term assessment/monitoring of symptoms, risk factors, and the effects of therapy. However, the effectiveness of ambulatory electrocardiography to improve the treatment of CVD can be significantly impaired by motion artifacts which can cause misdiagnoses, inappropriate treatment decisions, and trigger false alarms. Skin stretch associated with patient motion is a main source of motion artifact in current ECG monitors. A promising approach to reduce motion artifact is the use of adaptive filtering that utilizes a measured reference input correlated with the motion artifact to extract noise from the ECG signal. Previous attempts to apply adaptive filtering to electrocardiography have employed either electrode deformation or acceleration, body acceleration, or skin/electrode impedance as a reference input, and were not successful at reducing motion artifacts in a consistent and reproducible manner. This has been essentially attributed to the lack of correlation between the reference input selected and the induced noise. In this study, motion artifacts are adaptively filtered by using skin strain as the reference signal. Skin strain is measured non-invasively using a light emitting diode (LED) and an optical sensor incorporated in an ECG electrode. The optical strain sensor is calibrated on animal skin samples and finally in-vivo, in terms of sensitivity and measurement range. Skin stretch induced artifacts are extracted in-vivo using adaptive filters. The system and method are tested for different individuals and under various types of ambulatory conditions with the noise reduction performance quantified

    Noise Reduction Technique for Heart Rate Monitoring Devices

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    Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal has been widely used to detect the heart rate of the human, and it is useful in cardiac pathology. ECG detects several heart diseases of the patients. Wearable technology comes to be conducted as work as the monitoring devices to get the ECG signal directly from the patients. However, the movement of the patients will cause noises which interfere the result of the ECG. To overcome this problem, the digital filter is proposed to be designed and used in getting an accurate ECG signal. The filtering ECG results give likely in analysing the heart disease.The structures and the coefficients of the digital filters are designed using Filter Design & Analysis (FDA) tool in MATLAB. The analysis of magnitude responseis done in two type of the digital filter - the infinite impulse response (IIR) and finite impulse response (FIR). This paper evaluatesthat the FIR digital filter is more stable and better to be used in removing noise from ECG signals

    Estrazione non invasiva del segnale elettrocardiografico fetale da registrazioni con elettrodi posti sull’addome della gestante (Non-invasive extraction of the fetal electrocardiogram from abdominal recordings by positioning electrodes on the pregnant woman’s abdomen)

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    openIl cuore Ăš il primo organo che si sviluppa nel feto, particolarmente nelle primissime settimane di gestazione. Rispetto al cuore adulto, quello fetale ha una fisiologia ed un’anatomia significativamente differenti, a causa della differente circolazione cardiovascolare. Il benessere fetale si valuta monitorando l’attivitĂ  cardiaca mediante elettrocardiografia fetale (ECGf). L’ECGf invasivo (acquisito posizionando elettrodi allo scalpo fetale) Ăš considerato il gold standard, ma l’invasivitĂ  che lo caratterizza ne limita la sua applicabilitĂ . Al contrario, l’uso clinico dell’ECGf non invasivo (acquisito posizionando elettrodi sull’addome della gestante) Ăš limitato dalla scarsa qualitĂ  del segnale risultante. L’ECGf non invasivo si estrae da registrazioni addominali, che sono corrotte da differenti tipi di rumore, fra i quali l’interferenza primaria Ăš rappresentata dall’ECG materno. Il Segmented-Beat Modulation Method (SBMM) Ăš stato da me recentemente proposto come una nuova procedura di filtraggio basata sul calcolo del template del battito cardiaco. SBMM fornisce una stima ripulita dell’ECG estratto da registrazioni rumorose, preservando la fisiologica variabilitĂ  ECG del segnale originale. Questa caratteristica Ăš ottenuta grazie alla segmentazione di ogni battito cardiaco per indentificare i segmenti QRS e TUP, seguito dal processo di modulazione/demodulazione (che include strecciamento e compressione) del segmento TUP, per aggiustarlo in modo adattativo alla morfologia e alla durata di ogni battito originario. Dapprima applicato all’ECG adulto al fine di dimostrare la sua robustezza al rumore, l’SBMM Ăš stato poi applicato al caso fetale. Particolarmente significativi sono i risultati relativi alle applicazioni su ECGf non invasivo, dove l’SBMM fornisce segnali caratterizzati da un rapporto segnale-rumore comparabile a quello caratterizzante l’ECGf invasivo. Tuttavia, l’SBMM puĂČ contribuire alla diffusione dell’ECGf non invasiva nella pratica clinica.The heart is the first organ that develops in the fetus, particularly in the very early stages of pregnancy. Compared to the adult heart, the physiology and anatomy of the fetal heart exhibit some significant differences. These differences originate from the fact that the fetal cardiovascular circulation is different from the adult circulation. Fetal well-being evaluation may be accomplished by monitoring cardiac activity through fetal electrocardiography (fECG). Invasive fECG (acquired through scalp electrodes) is the gold standard but its invasiveness limits its clinical applicability. Instead, clinical use of non-invasive fECG (acquired through abdominal electrodes) has so far been limited by its poor signal quality. Non-invasive fECG is extracted from the abdominal recording and is corrupted by different kind of noise, among which maternal ECG is the main interference. The Segmented-Beat Modulation Method (SBMM) was recently proposed by myself as a new template-based filtering procedure able to provide a clean ECG estimation from a noisy recording by preserving physiological ECG variability of the original signal. The former feature is achieved thanks to a segmentation procedure applied to each cardiac beat in order to identify the QRS and TUP segments, followed by a modulation/demodulation process (involving stretching and compression) of the TUP segments to adaptively adjust each estimated cardiac beat to the original beat morphology and duration. SBMM was first applied to adult ECG applications, in order to demonstrate its robustness to noise, and then to fECG applications. Particularly significant are the results relative to the non-invasive applications, where SBMM provided fECG signals characterized by a signal-to-noise ratio comparable to that characterizing invasive fECG. Thus, SBMM may contribute to the spread of this noninvasive fECG technique in the clinical practice.INGEGNERIA DELL'INFORMAZIONEAgostinelli, AngelaAgostinelli, Angel

    Motion artifact reduction of electrocardiograms using multiple motion sensors

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    An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a measurement of the electrical signal produced by the heart as it beats. This is a signal very commonly used by medical professionals, as it gives an indication of an individual’s heart rate and can further be used to detect specific abnormalities within the heart. There are a number of sources of noise that can corrupt the ECG signal, the most problematic being that of motion artifacts. As an individual wearing a surface ECG moves, their movements will add noise to the signal. This noise is particularly difficult to remove, as it will change depending on the movements of the user and will often fall in the same spectrum as the ECG signal itself. The effectiveness of the adaptive filtering method in reducing motion artifacts is investigated using multiple motion sensors on key locations of the body and by combining the motion data through the use of various blind source separation methods. An adaptive filter is a filter that can use a reference signal in order to readjust itself to a constantly changing noise signal and is commonly used to clean ECG signals. The adaptive filter uses noise estimations based on the reference signal as well as previous noise estimations in order to continually clean the noisy signal. Since motion artifacts are based directly off the movements of the user, collected motion data will be directly correlated with the noise being introduced to the ECG, and can therefore be used in the adaptive filter to produce a desirable ECG signal
