8 research outputs found

    Morphological parsing of Albanian language: a different approach to Albanian verbs

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    The very first step when processing a natural language is creating a morphological parser. Verbs in Albanian language are the most complex area of inflection. Besides irregular verbs, the ways in which the regular verbs change their form while being inflected are hardly definable, and the number of exceptions is huge. In this paper, a different approach to Albanian verbs is made. Unlike traditional classification, based on the inflection themes they take, verbs are classified into different verb groups. This way, the inflection process looks clearer and more regular, as the affix remains the only changeable part of the inflected verb. This way of approach, makes us able to process the Albanian verbs simpler and easier

    "Mind your p's and q's": or the peregrinations of an apostrophe in 17th Century English

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    If the use of the apostrophe in contemporary English often marks the Saxon genitive, it may also indicate the omission of one or more let-ters. Some writers (wrongly?) use it to mark the plural in symbols or abbreviations, visual-ised thanks to the isolation of the morpheme "s". This punctuation mark was imported from the Continent in the 16th century. During the 19th century its use was standardised. However the rules of its usage still seem problematic to many, including literate speakers of English. "All too often, the apostrophe is misplaced", or "errant apostrophes are springing up every-where" is a complaint that Internet users fre-quently come across when visiting grammar websites. Many of them detail its various uses and misuses, and attempt to correct the most common mistakes about it, especially its mis-use in the plural, called greengrocers' apostro-phes and humorously misspelled "greengro-cers apostrophe's". While studying English travel accounts published in the seventeenth century, we noticed that the different uses of this symbol may accompany various models of metaplasms. We were able to highlight the linguistic variations of some lexemes, and trace the origin of modern grammar rules gov-erning its usage


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    International audienceIn this article we have explored ways of using the NooJ software to describe the differences in spelling, meaning, and grammar between 17 th century English and contemporary English. We based our study on a corpus of six 17 th century writers who travelled in Greece and Anatolia

    Natural language processing for Albanian: a state-of-the-art survey

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    Due to its wide applicability, natural language processing (NLP) has attracted significant research efforts to the machine learning and deep learning research community. Despite this, research works investigating NLP for the Albanian language are still limited. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no literature review available, which presents a clear picture of what has been studied, argued, and established in the area. The main objective of this survey is to comprehensively review, analyze and discuss the state-of-the-art in NLP for the Albanian language. Here, we present an extensive study concerning the contribution of several authors that have contributed to the application of NLP to the Albanian language. Also, we present an overview of research carried out in the typical applications of NLP for the Albanian language. Finally, some future challenges and limitations of the area are discussed

    Étude et traitement automatique de l'anglais du XVIIe siècle : outils morphosyntaxiques et dictionnaires

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    International audienceIn this article, we record the main linguistic differences or singularities of 17th century English, analyse them morphologically and syntactically and propose equivalent forms in contemporary English. We show how 17th century texts may be transcribed into modern English, combining the use of electronic dictionaries with rules of transcription implemented as transducers.Après avoir exposé la constitution du corpus, nous recensons les principales différences ou particularités linguistiques de la langue anglaise du XVIIe siècle, les analysons du point de vue morphologique et syntaxique et proposons des équivalents en anglais contemporain (AC). Nous montrons comment nous pouvons effectuer une transcription automatique de textes anglais du XVIIe siècle en anglais moderne, en combinant l'utilisation de dictionnaires électroniques avec des règles de transcriptions implémentées sous forme de transducteurs

    Morphological study of Albanian words, and processing with NooJ

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    International audienceWe are developing electronic dictionaries and transducers for the automatic processing of the Albanian Language. We will analyze the words inside a linear segment of text. We will also study the relationship between units of sense and units of form. The composition of words takes different forms in Albanian. We have found that morphemes are frequently concatenated or simply juxtaposed or contracted. The inflected grammar of NooJ allows constructing the dictionaries of flexed forms (declensions or conjugations). The diversity of word structures requires tools to identify words created by simple concatenation, or to treat contractions. The morphological tools of NooJ allow us to create grammatical tools to represent and treat these phenomena. But certain problems exceed the morphological analysis and must be represented by syntactical grammars