5 research outputs found

    Creating Parallel Arabic Dialect Corpus: Pitfalls to Avoid

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    International audienceCreating parallel corpora is a difficult issue that many researches try to deal with. In the context of under-resourced languages like Arabic dialects this issue is more complicated due to the nature of these spoken languages. In this paper, we share our experiment of creating a Parallel Corpus which contain several dialects and Modern Standard Arabic(MSA). We attempt to highlight the most important choices that we did and how good were these choices

    De l’arabe standard vers l’arabe dialectal :projection de corpus et ressourceslinguistiques en vue du traitementautomatique de l’oral dans les médiastunisiens

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    International audienceRÉSUMÉ. Dans ce travail, nous nous intéressons aux problèmes liés au traitement automatique de l'oral parlé dans les médias tunisiens. Cet oral se caractérise par l'emploi de l'alternance codique entre l'arabe standard moderne (MSA) et le dialecte tunisien (DT). L'objectif consiste à construire des ressources utiles pour apprendre des modèles de langage dédiés à des applications de reconnaissance automatique de la parole. Comme il s'agit d'une variante du MSA, nous décrivons dans cet article une démarche d'adaptation des ressources MSA vers le DT. Une première évaluation en termes de couverture lexicale et de perplexité est présentée. ABSTRACT. In this work, we focus on the problems of the automatic treatment of oral spoken in the Tunisian media. This oral is marked by the use of code-switching between the Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and the Tunisian dialect (TD). Our goal is to build useful resources to learn language models that can be used in automatic speech recognition applications. As it is a variant of MSA, we describe in this paper an adjustment process of the MSA resources to the TD. A first evaluation in terms of lexical coverage and perplexity is presented

    Maghrebi Arabic dialect processing: an overview

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    International audienceNatural Language Processing for Arabic dialects has grown widely these last years. Indeed, several works were proposed dealing with all aspects of Natural Language Processing. However , some AD varieties have received more attention and have a growing collection of resources. Others varieties, such as Maghrebi, still lag behind in that respect. Maghrebi Arabic is the family of Arabic dialects spoken in the Maghreb region (principally Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco). In this work we are interested in these three languages. This paper presents a review of natural language processing for Maghrebi Arabic dialects