2,380 research outputs found

    Planar maps as labeled mobiles

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    We extend Schaeffer's bijection between rooted quadrangulations and well-labeled trees to the general case of Eulerian planar maps with prescribed face valences, to obtain a bijection with a new class of labeled trees, which we call mobiles. Our bijection covers all the classes of maps previously enumerated by either the two-matrix model used by physicists or by the bijection with blossom trees used by combinatorists. Our bijection reduces the enumeration of maps to that, much simpler, of mobiles and moreover keeps track of the geodesic distance within the initial maps via the mobiles' labels. Generating functions for mobiles are shown to obey systems of algebraic recursion relations.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figures, tex, lanlmac, epsf; improved tex

    Minimum degree of the difference of two polynomials over Q, and weighted plane trees

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    Generic method for bijections between blossoming trees and planar maps

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    This article presents a unified bijective scheme between planar maps and blossoming trees, where a blossoming tree is defined as a spanning tree of the map decorated with some dangling half-edges that enable to reconstruct its faces. Our method generalizes a previous construction of Bernardi by loosening its conditions of applications so as to include annular maps, that is maps embedded in the plane with a root face different from the outer face. The bijective construction presented here relies deeply on the theory of \alpha-orientations introduced by Felsner, and in particular on the existence of minimal and accessible orientations. Since most of the families of maps can be characterized by such orientations, our generic bijective method is proved to capture as special cases all previously known bijections involving blossoming trees: for example Eulerian maps, m-Eulerian maps, non separable maps and simple triangulations and quadrangulations of a k-gon. Moreover, it also permits to obtain new bijective constructions for bipolar orientations and d-angulations of girth d of a k-gon. As for applications, each specialization of the construction translates into enumerative by-products, either via a closed formula or via a recursive computational scheme. Besides, for every family of maps described in the paper, the construction can be implemented in linear time. It yields thus an effective way to encode and generate planar maps. In a recent work, Bernardi and Fusy introduced another unified bijective scheme, we adopt here a different strategy which allows us to capture different bijections. These two approaches should be seen as two complementary ways of unifying bijections between planar maps and decorated trees.Comment: 45 pages, comments welcom

    Mixing Times of Markov Chains on Degree Constrained Orientations of Planar Graphs

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    We study Markov chains for α\alpha-orientations of plane graphs, these are orientations where the outdegree of each vertex is prescribed by the value of a given function α\alpha. The set of α\alpha-orientations of a plane graph has a natural distributive lattice structure. The moves of the up-down Markov chain on this distributive lattice corresponds to reversals of directed facial cycles in the α\alpha-orientation. We have a positive and several negative results regarding the mixing time of such Markov chains. A 2-orientation of a plane quadrangulation is an orientation where every inner vertex has outdegree 2. We show that there is a class of plane quadrangulations such that the up-down Markov chain on the 2-orientations of these quadrangulations is slowly mixing. On the other hand the chain is rapidly mixing on 2-orientations of quadrangulations with maximum degree at most 4. Regarding examples for slow mixing we also revisit the case of 3-orientations of triangulations which has been studied before by Miracle et al.. Our examples for slow mixing are simpler and have a smaller maximum degree, Finally we present the first example of a function α\alpha and a class of plane triangulations of constant maximum degree such that the up-down Markov chain on the α\alpha-orientations of these graphs is slowly mixing

    Fullerenes with the maximum Clar number

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    The Clar number of a fullerene is the maximum number of independent resonant hexagons in the fullerene. It is known that the Clar number of a fullerene with n vertices is bounded above by [n/6]-2. We find that there are no fullerenes whose order n is congruent to 2 modulo 6 attaining this bound. In other words, the Clar number for a fullerene whose order n is congruent to 2 modulo 6 is bounded above by [n/6]-3. Moreover, we show that two experimentally produced fullerenes C80:1 (D5d) and C80:2 (D2) attain this bound. Finally, we present a graph-theoretical characterization for fullerenes, whose order n is congruent to 2 (respectively, 4) modulo 6, achieving the maximum Clar number [n/6]-3 (respectively, [n/6]-2)