9 research outputs found

    More applicable environmental scanning systems leveraging "modern” information systems

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    With Ansoff's article about weak signals as a flagship example, a substantial body of knowledge about environmental scanning systems exists. However, these concepts often go unused in practice. The 2008/2009 economic crisis provided a strong, ongoing impulse for redesigning such information systems (IS). This article develops six guidelines for the conceptual design of environmental scanning systems that are more applicable than those specified by previous research. We start with literature research, which reveals three gaps in existing approaches. Then we develop design guidelines to fill these gaps with the help of "modern” IS. To address the lack of sound requirements analysis, our first design principle proposes 360-degree environmental scanning systems for executives and suggests how to select the most important scanning areas. Three further findings cover weaknesses in the IS model perspective, focusing on more effective implications of weak signals. In terms of method, we propose incorporating scanning results more closely into executives' decision-making processes. Applying the design guidelines at a raw materials and engineering company, we arrive at a prototype we call the "corporate radar.” It includes an IS-based tree with economic value added at risk on top. The resulting lessons learned help to evaluate our findings and the research method presented here, as well provide concrete starting points for future researc

    Strategic Scanning and innovative design: fuel the C/K method through Strategic Scanning information

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    The aim of this article is to study the role of StrategicScanning in innovation processes. We seek to answer the followingquestion: how can Strategic Scanning feed an innovative designactivity? We mobilized the C-K theory which models the logic ofcreation in companies and the method of the same name. Based ona case study of 65 participants, we conducted a Strategic Scanningstudy to feed an innovative C-K design approach. The results showthat Strategic Scanning helps to provide knowledge in a C-Kprocess. It helps either to build the knowledge base of noviceparticipants, or to validate the existing knowledge of expertparticipants. The Strategic Scanning activity also makes it possibleto start the first disjunction mechanism C→K from the C0concept. &nbsp

    Getting a Clean Shot on a Blurred Target: Improving Targeting for Strategic Scanning through Action Research in 10 French Organizations

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    Targeting comprises defining the part of the business environment that corresponds to organizations’ strategic objectives and priorities. Targeting is not an easy process because it includes the interaction of managers who come from different organizational units that might have a fragmentary and blurred understanding of the overall issue. Through an action research, we designed and evaluated a GSS to help managers target strategic scanning in fuzzy contexts. Evaluations through interventions in 10 French organizations allowed both participants to achieve relevant targets and researchers to propose four major improvements to targeting activities: 1) use suggested lists of actors and topics as starting points to trigger and facilitate discussions, 2) define actor and topic importance to produce useful targeting results, 3) evaluate the organization’s perceived capacity to be informed early enough, and 4) define a mechanism to signal scanning relevancy in the short, mid-, or long term. From a management perspective, our results help managers in their strategic scanning activity by 1) identifying information needs for strategically scanning fuzzy subjects, 2) reducing risk of strategic scanning failure, 3) enabling organizations to assess their scanning capabilities, 4) identifying scanning priorities according to a temporal horizon, and 5) fostering teamwork participation

    A Systems Theory-Based Framework for Environmental Scanning in Complex System Governance

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    The purpose of this research was to develop a Systems Theory-based framework for Environmental Scanning (ES) in Complex System Governance (CSG) using an inductive research design. Complexity and uncertainty are normal for external environments in which today’s systems (organizations) exist. These environmental characteristics provide impetus for researchers to focus on organizational planning for disruptive external forces that could threaten system stability and future system existence. The ES function supports the requisite governance metasystemic functions to be enabled, executed, and evolved sufficiently well to promote continuous system viability. In this research the functioning of ES was examined from a diverse literature-based perspective. The literature acknowledges the importance of the ES function, but its consistent development and its impact on system viability in a turbulent environment is not well developed from a Systems Theory-based perspective. This gap in knowledge was addressed in this research. This research examined metasystemic functions performed by ES across a broad literature base encompassing Systems Theory, CSG, Managerial Cybernetics, and ES from several fields of study. This research focused on the lack of explicit use of Systems Theory in ES functionality in metasystemic governance. This research presents a theoretical construct for the expansion of the functionality of ES in CSG that supports enhanced system viability. A rigorous research approach employing a constructivist Grounded Theory Method (GTM) was used to analyze the qualified research literature with a focus on Systems Theory to both consolidate and expand the known functionality of ES in CSG. This research provided a theoretical seventeen-function Systems Theory-based framework for ES in CSG. The overarching theory from this framework is that ES functions support complex system viability through regulation of internal and external variety that is induced by external changes. The literature-based identification of the ES functions demonstrates that ES operates in newly identified mechanisms, beyond the original identification provided by Keating & Katina (2016). A case study was undertaken to demonstrate face validation of the applicability of the emerging Systems Theory-based functions of ES in CSG in an applied setting where possible utility was developed. Topics for future research in ES functionality were identified

    Foresight como alavanca para a inovatividade das organizações

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    O foresight é uma das abordagens organizacionais que vem ganhando relevância na literatura e no campo prático por conferir às empresas que o adotam como processo sistemático, a capacidade de identificar sinais fracos e antecipar o futuro. Esta característica antecipativa ocorre pela prospecção ativa de sinais que emergem nos ambientes competitivos. A proatividade, inerente ao foresight, permite que as organizações reduzam as incertezas que permeiam a tomada de decisão, tomem ações adequadas para mitigar ameaças ou aproveitar oportunidades antes de seus competidores e, assim, mantenham uma posição superior no longo prazo. Especialmente quando associado à inovação, o foresight ajuda as organizações a identificar descontinuidades em seu ambiente externo e inovar frente aos desafios e possibilidades que estão por vir. Esta associação vem sendo cada vez mais descrita na literatura com uma série de relatos de casos bem sucedidos. Entretanto, percebe-se que, por mais que as empresas já tenham mecanismos para monitorar e capturar tais sinais, elas ainda têm dificuldades de interpretá-los e utilizá-los como recurso estratégico aplicado aos seus processos de inovação. Além disso, o resultado efetivo que esta relação foresight-inovação pode gerar para as empresas ainda não está suficientemente esclarecido. A presente tese objetiva validar o foresight como processo capaz de alavancar a inovatividade das organizações. Ela está organizada em três artigos associados aos objetivos específicos: 1) explorar e apresentar as funções que o foresight assume quando associado à inovação; 2) propor uma nova função estratégica – provocação – para fazer emergir sinais antecipativos voltados para a inovação; e 3) verificar a influência destas funções sobre a inovatividade das empresas. Como resultado, no primeiro artigo, uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura é conduzida e são identificadas 3 funções do foresight para alavancar a inovação: Informacional, de Facilitação e de Influência Estratégica. No segundo artigo, a função de Provocação é considerada, por 49 executivos entrevistados, como uma estratégia proativa capaz de estimular intencionalmente o pensamento antecipativo voltado para a inovação. Por fim, no terceiro artigo, as quatro funções são propostas como dimensões do foresight, hipotetizando sua influência positiva sobre a inovatividade e a vantagem competitiva das organizações. Por meio de uma survey, aplicada a 118 profissionais da área de inovação, os resultados obtidos apontam que as funções de Influência Estratégica e Provocação são as mais significativas para influenciar a inovatividade organizacional. Estes achados contribuem para o avanço teórico, ao propor um modelo estrutural que pode ser testado e validado em pesquisas futuras, em amostras maiores ou em segmentos e setores específicos da economia. Como valor prático, são propostas atividades associadas ao processo de foresight que podem ser implementadas por organizações que desejam aumentar sua inovatividade e, consequentemente, sua posição no mercado competitivo.Foresight is one of the organizational approaches that has been gaining relevance in the literature and in the practical field, as it gives companies that adopt it as a systematic process, the ability to identify weak signals and anticipate the future. This anticipatory characteristic occurs through the active prospection of signals that emerge in competitive environments. Proactivity, inherent to foresight, allows organizations to reduce the uncertainties that permeate decision making, take appropriate actions to mitigate threats or seize opportunities before their competitors, and thus maintain a superior position in the long term. Especially when associated with innovation, foresight helps organizations to identify discontinuities in their external environment and innovate in the face of the challenges and possibilities that lie ahead. This association has been increasingly described in the literature with a series of successful case reports. However, it is clear that, even though companies already have mechanisms to monitor and capture such signals, they still have difficulties in interpreting and using them as a strategic resource applied to their innovation processes. Furthermore, the effective result that this foresight-innovation relationship can generate for companies is not yet sufficiently clarified. This thesis aims to validate foresight as a process capable of leveraging the innovativeness of organizations. It is organized into three articles associated with specific objectives: 1) to explore and present the functions that foresight assumes when associated with innovation; 2) to propose a new strategic function – provocation – to bring out anticipatory signals aimed at innovation; and 3) to verify the influence of these functions on the innovativeness of companies. As a result, in the first article, a Systematic Literature Review is conducted and 3 functions of foresight to leverage innovation are identified: Informational, Facilitation and Strategic Influence. In the second article, the Provocation function is considered by 49 executives interviewed as a proactive strategy capable of intentionally stimulating anticipatory thinking focused on innovation. Finally, in the third article, the 4 functions are proposed as dimensions of foresight, hypothesizing their positive influence on the innovativeness and competitive advantage of organizations. Through a survey, applied to 118 professionals from innovation field, the results obtained indicate that the functions of Strategic Influence and Provocation are the most significant to influence organizational innovativeness. These findings contribute to the theoretical advance, by proposing a structural model that can be tested and validated in future research, in larger samples or in specific segments and sectors of the economy. As a practical value, activities associated with the foresight process are proposed and can be implemented by organizations that wish to increase their innovativeness and, consequently, their position in the competitive market