7 research outputs found

    Report from the Digital Curation Curriculum Symposium (DigCCurr) 2009

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    The second Digital Curation Curriculum Symposium was held on April 1-3, 2009, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, with the theme "Digital Curation Practice, Promise and Prospects". The Symposium featured sessions dealing with issues from the cutting edge of digital curation research, while others showcased recent developments in digital curation tools. At the same time, the Symposium also considered how to equip the new generation of information professionals with the necessary skills to put this research and development into practice

    Experiencias de gestión de los procesos de preservación digital a partir del modelo OAIS en repositorios institucionales

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    The institutional repositories represent the so-called Greenway of the Open Access movement, facilitating access to information and the management of the scientific memory of universities and research centers. In this sense, its operation should not only be optimized in terms of guaranteeing the organization and retrieval of documents, but also optimizing the processes of interoperability and digital preservation. It is here where the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) has taken place as the standard that guides and optimizes processes for digital preservation. Based on the above, this article reports the results of documentary research on the use of the OAIS model in institutional repositories, for this purpose the developed search methodology and the analysis of the factors to be considered in the management of the repositories are presented. The results compile experiences and implementation categories, basic principles, and operating schemes to meet conditions of comprehensiveness, interoperability, and ease in the recovery and preservation of the scientific and academic memory of the institutions. Mainly a trend towards distributed models and architectures, a greater number of experiences in Europe and the United States and the use of systems and software such as DSpace, Lockss, and Archivematica can be evidenced.Los repositorios institucionales representan la denominada Vía Verde del movimiento Acceso Abierto, facilitando el acceso a la información y la gestión de la memoria científica de las universidades y centros de investigación. En ese sentido, no solo debe optimizarse su funcionamiento en términos de garantizar la organización y recuperación de los documentos sino también, los procesos de interoperabilidad y preservación digital. Es aquí donde el Open Archival Information System (OAIS) ha tomado lugar como el estándar que orienta y optimiza los procesos de cara a la preservación digital. A partir de lo anterior, este artículo da cuenta de los resultados de una investigación documental sobre el uso del modelo OAIS en repositorios institucionales, para ello se presenta la metodología de búsqueda desarrollada y el análisis de los factores a considerar en la gestión de los repositorios. Los resultados recopilan experiencias y categorías de implementación, principios básicos y esquemas de funcionamiento para atender condiciones de integralidad, interoperabilidad y facilidad en la recuperación y preservación de la memoria científica y académica de las instituciones. Principalmente se puede evidenciar una tendencia a modelos y arquitecturas distribuidas, mayor cantidad de experiencias en Europa y Estados Unidos y el uso de sistemas y software como DSpace, Lockss y Archivematica

    Education alignment

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    This essay reviews recent developments in embedding data management and curation skills into information technology, library and information science, and research-based postgraduate courses in various national contexts. The essay also investigates means of joining up formal education with professional development training opportunities more coherently. The potential for using professional internships as a means of improving communication and understanding between disciplines is also explored. A key aim of this essay is to identify what level of complementarity is needed across various disciplines to most effectively and efficiently support the entire data curation lifecycle

    Strategy, design, management and administration of large Digital Libraries and Archives

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    Institute of Information Studies and LibrarianshipÚstav informačních studií a knihovnictvíFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts. EVA 2012 Florence

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    The key aim of this Event is to provide a forum for the user, supplier and scientific research communities to meet and exchange experiences, ideas and plans in the wide area of Culture & Technology. Participants receive up to date news on new EC and international arts computing & telecommunications initiatives as well as on Projects in the visual arts field, in archaeology and history. Working Groups and new Projects are promoted. Scientific and technical demonstrations are presented