227 research outputs found

    Monitoring Students at the University: Design and Application of a Moodle Plugin

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    Early detection of at-risk students is essential, especially in the university environment. Moreover, personalized learning has been shown to increase motivation and lower student dropout rates. At present, the average dropout rates among students following courses leading to the award of Spanish university degrees are around 18% and 42.8% for presential teaching and online courses, respectively. The objectives of this study are: (1) to design and to implement a Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle) plugin, “eOrientation”, for the early detection of at-risk students; (2) to test the effectiveness of the “eOrientation” plugin on university students. We worked with 279 third-year students following health sciences degrees. A process for extracting information records was also implemented. In addition, a learning analytics module was developed, through which both supervised and unsupervised Machine Learning techniques can be applied. All these measures facilitated the personalized monitoring of the students and the easier detection of students at academic risk. The use of this tool could be of great importance to teachers and university governing teams, as it can assist the early detection of students at academic risk. Future studies will be aimed at testing the plugin using the Moodle environment on degree courses at other universities.Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León (Spain) (Department of Education of the Junta de Castilla y León), grant number BU032G19, and grants from the University of Burgos for the dissemination and the improvement of teaching innovation experiences of the Vice-Rectorate of Teaching and Research Staff, the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Knowledge Transfer, 2020, and the Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud the University of Burgos (Spain)

    Studi Literatur Analisis Kelebihan dan Kekurangan LMS Terhadap Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek pada Mata Pelajaran Pemrograman Web di SMK

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    Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek (Project-based Learning – PjBL) merupakan pendekatan inovatif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran dimana mengajarkan banyak kiat-kiat penting mengenai kesuksesan pada abad 21.  Mengingat adanya kondisi pandemi COVID-19 sehingga pembelajaran dilaksanakan secara daring, perlu diadakan sebuah analisis mengenai kelebihan dan kekurangan LMS (Learning Management System) berbasis web untuk menampung kebutuhan-kebutuhan pembelajaran PjBL dengan fitur-fitur yang dimiliki. Penelitian studi literatur ini menggunakan data sekunder yang telah didapatkan oleh penlitian-penelitian terdahulu terhadap LMS Moodle, Edmodo, dan Google Classroom. Berdasarkan fitur-fitur yang tersedia beserta kelebihan dan kekurangan yang dimiliki masing-masing LMS, Edmodo menjadi LMS yang paling sesuai untuk diimplementasikan terhadap Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek pada Mata Pelajaran Pemrograman Web karena Edmodo memiliki fitur yang memungkinkan siswa untuk membentuk kelompok kecil di dalam kelas daring, yang tidak dimiliki oleh Moodle dan Google Classroom

    Effectiveness of Using Voice Assistants in Learning: A Study at the Time of COVID-19

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    The use of advanced learning technologies in a learning management system (LMS) can greatly assist learning processes, especially when used in university environments, as they promote the development of Self-Regulated learning, which increases academic performance and student satisfaction towards personal learning. One of the most innovative resources that an LMS may have is an Intelligent Personal Assistant (IPA). We worked with a sample of 109 third-grade students following Health Sciences degrees. The aims were: (1) to verify whether there will be significant differences in student access to the LMS, depending on use versus non-use of an IPA. (2) To verify whether there will be significant differences in student learning outcomes depending on use versus non-use of an IPA. (3) To verify whether there will be significant differences for student satisfaction with teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic, depending on use versus non-use of an IPA. (4) To analyze student perceptions of the usefulness of an IPA in the LMS. We found greater functionality in access to the LMS and satisfaction with teaching, especially during the health crisis, in the group of students who had used an IPA. However, both the expansion of available information and the usability of the features embedded in an IPA are still challenging issues.Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León (Spain) (Department of Education of the Junta de Castilla y León), Grant number BU032G19, and grants from the University of Burgos for the dissemination and the improvement of teaching innovation experiences of the Vice-Rectorate of Teaching and Research Staff, the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Knowledge Transfer, 2020, and the Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud the University of Burgos (Spain). And the support for the dissemination of research results for teachers and doctorands of the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Knowledge Transfer, 2020

    Application of Voice Personal Assistants in the Context of Smart University

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    Los asistentes personales de voz basados en técnicas avanzadas de comprensión del lenguaje natural se muestran como un recurso prometedor frente al reto del diseño de plataformas virtuales de aprendizaje. Específicamente, estos recursos pueden servir de apoyo para la mejora del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El objetivo principal de este trabajo ha sido el de estudiar los desafíos actuales para la utilización de este tipo de asistentes en el ámbito de las universidades inteligentes. Asimismo, se ha analizado cómo esta nueva tecnología puede ayudar a los estudiantes en su proceso de aprendizaje y grado de satisfacción. Los resultados de este trabajo se presentan en tres artículos de investigación publicados en revistas científicas indexadas en Web of Science. También se aporta un Registro de la Propiedad Intelectual registrado en el Ministerio de Cultura de España, en la categoría de programa de ordenador, cuyos derechos fueron cedidos a la Universidad de Burgos.Personal voice assistants based on advanced natural language comprehension techniques are shown as a promising resource with regard to the challenge of designing virtual learning platforms. In particular, these resources can support the improvement of the teaching-learning process. The main objective of this work has been to study the current challenges for the use of this type of assistant in the field of smart universities. Likewise, it has been analyzed how this innovative technology can help students in their learning process and their degree of satisfaction. The results of this work are presented in three research articles published in scientific journals indexed on the Web of Science. Also, an Intellectual Property Registry registered with the Ministry of Culture of Spain in the category of computer programs is provided, whose rights were transferred to the University of Burgos

    Innovations in geomatics teaching during the COVID-19 emergency

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    The approach in the teaching process is changing, thanks to the increased awareness that a higher students\u2019 involvement leads to a better quality of their learning. The aim is to make the students more participative, avoiding a unidirectional lesson and encouraging their wish to keep updated on the course advancements. However, innovative teaching methodologies are not yet widespread, mainly in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines. At the University of Genoa, the experimentation of innovative teaching techniques has been significant and worthy especially because it was planned before the COVID-19 emergency and applied in the scenario of forced remote teaching. Thanks to the introduc- tion of novel technological instruments, several techniques have been exploited to realize interactive lessons and promoting students\u2019 involvement. The present work discloses the employed techniques and frames them within the state of the art of innovative teaching, highlighting their contribution in the teaching activities related to the Geomatics field of knowledge. The acquired experiences in Geomatics dissemination and a critical analysis, including teachers\u2019 and students\u2019 perception about the tested innovative teaching/learning tools, are also reported. In general, the innovations introduced in teaching and learning processes during the COVID-19 sanitary emergency were warmly received by the entire community, including teachers, students, and teaching assistants

    Designing gamification for case and project-based online learning: A study in higher education

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    The emergence of online learning has become important during the COVID -19 pandemic due to the advent of internet technology. The unpreparedness of planning and implementing online learning has caused many problems during the pandemic such as limited or monotonous academic materials as well as difficulty in organizing activities and student involvement. Online learning is also more stressful because students are stuck in private academic processes in the absence of challenging and fun activities leading to knowledge development difficulties. Therefore, this study aims to develop and analyze the feasibility of a gamification model for case and project-based online learning in universities. This analysis used the research and development (R&D) method with the experimental procedure containing model development as well as product validation and testing. In the validation process, two learning design and media experts as well as 76 students participated with a descriptive statistical analysis used to analyze the data. The results of the learning design experts’ assessment showed a score of 4.35, learning media experts’ assessment showed a score of 4.90 and the average score of the students' assessment was 4.33. Based on the results, the developed learning model was feasible to use in university academic processes

    Educational innovation

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    Conferência realizada no Porto, Portugal, de 7 a 9 de Outubro de 2015An effective way to understand, improve and apply educational innovation is through the analysis of good practices. Sharing the acquired knowledge in the development and application of good practices helps teachers to implement educational innovation. Good practices help to reduce the teachers’ effort and to contribute structural to the educational institutions. This paper presents the good practices of the track “Educational Innovation” at the conference TEEM’15. They are organized in 5 lines corresponding to tendencies on educational innovation: Learning Communities, Learning personalization/Adaptive learning, Training and assessment of teamwork, New learning models and Innovation in online learning methods.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio