20 research outputs found

    Pure Exploration with Multiple Correct Answers

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    We determine the sample complexity of pure exploration bandit problems with multiple good answers. We derive a lower bound using a new game equilibrium argument. We show how continuity and convexity properties of single-answer problems ensure that the existing Track-and-Stop algorithm has asymptotically optimal sample complexity. However, that convexity is lost when going to the multiple-answer setting. We present a new algorithm which extends Track-and-Stop to the multiple-answer case and has asymptotic sample complexity matching the lower bound

    Pure Exploration with Multiple Correct Answers

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    We determine the sample complexity of pure exploration bandit problems with multiple good answers. We derive a lower bound using a new game equilibrium argument. We show how continuity and convexity properties of single-answer problems ensures that the Track-and-Stop algorithm has asymptotically optimal sample complexity. However, that convexity is lost when going to the multiple-answer setting. We present a new algorithm which extends Track-and-Stop to the multiple-answer case and has asymptotic sample complexity matching the lower bound

    Planning in Markov Decision Processes with Gap-Dependent Sample Complexity

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    We propose MDP-GapE, a new trajectory-based Monte-Carlo Tree Search algorithm for planning in a Markov Decision Process in which transitions have a finite support. We prove an upper bound on the number of calls to the generative models needed for MDP-GapE to identify a near-optimal action with high probability. This problem-dependent sample complexity result is expressed in terms of the sub-optimality gaps of the state-action pairs that are visited during exploration. Our experiments reveal that MDP-GapE is also effective in practice, in contrast with other algorithms with sample complexity guarantees in the fixed-confidence setting, that are mostly theoretical