26 research outputs found

    Intention-Aware Motion Planning

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    As robots venture into new application domains as autonomous vehicles on the road or as domestic helpers at home, they must recognize human intentions and behaviors in order to operate effectively. This paper investigates a new class of motion planning problems with uncertainty in human intention. We propose a method for constructing a practical model by assuming a finite set of unknown intentions. We first construct a motion model for each intention in the set and then combine these models together into a single Mixed Observability Markov Decision Process (MOMDP), which is a structured variant of the more common Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP). By leveraging the latest advances in POMDP/MOMDP approximation algorithms, we can construct and solve moderately complex models for interesting robotic tasks. Experiments in simulation and with an autonomous vehicle show that the proposed method outperforms common alternatives because of its ability in recognizing intentions and using the information effectively for decision making.Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) (grant R-252- 000-447-592)Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab (grant R-252-000-398-490)Singapore. Ministry of Education (AcRF grant 2010-T2-2-071

    Global Motion Planning under Uncertain Motion, Sensing, and Environment Map

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    Motion planning that takes into account uncertainty in motion, sensing, and environment map, is critical for autonomous robots to operate reliably in our living spaces. Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) is a principled and general framework for planning under uncertainty. Although recent development of point-based POMDPs have drastically increased the speed of POMDP planning, even the best POMDP planner today, fails to generate reasonable motion strategies when the environment map is not known exactly. This paper presents Guided Cluster Sampling (GCS), a new point-based POMDP planner for motion planning under uncertain motion, sensing, and environment map, when the robot has active sensing capability. It uses our observations that in this problem, the belief space B can be partitioned into a collection of much smaller subspaces, and an optimal policy can often be generated by sufficient sampling of a small subset of the collection. GCS samples B using two-stage cluster sampling, a subspace is sampled from the collection and then a belief is sampled from the subspace. It uses information from the set of sampled sub-spaces and sampled beliefs to guide subsequent sampling. Preliminary results suggest that GCS generates reasonable policies for motion planning problems with uncertain motion, sensing, and environment map, that are unsolvable by the best point-based POMDP planner today, within reasonable time. Furthermore, GCS handles POMDPs with continuous state, action, and observation spaces. We show that for a class of POMDPs that often occur in robot motion planning, GCS converges to the optimal policy, given enough time. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first convergence result for point-based POMDPs with continuous action space

    Iterative Model Refinement of Recommender MDPs Based on Expert Feedback

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    Robotic manipulation of multiple objects as a POMDP

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    This paper investigates manipulation of multiple unknown objects in a crowded environment. Because of incomplete knowledge due to unknown objects and occlusions in visual observations, object observations are imperfect and action success is uncertain, making planning challenging. We model the problem as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP), which allows a general reward based optimization objective and takes uncertainty in temporal evolution and partial observations into account. In addition to occlusion dependent observation and action success probabilities, our POMDP model also automatically adapts object specific action success probabilities. To cope with the changing system dynamics and performance constraints, we present a new online POMDP method based on particle filtering that produces compact policies. The approach is validated both in simulation and in physical experiments in a scenario of moving dirty dishes into a dishwasher. The results indicate that: 1) a greedy heuristic manipulation approach is not sufficient, multi-object manipulation requires multi-step POMDP planning, and 2) on-line planning is beneficial since it allows the adaptation of the system dynamics model based on actual experience