14 research outputs found

    Monotonicity, thinning and discrete versions of the Entropy Power Inequality

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    We consider the entropy of sums of independent discrete random variables, in analogy with Shannon's Entropy Power Inequality, where equality holds for normals. In our case, infinite divisibility suggests that equality should hold for Poisson variables. We show that some natural analogues of the Entropy Power Inequality do not in fact hold, but propose an alternative formulation which does always hold. The key to many proofs of Shannon's Entropy Power Inequality is the behaviour of entropy on scaling of continuous random variables. We believe that R\'{e}nyi's operation of thinning discrete random variables plays a similar role to scaling, and give a sharp bound on how the entropy of ultra log-concave random variables behaves on thinning. In the spirit of the monotonicity results established by Artstein, Ball, Barthe and Naor, we prove a stronger version of concavity of entropy, which implies a strengthened form of our discrete Entropy Power Inequality.Comment: 9 pages (revised to take account of referees' comments

    On the Entropy of Sums of Bernoulli Random Variables via the Chen-Stein Method

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    This paper considers the entropy of the sum of (possibly dependent and non-identically distributed) Bernoulli random variables. Upper bounds on the error that follows from an approximation of this entropy by the entropy of a Poisson random variable with the same mean are derived. The derivation of these bounds combines elements of information theory with the Chen-Stein method for Poisson approximation. The resulting bounds are easy to compute, and their applicability is exemplified. This conference paper presents in part the first half of the paper entitled "An information-theoretic perspective of the Poisson approximation via the Chen-Stein method" (see:arxiv:1206.6811). A generalization of the bounds that considers the accuracy of the Poisson approximation for the entropy of a sum of non-negative, integer-valued and bounded random variables is introduced in the full paper. It also derives lower bounds on the total variation distance, relative entropy and other measures that are not considered in this conference paper.Comment: A conference paper of 5 pages that appears in the Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Workshop on Information Theory (ITW 2012), pp. 542--546, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 201

    Passive states optimize the output of bosonic Gaussian quantum channels

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    An ordering between the quantum states emerging from a single mode gauge-covariant bosonic Gaussian channel is proven. Specifically, we show that within the set of input density matrices with the same given spectrum, the element passive with respect to the Fock basis (i.e. diagonal with decreasing eigenvalues) produces an output which majorizes all the other outputs emerging from the same set. When applied to pure input states, our finding includes as a special case the result of A. Mari, et al., Nat. Comm. 5, 3826 (2014) which implies that the output associated to the vacuum majorizes the others

    Gaussian States Minimize the Output Entropy of the One-Mode Quantum Attenuator

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    We prove that Gaussian thermal input states minimize the output von Neumann entropy of the one-mode Gaussian quantum-limited attenuator for fixed input entropy. The Gaussian quantum-limited attenuator models the attenuation of an electromagnetic signal in the quantum regime. The Shannon entropy of an attenuated real-valued classical signal is a simple function of the entropy of the original signal. A striking consequence of energy quantization is that the output von Neumann entropy of the quantum-limited attenuator is no more a function of the input entropy alone. The proof starts from the majorization result of De Palma et al., IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 62, 2895 (2016), and is based on a new isoperimetric inequality. Our result implies that geometric input probability distributions minimize the output Shannon entropy of the thinning for fixed input entropy. Moreover, our result opens the way to the multimode generalization, that permits to determine both the triple trade-off region of the Gaussian quantum-limited attenuator and the classical capacity region of the Gaussian degraded quantum broadcast channel

    The One-Mode Quantum-Limited Gaussian Attenuator and Amplifier Have Gaussian Maximizers

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    We determine the p->q norms of the Gaussian one-mode quantum-limited attenuator and amplifier and prove that they are achieved by Gaussian states, extending to noncommutative probability the seminal theorem "Gaussian kernels have only Gaussian maximizers" (Lieb in Invent Math 102(1):179-208, 1990). The quantum-limited attenuator and amplifier are the building blocks of quantum Gaussian channels, which play a key role in quantum communication theory since they model in the quantum regime the attenuation and the noise affecting any electromagnetic signal. Our result is crucial to prove the longstanding conjecture stating that Gaussian input states minimize the output entropy of one-mode phase-covariant quantum Gaussian channels for fixed input entropy. Our proof technique is based on a new noncommutative logarithmic Sobolev inequality, and it can be used to determine the p->q norms of any quantum semigroup.Comment: Annales Henri Poincar\'e (2018