367 research outputs found

    Book Reviews

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    Studi linguistici in onore di Roberto Gusmani. 3 vols. A cura di Raffaella Bombi, Guido Cifoletti, Fabiana Fusco, Lucia Innocente, Vincenzo Orioles. XLVI, VIII, VIII, 1866 pp. Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2006. Gábor Tolcsvai Nagy: A cognitive theory of style (Metalinguistica 17). Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2005. pp 162. Eugeniusz Cyran: Complexity scales and licensing in phonology (Studies in Generative Grammar 105). De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin & New York, 2010. xii + 311 pp. Donald W. Peckham: Noticing and instruction in second language acquisition: A study of Hungarian learners of English. Papers in English & American Studies XVI. Monograph Series 6. JATEPress, Szegedi Egyetemi Kiadó, Szeged, 2009. 155 pp. Shigeru Miyagawa: Why agree? Why move? Unifying agreement-based and discourse configurational languages. Linguistic Inquiry Monograph 54. The MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 2010. xiii + 183 pp

    Emergence of Anchored Flux Tubes Through the Convection Zone

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    We model the evolution of buoyant magnetic flux tubes in the Sun's convection zone. A flux tube is assumed to lie initially near the top of the stably stratified radiative core below the convection zone, but a segment of it is perturbed into the convection zone by gradual heating and convective overshoot motions. The ends ("footpoints") of the segment remain anchored at the base of the convection zone, and if the segment is sufficiently long, it may be buoyantly unstable, rising through the convection zone in a short time. The length of the flux tube determines the ratio of buoyancy to magnetic tension: short loops of flux are arrested before reaching the top of the convection zone, while longer loops emerge to erupt through the photosphere. Using Spruit's convection zone model, we compute the minimum footpoint separation LcL_c required for erupting flux tubes. We explore the dependence of LcL_c on the initial thermal state of the perturbed flux tube segment and on its initial magnetic field strength. Following an investigation of thermal diffusion time scales and the dynamic rise times of unstable flux tube segments, we conclude that the most likely origin for magnetic flux which erupts to the surface is from short length scale perturbations (L<LcL < L_c) which are initially stable, but which are subsequently destabilized either by diffusion of heat into the tube or by stretching of the anchor points until LL just exceeds LcL_c. In either case, the separation of the anchor points of the emergent tube should lie between the critical distance for a tube in mechanical equilibrium and one in thermal equilibrium. Finally, after comparing the dispersion of dynamic rise times with the much shorter observed active region formation time scales, we conclude that active regions form from the emergence of a single flux tube segment.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Publishing information: Solar System Plasma Physics: Geophysical Monograph 54. Edited by J. H., Jr. Waite, J. L. Burch and R. L. Moore. ISBN 0-87590-074-7; QC809.P5S65 1989. Published by the American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC USA, 1989, p.4

    Bibliography of research using the NZIER’s quarterly survey of business opinion

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    The New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER) has conducted and published a quarterly survey of business opinion continuously, and with largely unchanged questions, since June 1961. The Institute’s Quarterly Survey of Business Opinion (QSBO) is a business tendency survey based substantially on the Business Test of the IFO Munich. It covers the manufacturing, building, merchant and service sectors and architects. This bibliography lists and classifies some 80 research papers which used QSBO data and published between 1964 and 2011

    The relationships between organic farming and agroecology.

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    While acknowledging an extension of agroecology in the organic sector and a growing influence of agroecology in the academic world, we explore their relationships. These relationships cannot be reduced to an opposition between a scientific field and a practical domain. A Brazilian case study based on the analysis of researchers and social actors trajectories exemplifies the diversity of existing relations, whether inclusive or exclusive. With a literature review, this allows characterising the specific attributes of both organic agriculture and agroecology. We discuss them in the light of current challenges for organic farming research and development

    A checklist of the bryophytes of Distrito Federal (Brasília, Brazil)

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    The Distrito Federal, one of the most important centers of plant endemism in central Brazil, is located in the center of Brazil, with an area of 5,814 km2 at coordinates 15o30’ S, 16o03’W. Cerrado vegetation covers the region. The main city in the Distrito Federal is Brasília, the capital of Brazil with a population of 2.5 million. In the last two decades the anthropogenic action has reduced the original plant cover drastically. In this paper a checklist of the bryophytes (Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta and Anthocerotophyta) is presented. A total of 176 species are listed, 114 among Bryophyta, 61 among Marchantiophyta and 1 in the Anthocerotophyta. The families best represented are the Bryaceae and Sematophyllaceae (Bryophyta), and the Jubulaceae and Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophya).O Distrito Federal, reconhecido com um dos principais centros de diversidade e endemismo de espécies vegetais do Brasil Central, está localizado no centro do pais, com uma área de 5.814 Km2, entre as coordenadas 15°30’ S, 16°03’O. A região é coberta pela vegetação de cerrado. A principal cidade do Distrito Federal é Brasilia, com uma população de 2,5 milhões de habitantes. Nas últimas duas décadas ação do homem tem reduzido draticamente a cobertura vegetal original. Neste trabalho é apresentado um cheklist das briófitas (Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta e Anthocerotophyta). Um total de 176 especies são listadas, 114 entre a Divisão Bryophyta, 61 na Divisão Marchantiophya e um entre Anthocerotophyta. As familias melhor representadas são: Bryaceae e Sematophyllaceae (Bryophyta) e Jubulaceae e Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta)

    Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer

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    Wide-field imaging systems equipped with objective prisms or gratings have had a long history of utility in groundbased observations of meteors and comets. Deployment of similar instruments from low Earth orbit would allow the first UV observations of meteors. This instrument can be used for comets and Lyman alpha coronae of Earth-orbit-crossing asteroids. A CaF2 prism imaging spectrograph designed for stellar observations was used aboard Skylab to observe Comet Kohoutek (1973f), but its 1300-A cut-off precluded Lyman alpha images and it was not used for observation of meteors. Because the observation of the UV spectrum of a meteor has never been attempted, researchers are denied the opportunity to obtain composition information from spectra at those wavelengths. We propose construction of a flight instrument functioning in the 1100-3200 A spectral range that is suitable for a dedicated satellite ('Quick Star') or as a space-station-attached payload. It can also be an autonomous package in the space shuttle cargo bay

    New records of bryophytes for Pernambuco State, Brazil

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    The known geographical distribution of 12 bryophyte species is extended by confirmation of their presence in the state of Pernambuco. Leptoscyphus porphyrius (Nees) Grolle, Harpalejeunea uncinata Steph., Chryso-hypnum diminutivum (Hampe) Buck and Porotrichum korthalsianum (Dozy & Molk.) Mitt. are new to northeastern Brazil. The material studied was collected in remnants of Atlantic Forest situated at altitudes of 100-1.100m. The principal taxonomic characteristics are cited, with ecological and distributional commentary provided.A distribuição geográfica conhecida de 12 espécies de briófitas é ampliada, com o registro de sua ocorrência no estado de Pernambuco. Leptoscyphus porphyrius (Nees) Grolle, Harpalejeunea uncinata Steph., Chryso-hypnum diminutivum (Hampe) Buck e Porotrichum korthalsianum (Dozy & Molk.) Mitt. constituem-se novas referências para a região Nordeste. O material estudado foi coletado em remanescentes da Floresta Atlântica, situados de 100 a 1.100m de altitude. Faz-se referência às principais características taxonômicas do material, bem como, breves comentários ecológicos e de distribuição geográfica

    New and interesting records of Brazilian bryophytes

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    This paper presents data on morphology, ecology and distribution of 16 species of bryophytes collected in Pernambuco, Brazil, that are interesting floristic records. Notothylasorbicularis (Schwein.) Sull. is new to Brazil, 11 species are new to the Northeast region of Brazil and 4 species are new to Pernambuco.Dados morfológicos, ecológicos e de distribuição geográfica são apresentados para 16 espécies de briófitas coletadas no Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Notothylas orbicularis (Schwein.) Sull. é registrada pela primeira vez para o Brasil, 11 espécies são novas para a região Nordeste e 4 para o Estado de Pernambuco