26 research outputs found

    Ground Based SAR Interferometry: a Novel Tool for Geoscience

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    Monitoring geotechnical structures by ground based radar interferometry

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    This paper describes two novel remote sensing techniques based on radar sensors, respectively the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and the Real Aperture Radar (RAR), and some applications to relevant geotechnical problems with the aim to demonstrate the outcomes these types of sensors can provide. The case studies here described show how the SAR technique can provide useful information to interpret landslides’ kinematics and how the RAR can be used to monitor dam displacements and tunnels’ convergences

    Early warning monitoring of natural and engineered slopes with Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    The first application of ground-based interferometric synthetic-aperture radar (GBInSAR) for slope monitoring dates back 13 years. Today, GBInSAR is used internationally as a leading-edge tool for near-real-time monitoring of surface slope movements in landslides and open pit mines. The success of the technology relies mainly on its ability to measure slope movements rapidly with sub- millimetric accuracy over wide areas and in almost any weather conditions. In recent years, GBInSAR has experienced significant improvements, due to the development of more advanced radar techniques in terms of both data processing and sensor performance. These improvements have led to widespread diffusion of the technology for early warning monitoring of slopes in both civil and mining applications. The main technical features of modern SAR technology for slope monitoring are discussed in this paper. A comparative analysis with other monitoring technologies is also presented along with some recent examples of successful slope monitorin

    Integration between ground based and satellite SAR data in landslide mapping: The San Fratello case study

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    AbstractThe potential use of the integration of PSI (Persistent Scatterer Interferometry) and GB-InSAR (Ground-based Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry) for landslide hazard mitigation was evaluated for mapping and monitoring activities of the San Fratello landslide (Sicily, Italy). Intense and exceptional rainfall events are the main factors that triggered several slope movements in the study area, which is susceptible to landslides, because of its steep slopes and silty–clayey sedimentary cover.In the last three centuries, the town of San Fratello was affected by three large landslides, developed in different periods: the oldest one occurred in 1754, damaging the northeastern sector of the town; in 1922 a large landslide completely destroyed a wide area in the western hillside of the town. In this paper, the attention is focussed on the most recent landslide that occurred on 14 February 2010: in this case, the phenomenon produced the failure of a large sector of the eastern hillside, causing severe damages to buildings and infrastructures. In particular, several slow-moving rotational and translational slides occurred in the area, making it suitable to monitor ground instability through different InSAR techniques.PS-InSAR™ (permanent scatterers SAR interferometry) techniques, using ERS-1/ERS-2, ENVISAT, RADARSAT-1, and COSMO-SkyMed SAR images, were applied to analyze ground displacements during pre- and post-event phases. Moreover, during the post-event phase in March 2010, a GB-InSAR system, able to acquire data continuously every 14min, was installed collecting ground displacement maps for a period of about three years, until March 2013. Through the integration of space-borne and ground-based data sets, ground deformation velocity maps were obtained, providing a more accurate delimitation of the February 2010 landslide boundary, with respect to the carried out traditional geomorphological field survey. The integration of GB-InSAR and PSI techniques proved to be very effective in landslide mapping in the San Fratello test site, representing a valid scientific support for local authorities and decision makers during the post-emergency management

    Remote sensing as tool for development of landslide databases: The case of the Messina Province (Italy) geodatabase

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    Landslide geodatabases, including inventories and thematic data, today are fundamental tools for national and/or local authorities in susceptibility, hazard and risk management. A well organized landslide geo-database contains different kinds of data such as past information (landslide inventory maps), ancillary data and updated remote sensing (space-borne and ground based) data, which can be integrated in order to produce landslide susceptibility maps, updated landslide inventory maps and hazard and risk assessment maps. Italy is strongly affected by landslide phenomena which cause victims and significant economic damage to buildings and infrastructure, loss of productive soils and pasture lands. In particular, the Messina Province (southern Italy) represents an area where landslides are recurrent and characterized by high magnitude, due to several predisposing factors (e.g. morphology, land use, lithologies) and different triggering mechanisms (meteorological conditions, seismicity, active tectonics and volcanic activity). For this area, a geodatabase was created by using different monitoring techniques, including remote sensing (e.g. SAR satellite ERS1/2, ENVISAT, RADARSAT-1, TerraSAR-X, COSMO-SkyMed) data, and in situ measurements (e.g. GBInSAR, damage assessment). In this paper a complete landslide geodatabase of the Messina Province, designed following the requirements of the local and national Civil Protection authorities, is presented. This geo-database was used to produce maps (e.g. susceptibility, ground deformation velocities, damage assessment, risk zonation) which today are constantly used by the Civil Protection authorities to manage the landslide hazard of the Messina Province

    Integrating geomechanical surveys and remote sensing for sea cliff slope stability analysis: the Mt. Pucci case study (Italy)

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    Abstract. An integrated approach to the geomechanical characterization of coastal sea cliffs was applied at Mt. Pucci (Gargano promontory, Southern Italy) by performing field-based geomechanical investigations and remote geostructural investigations via a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS). The consistency of the integrated techniques allowed to achieve a comprehensive and affordable characterization of the main joint sets on the sea cliff slope. The observed joint sets were considered to evaluate the proneness of the slope to rock failures by attributing safety factor (SF) values to the topple- and wedge-prone rock blocks under three combined or independent triggering conditions: (a) hydrostatic water pressures within the joints, (b) seismic action, and (c) strength reduction due to weathering of the joint surfaces. The combined action of weathering and water pressures within the joints was also considered, resulting in a significant decrease in the stability. Furthermore, remote survey analyses via InfraRed Thermography (IRT) and Ground Based Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (GBInSAR) were performed to evaluate the role of the surveyed joint sets in inducing instabilities in the Mt. Pucci sea cliff. The results from the remote surveys: (i) GBInSAR monitoring revealed permanent displacements coupled to cyclic daily displacements, these last ones detected in certain sectors of the cliff wall; (ii) the thermal images allowed us to identify anomalies that correspond well to the main joints and to the slope material released due to recent collapses