1,296 research outputs found

    Online environments for supporting learning analytics in the flipped classroom:a scoping review

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    Learning Analytics in Flipped Classrooms:a Scoping Review

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    A Survey of Smart Classroom Literature

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    Recently, there has been a substantial amount of research on smart classrooms, encompassing a number of areas, including Information and Communication Technology, Machine Learning, Sensor Networks, Cloud Computing, and Hardware. Smart classroom research has been quickly implemented to enhance education systems, resulting in higher engagement and empowerment of students, educators, and administrators. Despite decades of using emerging technology to improve teaching practices, critics often point out that methods miss adequate theoretical and technical foundations. As a result, there have been a number of conflicting reviews on different perspectives of smart classrooms. For a realistic smart classroom approach, a piecemeal implementation is insufficient. This survey contributes to the current literature by presenting a comprehensive analysis of various disciplines using a standard terminology and taxonomy. This multi-field study reveals new research possibilities and problems that must be tackled in order to integrate interdisciplinary works in a synergic manner. Our analysis shows that smart classroom is a rapidly developing research area that complements a number of emerging technologies. Moreover, this paper also describes the co-occurrence network of technological keywords using VOSviewer for an in-depth analysis

    Knowledge Communities in Online Education and (Visual) Knowledge Management: 19. Workshop GeNeMe‘16 as part of IFKAD 2016: Proceedings of 19th Conference GeNeMe

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    Communities in New Media started in 1998 as a workshop series at TU Dresden, and since then has annually dealt with online communities at the interface between several disciplines such as education and economics, computer science, social and communication sciences, and more. (See Köhler, Kahnwald & Schoop, 2015). The workshop is traditionally a forum for interdisciplinary dialogue between science and business and serves to share experiences and knowledge among participants from different disciplines, organisations, and institutions. In addition to the core themes of knowledge management and communities (in the chapters of the same name), the main focus of the conference is also on the support of knowledge and learning processes in the field of (media-assisted) higher education. This is complemented by an informational perspective when it comes to more functional and methodological approaches - use cases, workflows, and automation in knowledge management. In addition, systems and approaches for feedback, exchange, and ideas are presented. With the focus of knowledge media design and visual research as well as creative processes, this time there is also a highlight on visual aspects of knowledge management and mediation. For IFKAD 2016, three GeNeMe tracks were accepted which focus on the interface of knowledge communities and knowledge management as well as knowledge media design in science, business, or education. In this conference volume you will find detailed information about these three tracks: -- Knowledge Communities I: Knowledge Management -- Knowledge Communities II: Online Education -- Visual Knowledge Management [From the Preface.]:Preface IX Vorwort XIII Knowledge Communities I: Knowledge Management 1 Process Learning Environments 1 Two Steps to IT Transparency: A Practitioner’s Approach for a Knowledge Based Analysis of Existing IT Landscapes in SME 13 Social Media and Sustainable Communication. Rethinking the Role of Research and Innovation Networks 26 Consolidating eLearning in a Higher Education Institution: An Organisational Issue integrating Didactics, Technology, and People by the Means of an eLearning Strategy 39 How to treat the troll? An empirical analysis of counterproductive online behavior, personality traits and organizational behavior 51 Knowledge Communities II: Online Education 64 Sifa-Portfolio – a Continuing Education Concept for Specialists on Industrial Safety Combining Formal and Informal Learning 64 Analysing eCollaboration: Prioritisation of Monitoring Criteria for Learning Analytics in the Virtual Classroom 78 Gamifying Higher Education. Beyond Badges, Points and Leaderboards 93 Virtual International Learning Experience in Formal Higher Education – A Case Study from Jordan 105 Migration to the Flipped Classroom – Applying a Scalable Flipped Classroom Arrangement 117 MOOC@TU9 – Common MOOC Strategy of the Alliance of Nine Leading German Institutes of Technology 131 A Survey on Knowledge Management in Universities in the QS Rankings: E-learning and MOOCs 144 Visual Knowledge Media 157 Generating implications for design in practice: How different stimuli are retrieved and transformed to generate ideas 157 Behind the data – preservation of the knowledge in CH Visualisations 170 Building a Wiki resource on digital 3D reconstruction related knowledge assets 184 Visual media as a tool to acquire soft skills — cross-disciplinary teaching-learning project SUFUvet 196 Graphing Meeting Records - An Approach to Visualize Information in a Multi Meeting Context 209 HistStadt4D – A four dimensional access to history 221 Ideagrams: A digital tool for observing ideation processes 234 Adress- und Autorenverzeichnis 251Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien hat 1998 als Workshop-Reihe an der TU Dresden begonnen und seither jährlich das Thema Online-Communities an der Schnittstelle mehrerer Disziplinen wie Informatik, Bildungs- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Informatik sowie Sozial-und Kommunikationswissenschaft u.a.m. thematisiert (vgl. Köhler, Kahnwald & Schoop, 2015). Der Workshop ist traditionell ein Forum für den interdisziplinären Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft und dient dazu, Erfahrungen und Wissen unter den Teilnehmern aus verschiedenen Disziplinen, Organisationen und Institutionen zu teilen. Die inhaltlichen Schwerpunkte der Konferenz widmen sich neben den Kernthemen Wissensmanagement und Communities (in den gleichnamigen Kapiteln) auch der Unterstützung von Wissens- und Lernprozessen im Bereich der (mediengestützten) Hochschullehre. Ergänzt wird diese eher organisationswissenschaftliche durch eine informatorische Perspektive, wenn es um stärker funktionale bzw. auch methodische Ansätze geht – Use Cases, Workflows und Automatisierung im Wissensmanagement. Darüber hinaus werden Systeme und Ansätze für Feedback, Austausch und Ideenfindung vorgestellt. Mit den Schwerpunkten der Wissensmediengestaltung und visuellen Forschungs- sowie Kreativprozessen wird diesmal auch ein Schlaglicht auf visuelle Aspekte von Wissensmanagement und -vermittlung geworfen. Für die IFKAD 2016 wurden drei GeNeMe-Tracks angenommen, die sich auf das Interface von Wissensgemeinschaften und Wissensmanagement sowie die Wissensmediengestaltung in Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft oder Bildung konzentrieren. Im vorliegenden Tagungsband finden Sie detaillierte Informationen zu diesen drei Tracks: -- Knowledge Communities I: Knowledge Management -- Knowledge Communities II: Online Education -- Visual Knowledge Management [Aus dem Vorwort.]:Preface IX Vorwort XIII Knowledge Communities I: Knowledge Management 1 Process Learning Environments 1 Two Steps to IT Transparency: A Practitioner’s Approach for a Knowledge Based Analysis of Existing IT Landscapes in SME 13 Social Media and Sustainable Communication. Rethinking the Role of Research and Innovation Networks 26 Consolidating eLearning in a Higher Education Institution: An Organisational Issue integrating Didactics, Technology, and People by the Means of an eLearning Strategy 39 How to treat the troll? An empirical analysis of counterproductive online behavior, personality traits and organizational behavior 51 Knowledge Communities II: Online Education 64 Sifa-Portfolio – a Continuing Education Concept for Specialists on Industrial Safety Combining Formal and Informal Learning 64 Analysing eCollaboration: Prioritisation of Monitoring Criteria for Learning Analytics in the Virtual Classroom 78 Gamifying Higher Education. Beyond Badges, Points and Leaderboards 93 Virtual International Learning Experience in Formal Higher Education – A Case Study from Jordan 105 Migration to the Flipped Classroom – Applying a Scalable Flipped Classroom Arrangement 117 MOOC@TU9 – Common MOOC Strategy of the Alliance of Nine Leading German Institutes of Technology 131 A Survey on Knowledge Management in Universities in the QS Rankings: E-learning and MOOCs 144 Visual Knowledge Media 157 Generating implications for design in practice: How different stimuli are retrieved and transformed to generate ideas 157 Behind the data – preservation of the knowledge in CH Visualisations 170 Building a Wiki resource on digital 3D reconstruction related knowledge assets 184 Visual media as a tool to acquire soft skills — cross-disciplinary teaching-learning project SUFUvet 196 Graphing Meeting Records - An Approach to Visualize Information in a Multi Meeting Context 209 HistStadt4D – A four dimensional access to history 221 Ideagrams: A digital tool for observing ideation processes 234 Adress- und Autorenverzeichnis 25

    The Digital Revolution in Higher Education: Transforming Teaching and Learning

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    Digital transformation in higher education has greatly disrupted conventional teaching and learning models. This review traces the evolution of educational technology over the past few decades. It analyzes how tools such as learning management systems, data analytics, online learning, and artificial intelligence impact pedagogy, student experience, educator roles, and institutional learning. The great potential of technology to enhance learning is also discussed, along with the ongoing challenges of justice, ethics, and human relations in its application. Current and emerging technologies are examined, with their implications for key stakeholders. This study uses a multi-faceted methodology to investigate digital transformation in higher education: Historical Analysis, Technology Review Case Studies, Stakeholder Surveys, and Ethical and Social Implications. Predictive modeling and trend analysis are performed to project higher education's future digital transformation trajectory. This includes analysis of new technologies, potential disruptions, and the evolving needs of the education sector. The review brings together insights from academic literature, industry publications, and the digital transformation of higher education over the past few decades, which has been widespread and measurable.  Early adopters of technologies such as analytics, AI, and immersive media will be best positioned to improve the student experience in the future. However, carefully applying and considering students' needs and equality is essential to avoid marginalized groups

    Innovative Learning Environments in STEM Higher Education

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    As explored in this open access book, higher education in STEM fields is influenced by many factors, including education research, government and school policies, financial considerations, technology limitations, and acceptance of innovations by faculty and students. In 2018, Drs. Ryoo and Winkelmann explored the opportunities, challenges, and future research initiatives of innovative learning environments (ILEs) in higher education STEM disciplines in their pioneering project: eXploring the Future of Innovative Learning Environments (X-FILEs). Workshop participants evaluated four main ILE categories: personalized and adaptive learning, multimodal learning formats, cross/extended reality (XR), and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). This open access book gathers the perspectives expressed during the X-FILEs workshop and its follow-up activities. It is designed to help inform education policy makers, researchers, developers, and practitioners about the adoption and implementation of ILEs in higher education

    Reshaping the Museum of Zoology in Rome by Visual Storytelling and Interactive Iconography

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    This article summarizes the concept of a new immersive and interactive setting for the Zoology Museum in Rome, Italy. The concept, co-designed with all the museum’s curators, is aimed at enhancing the experiential involvement of the visitors by visual storytelling and interactive iconography. Thanks to immersive and interactive technologies designed by Centro Studi Logos, developed by Logosnet and known as e-REALâ and MirrorMeä, zoological findings and memoirs come to life and interact directly with the visitors in order to deepen their understanding, visualize stories and live experiences, and interact with the founder of the Museum (Mr. Arrigoni degli Oddi) who is now a virtualized avatar, or digital human, able to talk with the visitors. All the interactions are powered through simple hand gestures and, in a few cases, vocal inputs that transform into recognized commands from multimedia systems

    Immersive Telepresence: A framework for training and rehearsal in a postdigital age

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    Educational Data Analytics for Teachers and School Leaders

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    Educational Data Analytics (EDA) have been attributed with significant benefits for enhancing on-demand personalized educational support of individual learners as well as reflective course (re)design for achieving more authentic teaching, learning and assessment experiences integrated into real work-oriented tasks. This open access textbook is a tutorial for developing, practicing and self-assessing core competences on educational data analytics for digital teaching and learning. It combines theoretical knowledge on core issues related to collecting, analyzing, interpreting and using educational data, including ethics and privacy concerns. The textbook provides questions and teaching materials/ learning activities as quiz tests of multiple types of questions, added after each section, related to the topic studied or the video(s) referenced. These activities reproduce real-life contexts by using a suitable use case scenario (storytelling), encouraging learners to link theory with practice; self-assessed assignments enabling learners to apply their attained knowledge and acquired competences on EDL. By studying this book, you will know where to locate useful educational data in different sources and understand their limitations; know the basics for managing educational data to make them useful; understand relevant methods; and be able to use relevant tools; know the basics for organising, analysing, interpreting and presenting learner-generated data within their learning context, understand relevant learning analytics methods and be able to use relevant learning analytics tools; know the basics for analysing and interpreting educational data to facilitate educational decision making, including course and curricula design, understand relevant teaching analytics methods and be able to use relevant teaching analytics tools; understand issues related with educational data ethics and privacy. This book is intended for school leaders and teachers engaged in blended (using the flipped classroom model) and online (during COVID-19 crisis and beyond) teaching and learning; e-learning professionals (such as, instructional designers and e-tutors) of online and blended courses; instructional technologists; researchers as well as undergraduate and postgraduate university students studying education, educational technology and relevant fields

    Wissensgemeinschaften 2015: 18. GeNeMe-Workshop, TU Dresden, 25./26.06.2015: GeNeMe 2015, Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien

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    Unter dem gemeinsamen Dach „Wissensgemeinschaften“ werden nun zwei Tagungen mit sich gegenseitig ergänzenden thematischen Schwerpunkten zusammengebracht, die Lern- und Wissensprozesse im Spannungsfeld zwischen Organisation, Technologie und (Unternehmens-)Kultur verhandeln. Während die Konferenz „Gemeinschaften in neuen Medien (GeNeMe)“ organisationale und technische Perspektiven im Kontext von Virtual Enterprises, Communities & Social Networks thematisiert, liefert die zweijährlich stattfindende Konferenz „Professionelles Wissensmanagement (ProWM)“ der Fachgruppe Wissensmanagement in der Gesellschaft für Informatik (fgwm) einen breiten integrativen Überblick über die organisatorischen, kulturellen, sozialen und technischen Aspekte des Wissensmanagements.:1 Vorwort: Wissensgemeinschaften in Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft XII 2 Preface: Knowledge Communities in Busuness and Schience XVII Keynotes – eingeladene Vorträge 1 Knowledge Management – Advancements and Future Research Needs – Results from the Global Knowledge Research Network study 1 2 Leeds University Business School, Leeds, UK, 2 Beginnt die neue Arbeitswelt mit einer Abwesenheitsnotiz? 13 Hochschuldidaktik 2.0 1 Vernetztes Lernen an der Hochschule? Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen eines cMOOS 17 2 Smart communities in virtual reality. A comparison of design approaches for academic education 25 3 Flipped Classroom in der Hochschullehre der TU Dresden – Ein Work in Progress-Bericht 39 4 Konzepte für den Einsatz von E-Tutoren in komplexen E-Learning-Szenarien – Ein Erfahrungsbericht 45 Wissensmanagement I 1 Barrieren im interorganisationalen Wissensaustausch auf individueller Ebene – Ordnungsrahmen und Analysemethoden 55 2 GIS-based sales support by company knowledge reuse in the telecommunications sector 67 3 Praktische Entwicklung einer wissensorientierten Unternehmenskultur. Entwurf einer Zertifizierungsmethode 75 4 Supporting Knowledge Management Instruments with Composable Micro-Services 81 Communities 1 MeetingMirror – Unterstützung von Wissenschaftler-Communities auf Konferenzen 91 2 The SIFA community as a virtual learning space in OSH 101 3 Reflexion, Begleitung, Austausch – Die Online-Plattform StudentBodies-AN zur Prävention von Magersucht 107 Technologien, Methoden, Systeme 1 Gamification in der Hochschullehre. Herleitung von Handlungsempfehlungen für den Einsatz von Gamedesign-Elementen in der sächsischen Lernplattform OPAL 115 2 Gebrauchstauglichkeit und Nützlichkeit. Usability und wahrgenommener Nutzen digitaler Lernangebote S. 125 3 Barrierefreiheit im MOOC 135 4 Strukturierte Wikis – Konzept und Anwendungsbeispiel 141 Feedback, Austausch, Ideenfindung 1 Idea-Space: A Use Case of Collaborative Course Development in Higher Education 149 2 Onlinegestützte Audience Response Systeme: Förderung der kognitiven Aktivierung in Vorlesungen und Eröffnung neuer Evaluationsperspektiven 157 3 Mobiles Feedback – Praxisbericht zur Integration eines Audience Response Systems in eine Lehrveranstaltung als Instrument der Lehrevaluation 67 4 Jazz in der Stadt und Rock auf der Autobahn - von der kollaborativen zur kollaborativ-kontextorientierten Musikempfehlung 173 Education 1 Wissens- und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement durch Kooperationen in Weiterbildungsprojekten 185 2 Lernen aus Erfahrung – vom agilen zum verteilten Präsenzteam 193 3 Development of an E-Learning instructional model for vocational training in Indonesia 203 4 A Survey of Teachers’ Media Literacy in Chinese Vocational Schools 209 Prozess 1 Welche Use Cases eignen sich für die Umsetzung in einem Enterprise Social Network? Eine Fallstudie bei der N-ERGIE Aktiengesellschaft 225 2 Kontextbezogene, workflowbasierte Assessmentverfahren auf der Grundlage semantischer Wissensbasen 237 3 Collaborative Knowledge Acquisition and Explorationin Technology Search 243 Wissensmanagement II 1 Assessing Informal Social Learning at the Workplace – A Revalidation Case from Healthcare 251 2 Wie Barrieren im Wissenstransfer überwunden werden können – Ergebnisse einer Studie zur Grundhaltung des Misstrauens oder Vertrauens 267 3 Integration von Topic Models und Netzwerkanalyse bei der Bestimmung des Kundenwertes 277 4 Wissensmanagement im Kontext öffentlich-rechtlicher Rahmenbedingungen: Praktische Erfahrungen aus einem Wasserverband 285 Adress- und Autorenverzeichnis 29
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