9,919 research outputs found

    Retrieval of the most relevant facts from data streams joined with slowly evolving dataset published on the web of data

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    Finding the most relevant facts among dynamic and hetero- geneous data published on theWeb of Data is getting a growing attention in recent years. RDF Stream Processing (RSP) engines offer a baseline solution to integrate and process streaming data with data distributed on the Web. Unfortunately, the time to access and fetch the distributed data can be so high to put the RSP engine at risk of losing reactiveness, especially when the distributed data is slowly evolving. State of the art work addressed this problem by proposing an architectural solution that keeps a local replica of the distributed data and a baseline maintenance policy to refresh it over time. This doctoral thesis is investigating advance policies that let RSP engines continuously answer top-k queries, which require to join data streams with slowly evolving datasets published on the Web of Data, without violating the reactiveness constrains imposed by the users. In particular, it proposes policies that focus on freshing only the data in the replica that contributes to the correctness of the top-k results

    SQPR: Stream Query Planning with Reuse

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    When users submit new queries to a distributed stream processing system (DSPS), a query planner must allocate physical resources, such as CPU cores, memory and network bandwidth, from a set of hosts to queries. Allocation decisions must provide the correct mix of resources required by queries, while achieving an efficient overall allocation to scale in the number of admitted queries. By exploiting overlap between queries and reusing partial results, a query planner can conserve resources but has to carry out more complex planning decisions. In this paper, we describe SQPR, a query planner that targets DSPSs in data centre environments with heterogeneous resources. SQPR models query admission, allocation and reuse as a single constrained optimisation problem and solves an approximate version to achieve scalability. It prevents individual resources from becoming bottlenecks by re-planning past allocation decisions and supports different allocation objectives. As our experimental evaluation in comparison with a state-of-the-art planner shows SQPR makes efficient resource allocation decisions, even with a high utilisation of resources, with acceptable overheads

    Analysing Temporal Relations – Beyond Windows, Frames and Predicates

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    This article proposes an approach to rely on the standard operators of relational algebra (including grouping and ag- gregation) for processing complex event without requiring window specifications. In this way the approach can pro- cess complex event queries of the kind encountered in appli- cations such as emergency management in metro networks. This article presents Temporal Stream Algebra (TSA) which combines the operators of relational algebra with an analy- sis of temporal relations at compile time. This analysis de- termines which relational algebra queries can be evaluated against data streams, i. e. the analysis is able to distinguish valid from invalid stream queries. Furthermore the analysis derives functions similar to the pass, propagation and keep invariants in Tucker's et al. \Exploiting Punctuation Seman- tics in Continuous Data Streams". These functions enable the incremental evaluation of TSA queries, the propagation of punctuations, and garbage collection. The evaluation of TSA queries combines bulk-wise and out-of-order processing which makes it tolerant to workload bursts as they typically occur in emergency management. The approach has been conceived for efficiently processing complex event queries on top of a relational database system. It has been deployed and tested on MonetDB

    Astral: An algebraic approach for sensor data stream querying

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    The use of sensor based applications is in expansion in many contexts. Sensors are involved at several scales ranging from the individual (e.g. personal monitoring, smart homes) to regional and even world wide contexts (i.e. logistics, natural resource monitoring and forecast). Easy and efficient management of data streams produced by a large number of heterogeneous sensors is a key issue to support such applications. Numerous solutions for query processing on data streams have been proposed by the scientific community. Several query processors have been implemented and offer heterogeneous querying capabilities and semantics. Our work is a contribution on the formalization of queries on data streams in general, and on sensor data in particular. This paper proposes the Astral algebra; defining operators on temporal relations and streams which allow the expression of a large variety of queries. This proposal extends several aspects of existing results: it presents precise formal definitions of operators which are (or may be) semantically ambiguous and it demonstrates several properties of such operators. Such properties are an important result for query optimization as they are helpful in query rewriting and operator sharing. This formalization deepens the understanding of the queries and facilitates the comparison of the semantics implemented by existing systems. This is an essential step in building mediation solutions involving heterogeneous data stream processing systems. Cross system data exchange and application coupling would be facilitated. This paper discusses existing proposals, presents the Astral algebra, several properties of the operators
