11 research outputs found

    Lockdown: Dynamic Control-Flow Integrity

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    Applications written in low-level languages without type or memory safety are especially prone to memory corruption. Attackers gain code execution capabilities through such applications despite all currently deployed defenses by exploiting memory corruption vulnerabilities. Control-Flow Integrity (CFI) is a promising defense mechanism that restricts open control-flow transfers to a static set of well-known locations. We present Lockdown, an approach to dynamic CFI that protects legacy, binary-only executables and libraries. Lockdown adaptively learns the control-flow graph of a running process using information from a trusted dynamic loader. The sandbox component of Lockdown restricts interactions between different shared objects to imported and exported functions by enforcing fine-grained CFI checks. Our prototype implementation shows that dynamic CFI results in low performance overhead.Comment: ETH Technical Repor

    Amulet: a Secure Architecture for Mhealth Applications for Low-Power Wearable Devices

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    Interest in using mobile technologies for health-related applications (mHealth) has increased. However, none of the available mobile platforms provide the essential properties that are needed by these applications. An mHealth platform must be (i) secure; (ii) provide high availability; and (iii) allow for the deployment of multiple third-party mHealth applications that share access to an individual\u27s devices and data. Smartphones may not be able to provide property (ii) because there are activities and situations in which an individual may not be able to carry them (e.g., while in a contact sport). A low-power wearable device can provide higher availability, remaining attached to the user during most activities. Furthermore, some mHealth applications require integrating multiple on-body or near-body devices, some owned by a single individual, but others shared with multiple individuals. In this paper, we propose a secure system architecture for a low-power bracelet that can run multiple applications and manage access to shared resources in a body-area mHealth network. The wearer can install a personalized mix of third-party applications to support the monitoring of multiple medical conditions or wellness goals, with strong security safeguards. Our preliminary implementation and evaluation supports the hypothesis that our approach allows for the implementation of a resource monitor on far less power than would be consumed by a mobile device running Linux or Android. Our preliminary experiments demonstrate that our secure architecture would enable applications to run for several weeks on a small wearable device without recharging

    Talos: Neutralizing Vulnerabilities with Security Workarounds for Rapid Response

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    Considerable delays often exist between the discovery of a vulnerability and the issue of a patch. One way to mitigate this window of vulnerability is to use a configuration workaround, which prevents the vulnerable code from being executed at the cost of some lost functionality -- but only if one is available. Since program configurations are not specifically designed to mitigate software vulnerabilities, we find that they only cover 25.2% of vulnerabilities. To minimize patch delay vulnerabilities and address the limitations of configuration workarounds, we propose Security Workarounds for Rapid Response (SWRRs), which are designed to neutralize security vulnerabilities in a timely, secure, and unobtrusive manner. Similar to configuration workarounds, SWRRs neutralize vulnerabilities by preventing vulnerable code from being executed at the cost of some lost functionality. However, the key difference is that SWRRs use existing error-handling code within programs, which enables them to be mechanically inserted with minimal knowledge of the program and minimal developer effort. This allows SWRRs to achieve high coverage while still being fast and easy to deploy. We have designed and implemented Talos, a system that mechanically instruments SWRRs into a given program, and evaluate it on five popular Linux server programs. We run exploits against 11 real-world software vulnerabilities and show that SWRRs neutralize the vulnerabilities in all cases. Quantitative measurements on 320 SWRRs indicate that SWRRs instrumented by Talos can neutralize 75.1% of all potential vulnerabilities and incur a loss of functionality similar to configuration workarounds in 71.3% of those cases. Our overall conclusion is that automatically generated SWRRs can safely mitigate 2.1x more vulnerabilities, while only incurring a loss of functionality comparable to that of traditional configuration workarounds.Comment: Published in Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland 2016

    The Effect of Instruction Padding on SFI Overhead

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    Software-based fault isolation (SFI) is a technique to isolate a potentially faulty or malicious software module from the rest of a system using instruction-level rewriting. SFI implementations on CISC architectures, including Google Native Client, use instruction padding to enforce an address layout invariant and restrict control flow. However this padding decreases code density and imposes runtime overhead. We analyze this overhead, and show that it can be reduced by allowing some execution of overlapping instructions, as long as those overlapping instructions are still safe according to the original per-instruction policy. We implemented this change for both 32-bit and 64-bit x86 versions of Native Client, and analyzed why the performance benefit is higher on 32-bit. The optimization leads to a consistent decrease in the number of instructions executed and savings averaging 8.6% in execution time (over compatible benchmarks from SPECint2006) for x86-32. We describe how to modify the validation algorithm to check the more permissive policy, and extend a machine-checked Coq proof to confirm that the system's security is preserved.Comment: NDSS Workshop on Binary Analysis Research, February 201

    Code-Pointer Integrity

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    Systems code is often written in low-level languages like C/C++, which offer many benefits but also delegate memory management to programmers. This invites memory safety bugs that attackers can exploit to divert control flow and compromise the system. Deployed defense mechanisms (e.g., ASLR, DEP) are incomplete, and stronger defense mechanisms (e.g., CFI) often have high overhead and limited guarantees [19, 15, 9]. We introduce code-pointer integrity (CPI), a new design point that guarantees the integrity of all code pointers in a program (e.g., function pointers, saved return addresses) and thereby prevents all control-flow hijack attacks, including return-oriented programming. We also introduce code-pointer separation (CPS), a relaxation of CPI with better performance properties. CPI and CPS offer substantially better security-to-overhead ratios than the state of the art, they are practical (we protect a complete FreeBSD system and over 100 packages like apache and postgresql), effective (prevent all attacks in the RIPE benchmark), and efficient: on SPEC CPU2006, CPS averages 1.2% overhead for C and 1.9% for C/C++, while CPI’s overhead is 2.9% for C and 8.4% for C/C++. A prototype implementation of CPI and CPS can be obtained from http://levee.epfl.ch

    Practical Control-Flow Integrity

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    Control-Flow Integrity (CFI) is effective at defending against prevalent control-flow hijacking attacks. CFI extracts a control-flow graph (CFG) for a given program and instruments the program to respect the CFG. Specifically, checks are inserted before indirect branch instructions. Before these instructions are executed during runtime, the checks consult the CFG to ensure that the indirect branch is allowed to reach the intended target. Hence, any sort of control-flow hijacking would be prevented.However, CFI traditionally suffered from several problems that thwarted its practicality. The first problem is about precise CFG generation. CFI’s security squarely relies on the CFG, therefore the more precise the CFG is, the more security CFI improves, but precise CFG generation was considered hard. The second problem is modularity, or support for dynamic linking. When two CFI modules are linked together dynamically, their CFGs also need to be merged. However, the merge process has to be thread-safe to avoid concurrency issues. The third problem is efficiency. CFI instrumentation adds extra instructions to programs, so it is critical to minimize the performance impact of the CFI checks. Fourth, interoperability is required for CFI solutions to enable gradual adoption in practice, which means that CFI-instrumented modules can be linked with uninstrumented modules without breaking the program.In this dissertation, we propose several practical solutions to the above problems. To generate a precise CFG, we compile the program being protected using a modified compilation toolchain, which can propagate source-level information such as type information to the binary level. At runtime, such information is gathered to generate a relatively precise CFG. On top of this CFG, we further instrument the code so that only if a function’s address is dynamically taken can it be reachable. This approach results in lazily computed per-input CFGs, which provide better precision. To address modularity, we design a lightweight Software Transactional Memory (STM) algorithm to synchronize accesses to the CFG’s data structure at runtime. To minimize the performance overhead, we optimize the CFG representation and access operations so that no heavy buslockinginstructions are needed. For interoperability, we consider addresses in uninstrumented modules as special targets and make the CFI instrumentation aware of them. Finally, we propose a new architecture for Just-In-Time compilers to adopt our proposed CFI schemes