19,390 research outputs found

    Monetary Policy Transmission in a Macroeconomic Agent-Based Model

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    In this paper we explore the variety of monetary policy transmission channels in an agent-based macroeconomic model. We identify eight transmission channels and present a model based on [Caiani et al., J. Econ. Dyn. Contr. 69 (2016) 375ā€“480], extended with an interbank market. We then analyze model simulation results of interest rate shocks in terms of GDP and inflation for four of the transmission channels. We find these effects to be small, in line with the view that monetary policy is a weak tool to control inflation

    Agentā€“Based Keynesian Macroeconomics - An Evolutionary Model Embedded in an Agentā€“Based Computer Simulation

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    Subject of the present study is the agent-based computer simulation of Agent Island. Agent Island is a macroeconomic model, which belongs to the field of monetary theory. Agent-based modeling is an innovative tool that made much progress in other scientific fields like medicine or logistics. In economics this tool is quite new, and in monetary theory to this date virtual no agent-based simulation model has been developed. It is therefore the topic of this study to close this gap to some extend. Hence, the model integrates in a straightforward way next to the common private sectors (i.e. households, consumer goods firms and capital goods firms)and as an innovation a banking system, a central bank and a monetary circuit. Thereby, the central bank controls the business cycle via an interest rate policy; the according mechanism builds on the seminal idea of Knut Wicksell (natural rate of interest vs. money rate of interest). In addition, the model contains also many Keynesian features and a flow-of-funds accounting system in the tradition of Wolfgang StĆ¼tzel. Importantly, one objective of the study is the validation of Agent Island, which means that the individual agents (i.e. their rules, variables and parameters) are adjusted in such a way that on the aggregate level certain phenomena emerge. The crucial aspect of the modeling and the validation is therefore the relation between the micro and macro level: Every phenomenon on the aggregate level (e.g. some stylized facts of the business cycle, the monetary transmission mechanism, the Phillips curve relationship, the Keynesian paradox of thrift or the course of the business cycle) emerges out of individual actions and interactions of the many thousand agents on Agent Island. In contrast to models comprising a representative agent, we do not apply a modeling on the aggregate level; and in contrast to orthodox GE models, true interaction between heterogeneous agents takes place (e.g. by face-to-face-trading).Multi-agent system , agent-based macroeconomic computer simulation , stock-flow consistent, monetary theory , Keynesian model, Wicksellian model, monetary policy

    Income Distribution, Credit and Fiscal Policies in an Agent-Based Keynesian Model

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    This work studies the interactions between income distribution and monetary and fiscal policies in terms of ensuing dynamics of macro variables (GDP growth, unemployment, etc.) on the grounds of an agent-based Keynesian model. The direct ancestor of this work is the "Keynes meeting Schumpeter" formalism presented in Dosi et al. (2010). To that model, we add a banking sector and a monetary authority setting interest rates and credit lending conditions. The model combines Keynesian mechanisms of demand generation, a "Schumpeterian" innovation-fueled process of growth and Minskian credit dynamics. The robustness of the model is checked against its capability to jointly account for a large set of empirical regularities both at the micro level and at the macro one. The model is able to catch salient features underlying the current as well as previous recessions, the impact of financial factors and the role in them of income distribution. We find that different income distribution regimes heavily affect macroeconomic performance: more unequal economies are exposed to more severe business cycles fluctuations, higher unemployment rates, and higher probability of crises. On the policy side, fiscal policies do not only dampen business cycles, reduce unemployment and the likelihood of experiencing a huge crisis. In some circumstances they also affect positively long-term growth. Further, the more income distribution is skewed toward profits, the greater the effects of fiscal policies. About monetary policy, we find a strong non-linearity in the way interest rates affect macroeconomic dynamics: in one "regime" with low rates, changes in interest rates are ineffective up to a threshold beyond which increasing the interest rate implies smaller output growth rates and larger output volatility, unemployment and likelihood of crises.agent-based Keynesian models, multiple equilibria, fiscal and monetary policies, income distribution, transmission mechanisms, credit constraints

    Income Distribution, Credit and Fiscal Policies in an Agent-Based Keynesian Model

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    This work studies the interactions between income distribution and monetary and fiscal policies in terms of ensuing dynamics of macro variables (GDP growth, unemployment, etc.) on the grounds of an agent-based Keynesian model. The direct ancestor of this work is the "Keynes meeting Schumpeter" formalism presented in Dosi et al. (2010). To that model, we add a banking sector and a monetary authority setting interest rates and credit lending conditions. The model combines Keynesian mechanisms of demand generation, a "Schumpeterian" innovation-fueled process of growth and Minskian credit dynamics. The robustness of the model is checked against its capability to jointly account for a large set of empirical regularities both at the micro level and at the macro one. The model is able to catch salient features underlying the current as well as previous recessions, the impact of financial factors and the role in them of income distribution. We find that different income distribution regimes heavily affect macroeconomic performance: more unequal economies are exposed to more severe business cycles fluctuations, higher unemployment rates, and higher probability of crises. On the policy side, fiscal policies do not only dampen business cycles, reduce unemployment and the likelihood of experiencing a huge crisis. In some circumstances they also affect positively long-term growth. Further, the more income distribution is skewed toward profits, the greater the effects of fiscal policies. About monetary policy, we find a strong non-linearity in the way interest rates affect macroeconomic dynamics: in one "regime" with low rates, changes in interest rates are ineffective up to a threshold beyond which increasing the interest rate implies smaller output growth rates and larger output volatility, unemployment and likelihood of crises.agent-based Keynesian models, multiple equilibria, fiscal and monetary policies, income distribution, transmission mechanisms, credit constraints

    Income Distribution, Credit and Fiscal Policies in an Agent-Based Keynesian Model

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    This work studies the interactions between income distribution and monetary and fiscal policies in terms of ensuing dynamics of macro variables (GDP growth, unemployment, etc.) on the grounds of an agent-based Keynesian model. The direct ancestor of this work is the "Keynes meeting Schumpeter" formalism presented in Dosi et al. (2010). To that model, we add a banking sector and a monetary authority setting interest rates and credit lending conditions. The model combines Keynesian mechanisms of demand generation, a "Schumpeterian" innovation-fueled process of growth and Minskian credit dynamics. The robustness of the model is checked against its capability to jointly account for a large set of empirical regularities both at the micro level and at the macro one. The model is able to catch salient features underlying the current as well as previous recessions, the impact of financial factors and the role in them of income distribution. We find that different income distribution regimes heavily affect macroeconomic performance: more unequal economies are exposed to more severe business cycles fluctuations, higher unemployment rates, and higher probability of crises. On the policy side, fiscal policies do not only dampen business cycles, reduce unemployment and the likelihood of experiencing a huge crisis. In some circumstances they also affect positively long-term growth. Further, the more income distribution is skewed toward profits, the greater the effects of fiscal policies. About monetary policy, we find a strong non-linearity in the way interest rates affect macroeconomic dynamics: in one "regime" with low rates, changes in interest rates are ineffective up to a threshold beyond which increasing the interest rate implies smaller output growth rates and larger output volatility, unemployment and likelihood of crises.agent-based Keynesian models, multiple equilibria, fiscal and monetary policies, income distribution, transmission mechanisms, credit constraints

    Monetary policy and banking intermediation in CBDC economy

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    Increased dissemination of information and communication technologies in the economy has led many central bankers around the world to consider the introduction of money in the digital form. In academic literature, various central bank digital currency (CBDC) issues from technical design to political influence are discussed, although until now it has not been fully implemented in any country except the Bahamas. The central bank digital currency (CBDC) is an additional form of national currency that combines the properties of cash and bank accounts. This study mainly aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of monetary policy in the CBDC economy. to meet the aim of the study, the study applies an agent-based model that has six types of economic agents and complicated interaction algorithms. The various design parameters are employed to study the dynamics of endogenous variables. Model simulations suggest that CBDC introduction leads to reduced macroeconomic volatility and price stability. Furthermore, the study provides evidence of the increased efficiency of the interest rate channel of the monetary policy transmission mechanism and the negative consequences of possible banking disintermediation. Based on the results obtained, the study concludes that the CBDC impact the economy through changes in the monetary base, strengthening the structural liquidity deficit, banking disintermediation, and increasing the fiscal policy capabilities. The proposed agent-based model provides a theoretical foundation for the further study of monetary policy and banking intermediation in the CBDC economy

    Trust in the monetary authority : [draft: july 2013]

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    The efficacy of monetary authority actions depends primarily on the ability of the monetary authority to affect inflation expectations, which ultimately depend on agents' trust. We propose a model embedding trust cycles, as emerging from sequential coordination games between atomistic agents and the policy maker, in a monetary model. Trust affects agents' stochastic discount factor, namely the price of future risk, and their expectation formation process: these effects in turn interact with the monetary transmission mechanism. Using data from the Eurobarometer survey we analyze the link between trust on the one side and the transmission mechanism of shocks and of the policy rate on the other: data show that the two interact significantly and in a way comparable to the obtained in our model

    A behavioral macroeconomic model with endogenous boom-bust cycles and leverage dynamcis

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    We merge a financial market model with leverage-constrained, heterogeneous agents with a reduced-form version of the New-Keynesian standard model. Agents in both submodels are assumed to be boundedly rational. The fi nancial market model produces endogenously arising boom-bust cycles. It is also capable to generate highly non-linear deleveraging processes, fi re sales and ultimately a default scenario. Asset price booms are triggered via self-fulfilling prophecies. Asset price busts are induced by agents' choice of an increasingly fragile balance sheet structure during good times. Their vulnerability is inevitably revealed by small, randomly occurring shocks. Our transmission channel of financial market activity to the real sector embraces a recent strand of literature shedding light on the link between the active balance sheet management of financial market participants, the induced procyclical fluctuations of desired risk compensations and their final impact on the real economy. We show that a systematic central bank reaction on financial market developments dampens macroeconomic volatility considerably. Furthermore, restricting leverage in a countercyclical fashion limits the magnitude of financial cycles and hence their impact on the real economy. --behavioral economics,New-Keynesian macroeconomics,monetary policy,agent-based financial market model,leverage,macroprudential regulation,financial stability,asset price bubbles,systemic risk
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