448 research outputs found

    Critical behavior of colored tensor models in the large N limit

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    Colored tensor models have been recently shown to admit a large N expansion, whose leading order encodes a sum over a class of colored triangulations of the D-sphere. The present paper investigates in details this leading order. We show that the relevant triangulations proliferate like a species of colored trees. The leading order is therefore summable and exhibits a critical behavior, independent of the dimension. A continuum limit is reached by tuning the coupling constant to its critical value while inserting an infinite number of pairs of D-simplices glued together in a specific way. We argue that the dominant triangulations are branched polymers.Comment: 20 page

    (2+1)-Dimensional Quantum Gravity as the Continuum Limit of Causal Dynamical Triangulations

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    We perform a non-perturbative sum over geometries in a (2+1)-dimensional quantum gravity model given in terms of Causal Dynamical Triangulations. Inspired by the concept of triangulations of product type introduced previously, we impose an additional notion of order on the discrete, causal geometries. This simplifies the combinatorial problem of counting geometries just enough to enable us to calculate the transfer matrix between boundary states labelled by the area of the spatial universe, as well as the corresponding quantum Hamiltonian of the continuum theory. This is the first time in dimension larger than two that a Hamiltonian has been derived from such a model by mainly analytical means, and opens the way for a better understanding of scaling and renormalization issues.Comment: 38 pages, 13 figure

    IST Austria Thesis

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    The main objects considered in the present work are simplicial and CW-complexes with vertices forming a random point cloud. In particular, we consider a Poisson point process in R^n and study Delaunay and Voronoi complexes of the first and higher orders and weighted Delaunay complexes obtained as sections of Delaunay complexes, as well as the ÄŒech complex. Further, we examine theDelaunay complex of a Poisson point process on the sphere S^n, as well as of a uniform point cloud, which is equivalent to the convex hull, providing a connection to the theory of random polytopes. Each of the complexes in question can be endowed with a radius function, which maps its cells to the radii of appropriately chosen circumspheres, called the radius of the cell. Applying and developing discrete Morse theory for these functions, joining it together with probabilistic and sometimes analytic machinery, and developing several integral geometric tools, we aim at getting the distributions of circumradii of typical cells. For all considered complexes, we are able to generalize and obtain up to constants the distribution of radii of typical intervals of all types. In low dimensions the constants can be computed explicitly, thus providing the explicit expressions for the expected numbers of cells. In particular, it allows to find the expected density of simplices of every dimension for a Poisson point process in R^4, whereas the result for R^3 was known already in 1970's
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