104 research outputs found

    The Gauss-Green theorem in stratified groups

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    We lay the foundations for a theory of divergence-measure fields in noncommutative stratified nilpotent Lie groups. Such vector fields form a new family of function spaces, which generalize in a sense the BVBV fields. They provide the most general setting to establish Gauss-Green formulas for vector fields of low regularity on sets of finite perimeter. We show several properties of divergence-measure fields in stratified groups, ultimately achieving the related Gauss-Green theorem.Comment: 69 page

    On complex-valued 2D eikonals. Part four: continuation past a caustic

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    Theories of monochromatic high-frequency electromagnetic fields have been designed by Felsen, Kravtsov, Ludwig and others with a view to portraying features that are ignored by geometrical optics. These theories have recourse to eikonals that encode information on both phase and amplitude -- in other words, are complex-valued. The following mathematical principle is ultimately behind the scenes: any geometric optical eikonal, which conventional rays engender in some light region, can be consistently continued in the shadow region beyond the relevant caustic, provided an alternative eikonal, endowed with a non-zero imaginary part, comes on stage. In the present paper we explore such a principle in dimension 2.2. We investigate a partial differential system that governs the real and the imaginary parts of complex-valued two-dimensional eikonals, and an initial value problem germane to it. In physical terms, the problem in hand amounts to detecting waves that rise beside, but on the dark side of, a given caustic. In mathematical terms, such a problem shows two main peculiarities: on the one hand, degeneracy near the initial curve; on the other hand, ill-posedness in the sense of Hadamard. We benefit from using a number of technical devices: hodograph transforms, artificial viscosity, and a suitable discretization. Approximate differentiation and a parody of the quasi-reversibility method are also involved. We offer an algorithm that restrains instability and produces effective approximate solutions.Comment: 48 pages, 15 figure

    Bounded Independence Fools Degree-2 Threshold Functions

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    Let x be a random vector coming from any k-wise independent distribution over {-1,1}^n. For an n-variate degree-2 polynomial p, we prove that E[sgn(p(x))] is determined up to an additive epsilon for k = poly(1/epsilon). This answers an open question of Diakonikolas et al. (FOCS 2009). Using standard constructions of k-wise independent distributions, we obtain a broad class of explicit generators that epsilon-fool the class of degree-2 threshold functions with seed length log(n)*poly(1/epsilon). Our approach is quite robust: it easily extends to yield that the intersection of any constant number of degree-2 threshold functions is epsilon-fooled by poly(1/epsilon)-wise independence. Our results also hold if the entries of x are k-wise independent standard normals, implying for example that bounded independence derandomizes the Goemans-Williamson hyperplane rounding scheme. To achieve our results, we introduce a technique we dub multivariate FT-mollification, a generalization of the univariate form introduced by Kane et al. (SODA 2010) in the context of streaming algorithms. Along the way we prove a generalized hypercontractive inequality for quadratic forms which takes the operator norm of the associated matrix into account. These techniques may be of independent interest.Comment: Using v1 numbering: removed Lemma G.5 from the Appendix (it was wrong). Net effect is that Theorem G.6 reduces the m^6 dependence of Theorem 8.1 to m^4, not m^

    Holder Continuous Solutions of Active Scalar Equations

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    We consider active scalar equations ∂tθ+∇⋅(u θ)=0\partial_t \theta + \nabla \cdot (u \, \theta) = 0, where u=T[θ]u = T[\theta] is a divergence-free velocity field, and TT is a Fourier multiplier operator with symbol mm. We prove that when mm is not an odd function of frequency, there are nontrivial, compactly supported solutions weak solutions, with H\"older regularity Ct,x1/9−C^{1/9-}_{t,x}. In fact, every integral conserving scalar field can be approximated in D′{\cal D}' by such solutions, and these weak solutions may be obtained from arbitrary initial data. We also show that when the multiplier mm is odd, weak limits of solutions are solutions, so that the hh-principle for odd active scalars may not be expected.Comment: 61 page
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