2 research outputs found

    Modulo Counting on Words and Trees

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    We consider the satisfiability problem for the two-variable fragment of the first-order logic extended with modulo counting quantifiers and interpreted over finite words or trees. We prove a small-model property of this logic, which gives a technique for deciding the satisfiability problem. In the case of words this gives a new proof of EXPSPACE upper bound, and in the case of trees it gives a 2EXPTIME algorithm. This algorithm is optimal: we prove a matching lower bound by a generic reduction from alternating Turing machines working in exponential space; the reduction involves a development of a new version of tiling games

    Two Variable Logic with Ultimately Periodic Counting

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    We consider the extension of FO² with quantifiers that state that the number of elements where a formula holds should belong to a given ultimately periodic set. We show that both satisfiability and finite satisfiability of the logic are decidable. We also show that the spectrum of any sentence is definable in Presburger arithmetic. In the process we present several refinements to the "biregular graph method". In this method, decidability issues concerning two-variable logics are reduced to questions about Presburger definability of integer vectors associated with partitioned graphs, where nodes in a partition satisfy certain constraints on their in- and out-degrees