18 research outputs found

    Modular functionals and perturbations of Nakano spaces

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    We settle several questions regarding the model theory of Nakano spaces left open by the PhD thesis of Pedro Poitevin \cite{Poitevin:PhD}. We start by studying isometric Banach lattice embeddings of Nakano spaces, showing that in dimension two and above such embeddings have a particularly simple and rigid form. We use this to show show that in the Banach lattice language the modular functional is definable and that complete theories of atomless Nakano spaces are model complete. We also show that up to arbitrarily small perturbations of the exponent Nakano spaces are ℵ0\aleph_0-categorical and ℵ0\aleph_0-stable. In particular they are stable

    Lipschitz functions on topometric spaces

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    We study functions on topometric spaces which are both (metrically) Lipschitz and (topologically) continuous, using them in contexts where, in classical topology, ordinary continuous functions are used. We study the relations of such functions with topometric versions of classical separation axioms, namely, normality and complete regularity, as well as with completions of topometric spaces. We also recover a compact topometric space XX from the lattice of continuous 11-Lipschitz functions on XX, in analogy with the recovery of a compact topological space XX from the structure of (real or complex) functions on XX

    Decompositions of Nakano norms by ODE techniques

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    We study decompositions of Nakano type varying exponent Lebesgue norms and spaces. These function spaces are represented here in a natural way as tractable varying â„“p\ell^p sums of projection bands. The main results involve embedding the varying Lebesgue spaces to such sums, as well as the corresponding isomorphism constants. The main tool applied here is an equivalent variable Lebesgue norm which is defined by a suitable ordinary differential equation introduced recently by the author. We also analyze the effect of transformations changing the ordering of the unit interval on the values of the ODE-determined norm

    On perturbations of Hilbert spaces and probability algebras with a generic automorphism

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    International audienceWe prove that IHSAIHS_A, the theory of infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces equipped with a generic automorphism, is ℵ0\aleph_0-stable up to perturbation of the automorphism, and admits prime models up to perturbation over any set. Similarly, APrAAPr_A, the theory of atomless probability algebras equipped with a generic automorphism is ℵ0\aleph_0-stable up to perturbation. However, not allowing perturbation it is not even superstable

    On uniform canonical bases in LpL_p lattices and other metric structures

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    We discuss the notion of \emph{uniform canonical bases}, both in an abstract manner and specifically for the theory of atomless LpL_p lattices. We also discuss the connection between the definability of the set of uniform canonical bases and the existence of the theory of beautiful pairs (i.e., with the finite cover property), and prove in particular that the set of uniform canonical bases is definable in algebraically closed metric valued fields

    Stability and stable groups in continuous logic

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    We develop several aspects of local and global stability in continuous first order logic. In particular, we study type-definable groups and genericity