5 research outputs found

    Sound reasoning in tock-CSP

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    Specifying budgets and deadlines using a process algebra like CSP requires an explicit notion of time. The tock-CSP encoding embeds a rich and flexible approach for modelling discrete-time behaviours with powerful tool support. It uses an event tock, interpreted to mark passage of time. Analysis, however, has traditionally used the standard semantics of CSP, which is inadequate for reasoning about timed refinement. The most recent version of the model checker FDR provides tailored support for tock-CSP, including specific operators, but the standard semantics remains inadequate. In this paper, we characterise tock-CSP as a language in its own right, rich enough to model budgets and deadlines, and reason about Zeno behaviour. We present the first sound tailored semantic model for tock-CSP that captures timewise refinement. It is fully mechanised in Isabelle/HOL and, to enable use of FDR4 to check refinement in this novel model, we use model shifting, which is a technique that explicitly encodes refusals in traces

    Zone-based formal specification and timing analysis of real-time self-adaptive systems

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    Self-adaptive software systems are able to autonomously adapt their behavior at run-time to react to internal dynamics and to uncertain and changing environment conditions. Formal specification and verification of self-adaptive systems are tasks generally very difficult to carry out, especially when involving time constraints. In this case, in fact, the system correctness depends also on the time associated with events. This article introduces the Zone-based Time Basic Petri nets specification formalism. The formalism adopts timed adaptation models to specify self-adaptive behavior with temporal constraints, and relies on a zone-based modeling approach to support separation of concerns. Zones identified during the modeling phase can be then used as modules either in isolation, to verify intra-zone properties, or all together, to verify inter-zone properties over the entire system. In addition, the framework allows the verification of (timed) robustness properties to guarantee self-healing capabilities when higher levels of reliability and availability are required to the system, especially when dealing with time-critical systems. This article presents also the ZAFETY tool, a Java software implementation of the proposed framework, and the validation and experimental results obtained in modeling and verifying two time-critical self-adaptive systems: the Gas Burner system and the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle system

    Modular Design and Verification of Distributed Adaptive Real-Time Systems

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    Modular Design and Verification of Distributed Adaptive Real-Time Systems Based on Refinements and Abstractions

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