6 research outputs found

    Adaptive nonlinear guidance law using neural networks applied to a quadrotor

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    © 2019IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The NonLinear Guidance Law (NLGL) is a geometric algorithm commonly employed to solve the path following problem on different unmanned vehicles. NLGL is simple (does no depend on the model of the vehicle), effective and has only one tunning parameter. Its control parameter (L) depends on various factors, such as the velocity of the vehicle, the shape of the reference path and the dynamics of the vehicle. This paper analyses the effect of parameter L on the performance of NLGL when it is applied to a quadrotor vehicle. An Adaptive NLGL, which includes a velocity reduction term, is proposed. Stability proofs are given. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm enhances the performance of the standard NLGL. Furthermore, it has no parameters to tune.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Planeamento de rotas em veículos aéreos não tripulados

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    Os Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados(VANTs) são aeronaves que não têm um piloto a bordo, mas necessitam de um controlador no solo, podendo ser totalmente autónomos. Querendo que um ou múltiplos VANTs se desloquem de um ponto A a um ponto B num menor número de passos possível sem colidir com nenhum objeto ou com os outros VANTs surge a necessidade de programação de um algoritmo para fazer o planeamento da sua trajectória. Neste trabalho foi escolhido o algoritmo A* por ser um algoritmo bastante usado nesta aplicação em específico e tem-se demonstrado bastante eficiente. Propondo ambientes com diferentes complexidades e um diferente número de VANTs, pretende-se desenvolver um algoritmo com base no método A* para Matlab de forma a serem feitas simulações em diferentes ambientes simulados. Os resultados obtidos são comparados e discutidos, verificando assim a eficiência do algoritmos nas diferentes simulações. É possível concluir que o algoritmo obteve bons resultados em termos de custo e que foi capaz de atingir os seus objetivos em todas as simulações.Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are aircrafts that don’t have a pilot on board, needing a controller on the ground, but can be totally autonomous. Wanting one or multiple UAVs to travel from point A to point B in the less amount of steps possible without colliding with any object or with each other comes the need to program an algorithm to be in charge of it’s path planning. In this paper we choose A* algorithm because it is an algorithm well used in this application in specific and has proved to be quite efficient. Proposing envoirements with different level of complexity and different number os UAVs, it is intended to develop an algorithm with A* as it’s base for Matlab in order to make simulations with a set of UAVs. The obatined results will be compared and discussed, thus checking the efficiency of the algorithm in the different simulations. It is possible to conclude that the algorith had good results in terms of cust and was able to achieve it’s goals in every simulations

    A Survey of path following control strategies for UAVs focused on quadrotors

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    The trajectory control problem, defined as making a vehicle follow a pre-established path in space, can be solved by means of trajectory tracking or path following. In the trajectory tracking problem a timed reference position is tracked. The path following approach removes any time dependence of the problem, resulting in many advantages on the control performance and design. An exhaustive review of path following algorithms applied to quadrotor vehicles has been carried out, the most relevant are studied in this paper. Then, four of these algorithms have been implemented and compared in a quadrotor simulation platform: Backstepping and Feedback Linearisation control-oriented algorithms and NLGL and Carrot-Chasing geometric algorithms.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Trajectory optimization of multiple quad-rotor UAVs in collaborative assembling task

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    A hierarchic optimization strategy based on the offline path planning process and online trajectory planning process is presented to solve the trajectory optimization problem of multiple quad-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles in the collaborative assembling task. Firstly, the path planning process is solved by a novel parallel intelligent optimization algorithm, the central force optimization-genetic algorithm (CFO-GA), which combines the central force optimization (CFO) algorithm with the genetic algorithm (GA). Because of the immaturity of the CFO, the convergence analysis of the CFO is completed by the stability theory of the linear time-variant discrete-time systems. The results show that the parallel CFO-GA algorithm converges faster than the parallel CFO and the central force optimization-sequential quadratic programming (CFO-SQP) algorithm. Then, the trajectory planning problem is established based on the path planning results. In order to limit the range of the attitude angle and guarantee the flight stability, the optimized object is changed from the ordinary six-degree-of-freedom rigid-body dynamic model to the dynamic model with an inner-loop attitude controller. The results show that the trajectory planning process can be solved by the mature SQP algorithm easily. Finally, the discussion and analysis of the real-time performance of the hierarchic optimization strategy are presented around the group number of the waypoints and the equal interval time

    Modified central force optimization (MCFO) algorithm for 3D UAV path planning

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    Path planning for the three-dimensional (3D) unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) is a very important element of the whole UAV autonomous control system. In this paper, a modified central force optimization (MCFO) method is introduced to solve this complicated path-optimization problem for the rotary wing vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft. In the path planning process, the idea from the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and the mutation operator of the genetic algorithm (GA) are applied to improve the original CFO method. Furthermore, the convergence analysis of the whole MCFO method is established by the linear difference equation method. Then, in order to verify the effectiveness and practicality of this new path planning method, the path following process is put forward based on the six-degree-of-freedom quadrotor helicopter control system. At last, the comparison simulations among the six algorithms show that the trajectories produced by the whole MCFO method are more superior than the original CFO algorithm, the GA, the Firefly algorithm (FA), the PSO algorithm, the random search (RS) way and the other MCFO algorithm under the same conditions. What is more, the path following process results show that the path planning results are practical for the real dynamic model of the quadrotor helicopter

    Mechanisms of place recognition and path integration based on the insect visual system

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    Animals are often able to solve complex navigational tasks in very challenging terrain, despite using low resolution sensors and minimal computational power, providing inspiration for robots. In particular, many species of insect are known to solve complex navigation problems, often combining an array of different behaviours (Wehner et al., 1996; Collett, 1996). Their nervous system is also comparatively simple, relative to that of mammals and other vertebrates. In the first part of this thesis, the visual input of a navigating desert ant, Cataglyphis velox, was mimicked by capturing images in ultraviolet (UV) at similar wavelengths to the ant’s compound eye. The natural segmentation of ground and sky lead to the hypothesis that skyline contours could be used by ants as features for navigation. As proof of concept, sky-segmented binary images were used as input for an established localisation algorithm SeqSLAM (Milford and Wyeth, 2012), validating the plausibility of this claim (Stone et al., 2014). A follow-up investigation sought to determine whether using the sky as a feature would help overcome image matching problems that the ant often faced, such as variance in tilt and yaw rotation. A robotic localisation study showed that using spherical harmonics (SH), a representation in the frequency domain, combined with extracted sky can greatly help robots localise on uneven terrain. Results showed improved performance to state of the art point feature localisation methods on fast bumpy tracks (Stone et al., 2016a). In the second part, an approach to understand how insects perform a navigational task called path integration was attempted by modelling part of the brain of the sweat bee Megalopta genalis. A recent discovery that two populations of cells act as a celestial compass and visual odometer, respectively, led to the hypothesis that circuitry at their point of convergence in the central complex (CX) could give rise to path integration. A firing rate-based model was developed with connectivity derived from the overlap of observed neural arborisations of individual cells and successfully used to build up a home vector and steer an agent back to the nest (Stone et al., 2016b). This approach has the appeal that neural circuitry is highly conserved across insects, so findings here could have wide implications for insect navigation in general. The developed model is the first functioning path integrator that is based on individual cellular connections