1,000 research outputs found

    Сходознавчі дослідження на кафедрі нової та новітньої історії ХНУ

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    Стаття присвячена розвитку сходознавства на кафедрі нової та новітньої історії ХНУ в період незалежного розвитку української держави. В ній показано, що кафедра нової та новітньої історії ХНУ стала одним із найважливіших центрів сходознавчої науки та освіти в Україні, а її вчені зробили значний внесок у розвиток вітчизняної та світової орієнталістики. Статья посвящена развитию востоковедения на кафедре новой и новейшей истории ХНУ в период независимого развития украинского государства. В ней показано, что кафедра новой и новейшей истории ХНУ стала одним из важнейших центров востоковедческой науки и образования в Украине, а её ученые внесли значительный вклад в развитие отечественной и мировой ориенталистики. The article is devoted to the development of Oriental Studies on the Modern and Contemporary History Chair of the Kharkiv University in the Age of Independence of Ukraine. It has shown in the article that Modern and Contemporary History Chair of the Kharkiv University became the one of the main centers of Oriental science and education in Ukraine, and Chair scholars made a valuable contribution in the development of Home and World Oriental Studies

    歴史教育の教科内容編成類型に関する一考察 : 和光鶴川小学校6年1組の歴史学習を手がかりに

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    This paper focuses on History Education. There are three types how to construct educational contents, namely a chronological approach to history, an approach to concentrate on modern and contemporary history and an approach to focus certain topics or events. The author reviewed recent trends of History Education. As a case study, the author took up practice by Mr.Yuichi Oono, targeted at sixth grade children in Wako Tsurukawa elementary school, and the author characterized Mr. Oono’s practice as a type of concentrating to modern and contemporary history. The author investigated his educational method from the viewpoints of cognitive development of children and educational values. The author paid attention to his sense of the time, such as "an era of parents", "an era of grand parents" and also his narrative materials which were found and arranged by himself

    Measuring the vitality and effectiveness within social sciences and humanities research. an attempt in Italian LIS studies

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    This study constitutes the beginning of a PhD research in Library and information science at Sapienza University of Rome, aimed at investigating the level of internationalisation, vitality and effectivenessof Italian Library and information studies. The paper describes the methodology of search in international citational database, Web of science and Scopus, and in Google scholar for any scholarly work published by Italian LIS tenured researchers and university professors. The results in WoS and Scopus are illustrated and compared with a first collection of data within Italian similar field of Social sciences and humanities (SSH). The reliability of the data collected in citation database within the areas of Social sciences and humanities and their significance are limited; also the comparison with Italian historical and paleographic fields seems to confirms that a substantial impact of SSH non-Anglophone scientific production within citational database is influenced by a number of factors (number of indexed core journals, language of publication, level of coverage of journals, etc.). On the other hand, Google scholar could be a valuable tool for humanistic fields, but it is necessary to deal with the comple xity of the analysis and the problems of homonyms. Therefore, these first research results made it clear that, in order to investigate the presence and impact of Italian LIS studies, a correct use and organization of quantitative data is essential

    Christian Missions and Humanitarianism in The Middle East, 1850-1950

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    From the early phases of modern missions, Christian missionaries supported many humanitarian activities, mostly framed as subservient to the preaching of Christianity. This anthology contributes to a historically grounded understanding of the complex relationship between Christian missions and the roots of humanitarianism and its contemporary uses in a Middle Eastern context. Contributions focus on ideologies, rhetoric, and practices of missionaries and their apostolates towards humanitarian-ism, from the mid-19th century Middle East crises, examining diferent missionaries, their society’s worldview and their networks in various areas of the Middle East. In the early 20th century Christian missions increasingly paid more attention to organ-isation and bureaucratisation (‘rationalisation’), and media became more important to their work. The volume seeks to discover and retrace such ‘entangled histories’ for the rst time in an integral perspective. Readership: Those interested in the modern and contemporary history of the Middle East, in religious studies, international relations, scholars, students and practitioners of humanitarianism

    Social work education: ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon/Portugal

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    ISCTE-IUL 1that is a public university established in 1972 pursuing teaching, research and community service activities. With more than 9000 students enrolled in undergraduate (46%) and postgraduate (54%) programs, 450 teachers and 240 non-teaching staff, the University is proud to be one of the most dynamic and innovative universities in the country producing, transmitting and transferring knowledge to society according with the highest international standards. It is a research oriented university with a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary approach, that includes eight research units, six laboratories, as well as the Departments and Schools that are the main organizational structures of the Institute (see www.iscte-iul.pt). The research units have high quality and national merit and with significant contributions of international relevance in their research areas. CIES-IUL's is one of these research units and has as main scientific domain sociology, developing also relevant activity in the fields of public policy, political science, communication, education, modern and contemporary history and social work.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Круглый стол «Эволюция внешней политики Франции в годы президентства Ф. Миттерана» (тезисы докладов)

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    December 18, 2018 the round table "The evolution of French foreign policy during the presidency of F. Mitterrand" took place at the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of the Faculty of History of Lomonosov MSU.18 декабря 2018 года на кафедре новой и новейшей истории исторического факультета МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова прошел круглый стол "Эволюция внешней политики Франции в годы президентства Ф. Миттерана"