205,245 research outputs found

    Corporate social responsibility and the identification of stakeholders

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    As a management problem the identification of stakeholders is not easily solved. It comprises a modelling and a normative issue, which need to be solved in connection with each other. In stakeholder literature knowledge can be found, e.g. on various stakeholder categorizations, that could be useful for the modelling issue. However, the normative issue remains unresolved. Furthermore, the modelling of the so-called stakeholder category “the affected” is even more difficult. Nevertheless, this group holds justified interests in aspects of organizational activity and are, for that reason, legitimate stakeholders. In this article it is explored to what extent Critical Systems Heuristics can help resolving the managerial problem of identifying stakeholders, particularly the affected. Critical Systems Heuristics can be viewed a modelling methodology. The normative aspect of modelling is crucial in this methodology. Using the distinction between “the involved” and “the affected” a variety of boundary judgments is discussed. Special attention is given to the so-called “witness” as a representative of the affected.

    NIMSAD Framework to Evaluate the Role-based Goal Modelling

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    Requirements analysis is a process of analyzing requirements of various stakeholders that represents a specification of system behaviour that must be stated precisely to proceed to the design phase. It is noted that the current process of requirements analysis is not sufficient to identify and represent the existence of multiple stakeholders which could lead to various conflicts and overlapping requirements. Furthermore, the involvement of various stakeholders normally leads to inconsistencies and misinterpretation of requirements. In this study, the goal modelling representation has been improvised and named as role-based goal modelling. The role-based goal modelling highlights each stakeholder’s role identification in discovering the intentions and requirements of various stakeholders including the integration of data elements in order to determine the dependency of data when dealing with multiple stakeholders. Labour Management System (LMS) owned by Gates IT Solution Sdn Bhd is selected as a case study with participation of different stakeholders. Yet, no standard evaluation method can be used to measure and compare our improved goal modelling with the previous work. Thus, NIMSAD evaluation framework is proposed to compare the effectiveness of our solution with other solutions. In the expected result, this evaluation provides a gap analysis in goal modelling solution. Furthermore, the proposed method could facilitate the process of analyzing and prioritizing requirements from multiple stakeholders in the early stages of the software development process.

    Enhancing urban sustainability using 3D visualisation

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    This paper presents the results of an initial application of a prototype simulation and visualisation tool (S-City VT) thatwas developed to enable all stakeholders, regardless of background or experience, to understand, interact with and influence decisions made on the sustainability of urban design. The tool takes the unique approach of combining three-dimensional (3D) interactive and immersive technologies with computer modelling to present stakeholders with an interactive virtual development. Use of outputs from the model and a 3D visualisation of the development can help decision-makers judge the relative sustainability of different aspects of a development. The tool employs a number of different methods to present sustainability results to stakeholders. Initial tests on the effectiveness of the different visualisation methods are described and discussed. The paper then presents some conclusions on further development and application of the tool to model and visualise possible results of decisions made at different stages of the project

    Supporting decisions on conflicting land-uses: An integrated ecological-economic approach

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    An integrated ecological-economic decision-making approach is developed to help local stakeholders decide on land use in rural areas where the conflict between natural resource protection and economic development is pressing. It consists of four methodological steps. In the first step the political options and alternatives for action regarding changes in the land-use pattern are specified in order to derive politically relevant land-use strategies (scenarios). In the second step economic, ecological and social indicators are derived. The third step includes economic modelling (economic input-output model), environmental modelling (modelling of landscape water balance) and the qualitative and quantitative estimation of ecological and environmental effects. These efforts result in the production of a multi-indicator matrix. Finally, the fourth step deals with a combined monetary and multi-criteria evaluation resulting in a ranking of the land-use strategies. The discussion of the decision-making approach concentrates on the necessity of preliminary decisions and the possibility and necessity of stakeholders participation in the decisionmaking process. --evaluation,decision-making,multi-criteria analysis,land-use management,scenarios,benefit-cost analysis

    Goal modelling for strategic dependency analysis in destination management

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    Purpose: The paper suggests goal modelling as a method for the strategic analysis in tourism destinations. Destination management is quite complex and challenging and requires deep understanding of the intentions, the roles and the strategies of the various stakeholders. Methods: This paper identifies the challenges and major issues of destination management, evaluates the capacity of goal modelling to address them and demonstrates the use of goal modelling for stakeholder and strategic analysis. Results: The paper provides a holistic, multi-level modelling approach that begins with stakeholder analysis, continues with the analysis of strategic dependencies between stakeholders and ends with the analysis of the strategic alignment of the Destination Management Systems. Goal modelling is used for the analysis of the roles and functions of stakeholders, the analysis of the interdependencies between stakeholders in terms of goals, tasks and resources, the selection between alternative business configurations, and the business model and strategic analysis. Implications: Three important issues of destination management are addressed: stakeholder analysis, strategic dependency analysis, and strategic alignment of information systems. The formalism of goal modelling can provide rigor and visualization in the analysis of the complex relationships in destination management

    Using Qualitative Evidence to Enhance an Agent-Based Modelling System for Studying Land Use Change

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    This paper describes and evaluates a process of using qualitative field research data to extend the pre-existing FEARLUS agent-based modelling system through enriching its ontological capabilities, but without a deep level of involvement of the stakeholders in designing the model itself. Use of qualitative research in agent-based models typically involves protracted and expensive interaction with stakeholders; consequently gathering the valuable insights that qualitative methods could provide is not always feasible. At the same time, many researchers advocate building completely new models for each scenario to be studied, violating one of the supposed advantages of the object-oriented programming languages in which many such systems are built: that of code reuse. The process described here uses coded interviews to identify themes suggesting changes to an existing model, the assumptions behind which are then checked with respondents. We find this increases the confidence with which the extended model can be applied to the case study, with a relatively small commitment required on the part of respondents.Agent-Based Modelling, Land Use/Cover Change, Qualitative Research, Interdisciplinary Research
