4 research outputs found

    Central Pivot Heuristics for Botnet Attack Defense in Iot

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    Botnet assaults on IoT systems have become a big issue, and several strategies for botnet protection have been investigated by the academic and industry communities. While many of these methods are practical and effective for botnet attack prevention, one of the important limits is the load factor on the servers that manage monitoring and control in addition to catering to client system requests. To address load factor difficulties, the focus of this study report is on the conditions of installing a four-layer security control system based on the notion of central pivot points. Inspired by the effective and systematic Markov Chains concept, this publication proposes a four-layer filtering model that shows if botnet detection and prevention methods for servers are required. The model's simulated experimental study demonstrates the potential scope of deploying the system. The study also highlights the future possibilities of model improvisation that can reduce any erroneous signal production that is judged necessary

    Cybersecurity program for Philippine higher education institutions: A multiple-case study

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    Digital technology has become an integral aspect of an educational system. Every state university funded the creation of Information Technology Offices to secure its Management Information System. The challenge on cybersecurity threatens the intellectual capital of students especially in a research university, theft of crucial information, and financial loss. The current study is a multiple case study of cybersecurity threats and challenges of Selected Philippine State Universities and Colleges in the National Capital Region. Sample participants were purposively selected Information Technology experts from various selected State College and Universities. A structured interview as the main instrument of the study investigated threats and challenges of cybersecurity to assess active and proactive approaches to developing a model framework for security resources in respective academic institutions. Responses gathered from the interview were consolidated and analyzed through a thematic coding process. The result of the study revealed the following challenges in cybersecurity are user education, cloud security, information security strategy, and unsecured personal devices. The creation of a program logic model will provide an informed cybersecurity planning, implementation, and assessment framework to the commission on higher education in collaboration with the Department of Information and Communication Technology, and the Philippine Association of the State Colleges and Universities

    Elaboraci贸n de un plan de mitigaci贸n de riesgos de malware en IoT aplicado a un caso de estudio de una soluci贸n de gesti贸n de salas de cirug铆a utilizando delphi y simulaci贸n

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    155 p谩ginasLas revoluciones se han generado a lo largo de nuestra historia cuando tanto la tecnolog铆a como las nuevas formas en que las personas percibimos el mundo desencadenan cambios significativos no solo en los sistemas econ贸micos sino tambi茅n en las estructuras sociales. De los principales retos a los cuales nos enfrentamos hoy en d铆a, uno de los m谩s importantes es c贸mo entender y darle paso a las diferentes revoluciones que surgen y que significan una transformaci贸n de la humanidad. En la actualidad, estamos entrando en la cuarta revoluci贸n industrial, una revoluci贸n que cambiar谩 esencialmente la forma en la que vivimos, trabajamos y nos conectamos o relacionamos los unos con los otros. El proceso de los seres humanos para transformar su sociedad se debe en gran medida a su curiosidad por la evoluci贸n tecnol贸gica. La cual, durante las 煤ltimas d茅cadas, ha permitido a la humanidad cruzar nuevas fronteras en todos los sectores econ贸micos permitiendo realizar trabajos en periodos m谩s cortos y con mayor precisi贸n (Sharma et al., 2019).Maestr铆a en Gerencia de Ingenier铆aMag铆ster en Gerencia de Ingenier铆