7,637 research outputs found

    Sustainable supply chain network design integrating logistics outsourcing decisions in the context of uncertainties

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    Les fournisseurs de services logistiques (3PLs) possèdent des potentialités pour activer les pratiques de développement durables entre les différents partenaires d’une chaîne logistique (Supply Chain SC). Il existe un niveau optimal d'intégration des 3PLs en tant que fournisseurs, pour s’attendre à des performances opérationnelles élevées au sein de toute la SC. Ce niveau se traduit par la distinction des activités logistiques à externaliser de celles à effectuer en interne. Une fois que les activités logistiques externalisés sont stratégiquement identifiées, et tactiquement dimensionnées, elles doivent être effectuées par des 3PLs appropriés afin d’endurer les performances économiques ; sociales ; et environnementales de la SC. La présente thèse développe une approche holistique pour concevoir une SC durable intégrant les 3PLs, dans un contexte incertain d’affaires et politique de carbone. Premièrement, une approche de modélisation stochastique en deux étapes est suggérée pour optimiser à la fois le niveau d'intégration des 3PLs, et le niveau d'investissement en technologies sobres au carbone, et ce dans le contexte d’une SC résiliente aux changements climatiques. Notre SC est structurée de façon à capturer trois principales préoccupations du Supply Chain Management d’une entreprise focale FC (e. g. le fabricant) : Sécurité d’approvisionnement, Segmentation de distribution, et Responsabilité élargie des producteurs. La première étape de l'approche de modélisation suggère un plan stochastique basé sur des scenarios plus probables, afin de capturer les incertitudes inhérentes à tout environnement d’affaires (e. g. la fluctuation de la demande des différents produits ; la qualité et la quantité de retour des produits déjà utilisés ; et l’évolution des différents coûts logistiques en fonction du temps). Puis, elle propose un modèle de programmation stochastique bi-objectif, multi-période, et multi-produit. Le modèle de programmation quadratique, et non linéaire consiste à minimiser simultanément le coût logistique total espéré, et les émissions de Gaz à effet de Serre de la SC fermée. L'exécution du modèle au moyen d'un algorithme basé sur la méthode Epsilon-contraint conduit à un ensemble de configurations Pareto optimales d’une SC dé- carbonisée, avant tout investissement en technologie sobre au carbone. Chacune de ces configurations sépare les activités logistiques à externaliser de celles à effectuer en interne. La deuxième étape de l'approche de modélisation permet aux décideurs de choisir la meilleure configuration de la SC parmi les configurations Pareto optimales identifiées. Le concept de Prix du Carbone Interne est utilisé pour établir un plan stochastique du prix de carbone, dans le cadre d'un régime de déclaration volontaire du carbone. Nous proposons un ensemble des technologies sobres au carbone, dans le domaine de transport des marchandises, disposées à concourir pour contrer les politiques incertaines de carbone. Un modèle stochastique combinatoire, et linéaire est développé pour minimiser le coût total espéré, sous contraintes de l’abattement du carbone; limitation du budget, et la priorité attribuée pour chaque Technologie Réductrice de carbone (Low Carbone Reduction LCR). L'injection de chaque solution Pareto dans le modèle, et la résolution du modèle conduisent à sélectionner la configuration de la SC, la plus résiliente aux changements climatiques. Cette configuration définit non seulement le plan d'investissement optimal en LCR, mais aussi le niveau optimal d’externalisation de la logistique dans la SC. Deuxièmement, une fois que les activités logistiques à externaliser sont stratégiquement définies et tactiquement dimensionnées, elles ont besoin d’être effectuées par des 3PL appropriées, afin de soutenir la FC à construire une SC durable et résiliente. Nous suggérons DEA-QFD / Fuzzy AHP- Conception robuste de Taguchi : Une approche intégrée & robuste, pour sélectionner les 3PL candidats les plus efficients. Les critères durables et les risques liés à l’environnement d’affaires, sont identifiés, classés et ordonnés. Le Déploiement de la Fonction Qualité (QFD) est renforcé par le Processus Hiérarchique Analytique (AHP), et par la logique floue pour déterminer avec consistance l'importance relative de chaque facteur de décision, et ce, conformément aux besoins logistiques réels, et stratégies d'affaires de la FC. L’Analyse d’Enveloppement des Données (DEA) Data Envelopment Analysis conduit à limiter la liste des candidats, uniquement à ceux d’efficiences comparables, et donc excluant tout candidat moins efficient. La technique de conception robuste Taguchi permet de réaliser un plan d'expérience qui détermine un candidat idéal nommé 'optimum de Taguchi' ; un Benchmark pour comparer les 3PLs candidats. Par suite, le 3PL le plus efficient est celui le plus proche de cet optimum. Nous conduisons actuellement une étude de cas d’une entreprise qui fabrique et commercialise les fours à micro-ondes pour valider la modélisation stochastique en deux étapes. Certains aspects concernant l’application de l’approche sont reportés. Enfin, un exemple de sélection d’un 3PL durable pour s’occuper de la logistique inverse est fourni, pour démontrer l'applicabilité de l'approche intégrée & robuste, et montrer sa puissance par rapport aux approches populaires de sélection.The Third-Party Logistics service providers (3PLs) have the potentialities to activate sustainable practices between different partners of a Supply Chain (SC). There exists an optimal level of integrating 3PLs as suppliers of a Focal Company within the SC, to expect for high operational performances. This level leads to distinguish all the logistics activities to outsource from those to perform in-house. Once the outsourced logistics activities are strategically identified, and tactically dimensioned, they need to be performed by appropriate 3PLs to sustain economic, social and environmental performances of the SC. The present thesis develops a holistic approach to design a sustainable supply chain integrating 3PLs, in the context of business and carbon policy uncertainties. First, a two-stage stochastic modelling approach is suggested to optimize both the level of 3PL integration, and of Low Carbon Reduction LCR investment within a climate change resilient SC. Our SC is structured to capture three main SC management issues of the Focal Company FC (e.g. The manufacturer) : Security of Supplies; Distribution Segmentation; and Extended Producer Responsibility. The first-stage of the modelling approach suggests a stochastic plan based scenarios capturing business uncertainties, and proposes a two-objective, multi-period, and multi-product programming model, for minimizing simultaneously, the expected logistics total cost, and the Green House Gas GHG emissions of the whole SC. The run of the model by means of a suggested Epsilon-constraint algorithm leads to a set of Pareto optimal decarbonized SC configurations, before any LCR investment. Each one of these configurations distinguishes the logistics activities to be outsourced, from those to be performed in-house. The second-stage of the modelling approach helps the decision makers to select the best Pareto optimal SC configuration. The concept of internal carbon price is used to establish a stochastic plan of carbon price in the context of a voluntary carbon disclosure regime, and we propose a set of LCR technologies in the freight transportation domain ready to compete for counteracting the uncertain carbon policies. A combinatory model is developed to minimize the total expected cost, under the constraints of; carbon abatement, budget limitation, and LCR investment priorities. The injection of each Pareto optimal solution in the model, and the resolution lead to select the most efficient climate resilient SC configuration, which defines not only the optimal plan of LCR investment, but the optimal level of logistics outsourcing within the SC as well. Secondly, once the outsourced logistics are strategically defined they need to be performed by appropriate 3PLs for supporting the FC to build a Sustainable SC. We suggest the DEA-QFD/Fuzzy AHP-Taguchi Robust Design: a robust integrated selection approach to select the most efficient 3PL candidates. Sustainable criteria, and risks related to business environment are identified, categorized, and ordered. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is reinforced by Analytic Hierarchic Process (AHP), and Fuzzy logic, to consistently determine the relative importance of each decision factor according to the real logistics needs, and business strategies of the FC. Data Envelopment Analysis leads to shorten the list of candidates to only those of comparative efficiencies. The Taguchi Robust Design technique allows to perform a plan of experiment, for determining an ideal candidate named ‘optimum of Taguchi’. This benchmark is used to compare the remainder 3Pls candidates, and the most efficient 3PL is the closest one to this optimum.We are currently conducting a case study of a company that manufactures and markets microwave ovens for validating the two-stage stochastic approach, and certain aspects of its implementation are provided. Finally, an example of selecting a sustainable 3PL, to handle reverse logistics is given for demonstrating the applicability of the integrated & robust approach, and showing its power compared to popular selection approaches. Keywords:Third Party Logistics; Green Supply Chain design; Stochastic Multi-Objective Optimization; Carbon Pricing; Taguchi Robust Design

    A Review of the Criteria and Methods of Reverse Logistics Supplier Selection

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    This article presents a literature review on reverse logistics (RL) supplier selection in terms of criteria and methods. A systematic view of past work published between 2008 and 2020 on Web of Science (WOS) databases is provided by reviewing, categorizing, and analyzing relevant papers. Based on the analyses of 41 articles, we propose a three-stage typology of decision-making frameworks to understanding RL supplier selection, including (a) establishment of the selection criteria; (b) calculation of the relative weights and ranking of the selection criteria; (c) ranking of alternatives (suppliers). The main discoveries of this review are as follows. (1) Attention to the field of RL supplier selection is increasing, as evidenced by the increasing number of papers in the field. With the adaption of circular economy legislation and the need resource and business resilience, it is expected that RL and RL supplier selection will be a hot topic in the near future. (2) A large number of papers take “sustainability” as the theoretical approach to carry out research and use it as the basis for determining the criteria. (3) Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods have been widely used in RL supplier selection and have been constantly innovated. (4) Artificial intelligence methods are also gradually being applied. Finally, gaps in the literature are identified to provide directions for future research. (5) Value-added service is underrepresented in the current study and needs further attention

    Uncertainty Models in Reverse Supply Chain: A Review

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    Reverse logistic has become an important topic for the organization due to growing environmental concern, government regulation, economic value, and sustainable competitiveness. Uncertainty is one of the key factors in the reverse supply chain that must be controlled; thus, the company could optimize the reverse supply chain function. This paper discusses progress in reverse logistic research. A total of 72 published articles were selected, analyzed, categorized and the research gaps were found among them. The study began by analyzed previous research articles in reverse logistic. In this stage, we also collected and reviewed journals discussing about the reverse supply chain. Meanwhile, the result of this stage shows that uncertainty factor has not been reviewed in detail. The most common theme as the background research in reverse logistic is environmental and economic aspect. Uncertainty in Close Loop Supply Chain is the most widely used approach, followed by the usage on reverse logistics, reverse supply chain and reverse Model. The most used approach and method on uncertainty are Mixed Integer Linear Programing, mixed integer nonlinear Programing, Robust Fuzzy Stochastic Programming, and Improved kriging-assisted robust optimization method. Customer demand, total cost, product returns are the most widely researched aspects. This paper may be useful for academicians, researchers and practitioners in learning on reverse logistic and reverse supply chain; therefore, close loop supply chain can be guidance for upcoming researches. Research opportunity based on this research combines total cost, quality return product, truck capacity, delivery route, remanufacturing capacity, and facility location got optimum function in uncertainty. The research method and approach for MINLP, IK-MRO and RSFP provide many opportunities for research. For theme and area in reverse logistic, close loop supply chain is the theme that provides the most research opportunities

    Moving forward in reverse : a review into strategic decision making in reverse logistics

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    Reverse Logistics, the process of managing the backward flows of materials from a point of use to a point of recovery or proper disposal, has gained increased industry acceptance as a strategy for both competitive advantage and sustainable development. This has stimulated a growing number of researchers to investigate Strategic management issues relating to the set up and control of effective and efficient Reverse Logistics systems. This paper systematically reviews the most important works in this field, with a focus on papers that concentrate on the strategic decision making process involved in the design and operation of a Reverse Logistics process with remanufacturing. The review found that: the majority of work is primarily focused on OEM specific issues; the sectors receiving the most attention are the ones under the greatest pressure from environmental legislation; and previous research findings from Rubio et al. (2009) and Fleischmann et al. (2000) are reaffirmed that the Reverse Logistics field is growing, but characterised by mainly quantitative, mathematical models. Future research efforts should be focused on the empirical investigation of the Reverse Logistics design process for all types of remanufacturers

    Gestion durable des ressources dans la chaîne de valeur européenne de l’acier

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    The present thesis delved into the current and future interactions within the European Steel Industry and of it with the environment it is a part of, with the main objective of supporting decision- and policy-making efforts oriented towards sustainability and circularity, helping to shape the future of steel in the European Community. The thesis used the European Steel Industry as a case study to explore the potential benefits of integrating Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) into System Dynamics (SD) under the scopes of Circular Economy and Industrial Ecology. A model representative of the European Steel Industry was built modularly in Stella Architect, following ILCD and ISO guidelines and standards for LCA. Throughout 4 of the 5 articles developed for the present thesis, 21 simulation runs were performed on the aforementioned model: 12 on identifying potential constraints and benefits of End-of-Life policies; 5 assessing the advantages and disadvantages of different Supply Chain Integration (SCI) strategies along European steel supply chains; and 4 addressing the interactions between biophysical and economic dynamics in the steel market. An additional article was developed using the methodologies of Circles of Sustainability and Sustainable Urban Metabolism to appraise the challenges and contributions of steel as part of servitization initiatives in urban environments. Overall results indicated that integrating LCA into SD was not only feasible and capable of reproducing results, trends and behaviors from previous scientific studies, but also of contributing to both methodologies in different levels. This approach has potential to interest policy-makers who seek more granularity within the European Steel Industry as well as decision-makers searching for a broader understanding of their operation’s dynamics beyond the gates, notably regarding raw material scarcity, resource self-sufficiency, and resource ownership retention. From the results of each article it was observed that, (a) pushing for recycling and reuse could generate interesting medium- to long-term results for circularity, transitioning away from fossil fuels and developing a whole new market around end-of-life services; (b) different SCI approaches can be environmentally and strategically promising; (c) six key biophysical variables can distinctively affect spot prices, future prices, EBITDA margins, capacity utilization, dividend payouts, and costs of steelmaking; and (d) servitization can provide significant benefits to sustainable cities, while also being able to substantially alter the supply-side dynamics of steelmaking, highlighting how important it is for steelmakers to pay close attention to the service-providing initiatives that may concern their clients and products.La présente thèse entend examiner les interactions présentes et futures entre l'industrie sidérurgique européenne et son environnement, avec pour objectifs principaux, l’amélioration de la prise de décision et l'élaboration de politiques industrielles en matière de durabilité et de circularité. La thèse contribue à l’émergence de propositions contribuant à façonner l'avenir de l'acier dans l’Union Européenne. L'industrie sidérurgique européenne est utilisée ici comme un cas d’école, visant à explorer les avantages potentiels pour l’économie circulaire et l’écologie industrielle, d’une intégration d’un outil (Analyse du Cycle de Vie – ACV) dans une méthodologie (Dynamique des Systèmes – SD). Un modèle modulaire pour l’industrie sidérurgique européenne a été construit et, pour 4 des 5 articles développés dans la thèse, 21 simulations ont été effectuées. 12 simulations ont permis d’identifier les contraintes potentielles et les avantages des stratégies de fin de vie; 5 d’évaluer les avantages et les inconvénients des différentes stratégies d’intégration de la chaîne d’approvisionnement (SCI) dans la filière européenne de l’acier; et 4 de traiter des interactions entre les dynamiques biophysiques et économiques sur le marché de l'acier. Le dernier article s’appuie sur une nouvelle méthodologie – les Cercles de Durabilité et le Métabolisme Urbain Durable – pour évaluer les défis et les contributions de l'acier dans le cadre de l’éco-fonctionnalité en milieu urbain. Les résultats ont montré que l’intégration de l’ACV dans les stratégies de développement durable permettait de reproduire assez fidèlement les résultats et les scénarios d’études scientifiques antérieures, tout en suggérant des apports méthodologiques relativement novateurs. Cette recherche opérationnelle est susceptible d'intéresser les managers et des chefs d’entreprises qui s’attachent aux questions d’efficience et de résilience de l’outil industriel, ainsi que les décideurs politiques qui souhaitent cerner les enjeux d’une pénurie de matières premières ou d’une politique de recyclage de l’acier à l’échelle européenne. D'après les résultats de chaque article, il a été observé que (a) le recyclage et la réutilisation pourraient générer des résultats intéressants à moyen et à long terme en matière de circularité, en abandonnant notamment les combustibles fossiles et en développant un tout nouveau marché autour des services de fin de vie; (b) différentes approches en matière de chaine logistique intégrée semblent être prometteuses d'un point de vue environnemental et stratégique; (c) six variables biophysiques clés peuvent avoir une incidence notoire sur les cours au comptant, les cours à terme, les marges d'EBITDA, l'utilisation des capacités de production, la distribution des dividendes et les coûts de fabrication de l'acier; et (d) la dynamique servicielle dans le cadre de l’éco-fonctionnalité peut apporter des avantages significatifs aux villes durables, tout en modifiant considérablement la structure de l’offre sur le marché de l’acier

    A three-stage model for closed-loop supply chain configuration under uncertainty

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    In this paper, a general closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) network is configured which consists of multiple customers, parts, products, suppliers, remanufacturing subcontractors, and refurbishing sites. We propose a three-stage model including evaluation, network configuration, and selection and order allocation. In the first stage, suppliers, remanufacturing subcontractors, and refurbishing sites are evaluated based on a new quality function deployment (QFD) model. The proposed QFD model determines the relationship between customer requirements, part requirements, and process requirements. In addition, the fuzzy sets theory is utilised to overcome the uncertainty in the decision-making process. In the second stage, the closed-loop supply chain network is configured by a stochastic mixed-integer nonlinear programming model. It is supposed that demand is an uncertain parameter. Finally in the third stage, suppliers, remanufacturing subcontractors, and refurbishing sites are selected and order allocation is determined. To this end, a multi-objective mixed-integer linear programming model is presented. An illustrative example is conducted to show the process. The main novel innovation of the proposed model is to consider the CLSC network configuration and selection process simultaneously, under uncertain demand and in an uncertain decision-making environment

    Identification of Environmental Criteria for Selecting a Logistics Service Provider: A Step Forward towards Green Supply Chain Management

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    Green environmental performance increases the competitiveness of the supply chain. However, the greening of the supply chain depends on the manufacturer who drives the green initiative, as well as on all the members of the supply chain who take part in the process. The manufacturer’s attention has been largely focused on the environmental performance of the supplier and retailer, whereas logistics service providers have been somehow neglected. It is, in fact, the case is that logistics service providers have begun to play a critical role in supply chain management and could therefore significantly improve environmental sustainability. They have already undertaken a green initiative that unfortunately has rarely, if at all, been required by the manufacturer. The lack of requirements for logistics providers hinders the progress of a green initiative. To take a step forward towards green supply chain management, this chapter aims to introduce all the necessary criteria for the selection of a logistics service provider (LP), with an emphasis on environmental criteria. The environmental selection criteria, with all related subcriteria, were achieved on the basis of a systematic literature review. It has been found that buyers of logistics services still strive to minimize costs, expect quality logistics services, a well-positioned LP, all the while overlooking environmental issues. The most frequently applied environmental selection criteria are value-added reverse logistics services, followed by environmental expenditures, pollutants released, energy consumption, clean materials and energy use. The findings presented here are useful particularly for researchers, as issues regarding sustainable LP selection and its limitations are highlighted, related to selection criteria identification. These findings may be of less use to managers. However, future phases of this study, richer for the evaluation of logistics experts, will be much more applicable to buyers and providers of logistics services
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