246 research outputs found

    UE Uplink Power Distribution for M2M over LTE

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    Модель последовательного выделения радиоресурсов диапазонами фиксированного размера для неоднородного трафика межмашинного взаимодействия в сети LTE

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    Today human is surrounded by many technological devices (sensors, smartmeters, etc.) that become connected and will reshape the Internet as we know it today. These devices can transmit and receive data through wireless interfaces transmitting data independently and automatically, thereby generating M2M (Machine-to-Machine) traffic. Efficient service of M2M traffic remains a challenge for future mobile networks. Such massive connectivity offers novel attractive services and provides additional income for operators, but also raises significant challenges to manage large number of devices, typically transmitting only small data fragments. This is especially true for LTE (Long Term Evolution), which has been historically optimized for H2H users (Human-to-Human). Consequently, it is required to develop new methods for M2M traffic for each phase - from the connection establishment phase to the data transmission phase. The article proposes a scheme of dynamic radio resource allocation of LTE cell with fixed transmission zone for heterogeneous M2M traffic. The stationary probability distribution is obtained and the numerical analysis is performed.На сегодняшний день человека окружает множество технологических устройств (различные датчики контроля, интеллектуальные счётчики и др.), подключение которых к сети изменит традиционное представление об Интернет в целом. Подобные устройства могут осуществлять передачу данных в автоматическом режиме без участия человека, тем самым генерируя трафик межмашинного взаимодействия (англ. M2M, Machine-to-Machine), эффективное обслуживание которого в сетях связи следующего поколения является ещё нерешённой на данный момент задачей. Подключение M2M-устройств к сети предполагает появление множества новых услуг, которые будут привлекательны для пользователя и обеспечат дополнительный доход оператору сети связи. При этом возникает проблема обслуживания возрастающего множества подключённых M2M-устройств, которые передают небольшие объёмы данных. Данная задача является особенно актуальной для сетей мобильной связи LTE (Long Term Evolution), которые исторически были оптимизированы для обслуживания пользователей традиционных услуг связи (англ. H2H, Human-to-Human). Следовательно, требуется разработка новых методов обслуживания трафика нового типа на каждой фазе - от фазы установления соединения до фазы передачи данных. В статье предложена схема динамического распределения радиоресурсов соты сети LTE, когда для обслуживания неоднородного M2M-трафика ресурсы выделяются последовательно диапазонами фиксированного размера. Получено стационарное распределение вероятностей состояний модели и проведён численный анализ

    Prioritised Random Access Channel Protocols for Delay Critical M2M Communication over Cellular Networks

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    With the ever-increasing technological evolution, the current and future generation communication systems are geared towards accommodating Machine to Machine (M2M) communication as a necessary prerequisite for Internet of Things (IoT). Machine Type Communication (MTC) can sustain many promising applications through connecting a huge number of devices into one network. As current studies indicate, the number of devices is escalating at a high rate. Consequently, the network becomes congested because of its lower capacity, when the massive number of devices attempts simultaneous connection through the Random Access Channel (RACH). This results in RACH resource shortage, which can lead to high collision probability and massive access delay. Hence, it is critical to upgrade conventional Random Access (RA) techniques to support a massive number of Machine Type Communication (MTC) devices including Delay-Critical (DC) MTC. This thesis approaches to tackle this problem by modeling and optimising the access throughput and access delay performance of massive random access of M2M communications in Long-Term Evolution (LTE) networks. This thesis investigates the performance of different random access schemes in different scenarios. The study begins with the design and inspection of a group based 2-step Slotted-Aloha RACH (SA-RACH) scheme considering the coexistence of Human-to-Human (H2H) and M2M communication, the latter of which is categorised as: Delay-Critical user equipments (DC-UEs) and Non-Delay-Critical user equipments (NDC-UEs). Next, a novel RACH scheme termed the Priority-based Dynamic RACH (PD-RACH) model is proposed which utilises a coded preamble based collision probability model. Finally, being a key enabler of IoT, Machine Learning, i.e. a Q-learning based approach has been adopted, and a learning assisted Prioritised RACH scheme has been developed and investigated to prioritise a specific user group. In this work, the performance analysis of these novel RACH schemes show promising results compared to that of conventional RACH

    Smart Grid communications in high traffic environments

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    The establishment of a previously non-existent data class known as the Smart Grid will pose many difficulties on current and future communication infrastructure. It is imperative that the Smart Grid (SG), as the reactionary and monitory arm of the Power Grid (PG), be able to communicate effectively between grid controllers and individual User Equipment (UE). By doing so, the successful implementation of SG applications can occur, including support for higher capacities of Renewable Energy Resources. As the SG matures, the number of UEs required is expected to rise increasing the traffic in an already burdened communications network. This thesis aims to optimally allocate radio resources such that the SG Quality of Service (QoS) requirements are satisfied with minimal effect on pre-existing traffic. To address this resource allocation problem, a Lotka-Volterra (LV) based resource allocation and scheduler was developed due to its ability to easily adapt to the dynamics of a telecommunications environment. Unlike previous resource allocation algorithms, the LV scheme allocated resources to each class as a function of its growth rate. By doing so, the QoS requirements of the SG were satisfied, with minimal effect on pre-existing traffic. Class queue latencies were reduced by intelligent scheduling of periodic traffic and forward allocation of resources. This thesis concludes that the SG will have a large effect on the telecommunications environment if not successfully controlled and monitored. This effect can be minimized by utilizing the proposed LV based resource allocation and scheduler system. Furthermore, it was shown that the allocation of periodic SG radio channels was optimized by continual updates of the LV model. This ensured the QoS requirements of the SG are achieved and provided enhanced performance. Successful integration of SG UEs in a wireless network can pave the way for increased capacity of Renewable and Intermittent Energy Resources operating on the PG

    Survey of Spectrum Sharing for Inter-Technology Coexistence

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    Increasing capacity demands in emerging wireless technologies are expected to be met by network densification and spectrum bands open to multiple technologies. These will, in turn, increase the level of interference and also result in more complex inter-technology interactions, which will need to be managed through spectrum sharing mechanisms. Consequently, novel spectrum sharing mechanisms should be designed to allow spectrum access for multiple technologies, while efficiently utilizing the spectrum resources overall. Importantly, it is not trivial to design such efficient mechanisms, not only due to technical aspects, but also due to regulatory and business model constraints. In this survey we address spectrum sharing mechanisms for wireless inter-technology coexistence by means of a technology circle that incorporates in a unified, system-level view the technical and non-technical aspects. We thus systematically explore the spectrum sharing design space consisting of parameters at different layers. Using this framework, we present a literature review on inter-technology coexistence with a focus on wireless technologies with equal spectrum access rights, i.e. (i) primary/primary, (ii) secondary/secondary, and (iii) technologies operating in a spectrum commons. Moreover, we reflect on our literature review to identify possible spectrum sharing design solutions and performance evaluation approaches useful for future coexistence cases. Finally, we discuss spectrum sharing design challenges and suggest future research directions

    Control-data separation architecture for cellular radio access networks: a survey and outlook

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    Conventional cellular systems are designed to ensure ubiquitous coverage with an always present wireless channel irrespective of the spatial and temporal demand of service. This approach raises several problems due to the tight coupling between network and data access points, as well as the paradigm shift towards data-oriented services, heterogeneous deployments and network densification. A logical separation between control and data planes is seen as a promising solution that could overcome these issues, by providing data services under the umbrella of a coverage layer. This article presents a holistic survey of existing literature on the control-data separation architecture (CDSA) for cellular radio access networks. As a starting point, we discuss the fundamentals, concepts, and general structure of the CDSA. Then, we point out limitations of the conventional architecture in futuristic deployment scenarios. In addition, we present and critically discuss the work that has been done to investigate potential benefits of the CDSA, as well as its technical challenges and enabling technologies. Finally, an overview of standardisation proposals related to this research vision is provided

    Intelligent RACH Access strategies for M2M Traffic over Cellular Networks

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    This thesis investigates the coexistence of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Human-to-Human (H2H) based traffic sharing the Random Access Channel (RACH) of an existing cellular network and introduced a Q-learning as a mean of supporting the M2M traffic. The learning enables an intelligent slot selection strategy in order to avoid collisions amongst the M2M users during the RACH contest. It is also applied so that no central entity is involved in the slot selection process, to avoid tampering with the existing network standards. The thesis also introduces a novel back-off scheme for RACH access which provides separate frames for M2M and conventional cellular (H2H) retransmissions and is capable of dynamically adapting the frame size in order to maximise channel throughput. A Frame ALOHA for a Q-learning RACH access scheme is developed to realise collision- free RACH access between the H2H and M2M user groups. The scheme introduces a separate frame for H2H and M2M to use in both the first attempt and retransmissions. In addition analytical models are developed to examine the interaction of H2H and M2M traffic on the RACH channel, and to evaluate the throughput performance of both slotted ALOHA and Q-learning based access schemes. In general it is shown that Q-learning can be effectively applied for M2M traffic, significantly increasing the throughput capability of the channel with respect to conventional slotted ALOHA access. Dynamic adaptation of the back-off frames is shown to offer further improvements relative to a fixed frame scheme. Also the FA-QL-RACH scheme offers better performance than the QL-RACH and FB-QL-RACH scheme

    Tutorial on LTE/LTE-A Cellular Network Dimensioning Using Iterative Statistical Analysis

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    LTE is the fastest growing cellular technology and is expected to increase its footprint in the coming years, as well as progress toward LTE-A. The race among operators to deliver the expected quality of experience to their users is tight and demands sophisticated skills in network planning. Radio network dimensioning (RND) is an essential step in the process of network planning and has been used as a fast, but indicative, approximation of radio site count. RND is a prerequisite to the lengthy process of thorough planning. Moreover, results from RND are used by players in the industry to estimate preplanning costs of deploying and running a network; thus, RND is, as well, a key tool in cellular business modelling. In this work, we present a tutorial on radio network dimensioning, focused on LTE/LTE-A, using an iterative approach to find a balanced design that mediates among the three design requirements: coverage, capacity, and quality. This approach uses a statistical link budget analysis methodology, which jointly accounts for small and large scale fading in the channel, as well as loading due to traffic demand, in the interference calculation. A complete RND manual is thus presented, which is of key importance to operators deploying or upgrading LTE/LTE-A networks for two reasons. It is purely analytical, hence it enables fast results, a prime factor in the race undertaken. Moreover, it captures essential variables affecting network dimensions and manages conflicting targets to ensure user quality of experience, another major criterion in the competition. The described approach is compared to the traditional RND using a commercial LTE network planning tool. The outcome further dismisses the traditional RND for LTE due to unjustified increase in number of radio sites and related cost, and motivates further research in developing more effective and novel RND procedures

    Exploiting user contention to optimize proactive resource allocation in future networks

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    In order to provide ubiquitous communication, seamless connectivity is now required in all environments including highly mobile networks. By using vertical handover techniques it is possible to provide uninterrupted communication as connections are dynamically switched between wireless networks as users move around. However, in a highly mobile environment, traditional reactive approaches to handover are inadequate. Therefore, proactive handover techniques, in which mobile nodes attempt to determine the best time and place to handover to local networks, are actively being investigated in the context of next generation mobile networks. The Y-Comm Framework which looks at proactive handover techniques has de�fined two key parameters: Time Before Handover and the Network Dwell Time, for any given network topology. Using this approach, it is possible to enhance resource management in common networks using probabilistic mechanisms because it is now possible to express contention for resources in terms of: No Contention, Partial Contention and Full Contention. As network resources are shared between many users, resource management must be a key part of any communication system as it is needed to provide seamless communication and to ensure that applications and servers receive their required Quality-of-Service. In this thesis, the contention for channel resources being allocated to mobile nodes is analysed. The work presents a new methodology to support proactive resource allocation for emerging future networks such as Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) by allowing us to calculate the probability of contention based on user demand of network resources. These results are veri�ed using simulation. In addition, this proactive approach is further enhanced by the use of a contention queue to detect contention between incoming requests and those waiting for service. This thesis also presents a new methodology to support proactive resource allocation for future networks such as Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks. The proposed approach has been applied to a vehicular testbed and results are presented that show that this approach can improve overall network performance in mobile heterogeneous environments. The results show that the analysis of user contention does provide a proactive mechanism to improve the performance of resource allocation in mobile networks