2,886 research outputs found

    Modelling an Isolated Compound TCP Connection

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    Compound TCP (CTCP) was designed by Tan at al. to improve the efficiency of TCP on high speed networks without unfairly penalizing other connections. In the present work we construct and analyze a detailed model of an isolated CTCP connection. We validate it with ns-2 simulations using a Linux implementation of CTCP. The detailed model allows us to identify and classify significantly different CTCP operating regimes depending on the system parameters. We show that in the “constant window” phase the congestion window can in fact have significant oscillations with non-negligible effect on the performances and which can, also, induce additional jitter in the cross traffic. Using this model we calculate the average throughput and average backlog size at the bottleneck link. These performance metrics depend on the CTCP operating regime. Under certain circumstances, an isolated CTCP connection on a high speed link utilizes around 75\% of the link capacity

    FavorQueue: A parameterless active queue management to improve TCP traffic performance

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    This paper presents and analyzes the implementation of a novel active queue management (AQM) named FavorQueue that aims to improve delay transfer of short lived TCP flows over best-effort networks. The idea is to dequeue packets that do not belong to a flow previously enqueued first. The rationale is to mitigate the delay induced by long-lived TCP flows over the pace of short TCP data requests and to prevent dropped packets at the beginning of a connection and during recovery period. Although the main target of this AQM is to accelerate short TCP traffic, we show that FavorQueue does not only improve the performance of short TCP traffic but also improves the performance of all TCP traffic in terms of drop ratio and latency whatever the flow size. In particular, we demonstrate that FavorQueue reduces the loss of a retransmitted packet, decreases the number of dropped packets recovered by RTO and improves the latency up to 30% compared to DropTail. Finally, we show that this scheme remains compliant with recent TCP updates such as the increase of the initial slow-start value

    Increasing resilience of ATM networks using traffic monitoring and automated anomaly analysis

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    Systematic network monitoring can be the cornerstone for the dependable operation of safety-critical distributed systems. In this paper, we present our vision for informed anomaly detection through network monitoring and resilience measurements to increase the operators' visibility of ATM communication networks. We raise the question of how to determine the optimal level of automation in this safety-critical context, and we present a novel passive network monitoring system that can reveal network utilisation trends and traffic patterns in diverse timescales. Using network measurements, we derive resilience metrics and visualisations to enhance the operators' knowledge of the network and traffic behaviour, and allow for network planning and provisioning based on informed what-if analysis

    Pathological changes in seals in Swedish waters: the relation to environmental pollution

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    This thesis concerns the disease situation for the three seal species that inhabit the Swedish coastal waters; the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus), the ringed seal (Phoca hispida botnica) and the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina). A severe decline of the populations of Baltic grey and ringed seals took place during the second half of the 1960s. It was suggested to be caused by the contamination by industrial chemicals, above all organochlorines such as PCB and DDT. High concentrations of these substances were found in the Baltic biota. The author has performed necropsy or examination of organ samples from animals, which were found dead on shore, by caught at fishery or killed by hunting during 1977-2002. Multiple chronic organ lesions were found most prominent in the female reproductive organs (uterine stenoses and occlusions), intestines (colonic ulcers) and adrenals (cortical hyperplasia). Severe lesions were present also in the skeleton, integument and kidneys. The character and distribution of the lesions was regular and the disease picture tentatively was named the Baltic Seal Disease Complex (BSDC). The changes in the female reproductive organs indicate that reproductive failure is an important factor behind the decline of the Baltic seal populations. Adrenocortical hyperplasia was a regular and striking component of the BSDC. It is a common feature of prolonged stress in animals and man. The animals in this study have suffered from severe inflammatory processes in connection with more or less advanced malnutrition due to hampered ingestion and digestion of food. This is in the author’s opinion the most probable explanation of the adrenal changes. Inflammatory changes were most prominent in the intestines with deep ulcerations, in several cases leading to perforation of the intestinal wall. Bacteriological investigation revealed opportunistic or pathogenic micro-organisms but a common bacterial aetiology could not be suggested. The severity and wide dispersion of the lesions are interpreted as signs of a defective immune response. Minor lesions in the ileocaeco-colonic region caused by hookworms are regarded as the primary event of the ulcerous processes facilitating the establishment of secondary bacterial infections. Harbour seals showed less developed pathological changes but instead were victims of two Distemper epizootics with high mortality (c60%), during 1988 and 2002. During the 14- year-period after 1988 the Swedish harbour seal population gradually attained to the preepizootic size; a fast recover compared with the situation in Baltic grey and ringed seal populations suffering from the BSDC problems. A decrease in the prevalence of the lesions of the BSDC has been demonstrated concurrent with a decreased contamination of the Baltic biota towards the end of the 1900s. This is a strong indication of the role of pollutants as the main factor behind the BSDC. Other factors may also be involved, however, as indicated by the observation that the prevalence of intestinal ulcers still is high in Baltic grey seals

    On the multiresolution structure of Internet traffic traces

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    Internet traffic on a network link can be modeled as a stochastic process. After detecting and quantifying the properties of this process, using statistical tools, a series of mathematical models is developed, culminating in one that is able to generate ``traffic'' that exhibits --as a key feature-- the same difference in behavior for different time scales, as observed in real traffic, and is moreover indistinguishable from real traffic by other statistical tests as well. Tools inspired from the models are then used to determine and calibrate the type of activity taking place in each of the time scales. Surprisingly, the above procedure does not require any detailed information originating from either the network dynamics, or the decomposition of the total traffic into its constituent user connections, but rather only the compliance of these connections to very weak conditions.Comment: 57 pages, color figures. Figures are of low quality due to space consideration

    The Dynamics of Internet Traffic: Self-Similarity, Self-Organization, and Complex Phenomena

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    The Internet is the most complex system ever created in human history. Therefore, its dynamics and traffic unsurprisingly take on a rich variety of complex dynamics, self-organization, and other phenomena that have been researched for years. This paper is a review of the complex dynamics of Internet traffic. Departing from normal treatises, we will take a view from both the network engineering and physics perspectives showing the strengths and weaknesses as well as insights of both. In addition, many less covered phenomena such as traffic oscillations, large-scale effects of worm traffic, and comparisons of the Internet and biological models will be covered.Comment: 63 pages, 7 figures, 7 tables, submitted to Advances in Complex System

    An Experimental Investigation of TCP Performance in High Bandwidth-Delay Product Paths.

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    The performance of the Internet is determined not only by the network and hardware technologies that underlie it, but also by the software protocols that govern its use. In particular, the TCP transport protocol is responsible for carrying the great majority of traffic in the current internet, including web traffic, email, file transfers, music and video downloads. TCP provides two main functions. First, it provides functionality to detect and retransmit packets lost during a transfer thereby providing a reliable transport service to higher layer applications. Second, it enforces congestion control. That is, it seeks to match the rate at which packets are injected into the network to the available network capacity. A particular aim here is to avoid so-called congestion collapse, prevalent in the late 1980s prior to the inclusion of congestion control functionality in TCP. Over the last decade or so, the link speeds within networks have increased by several orders of magnitude. While the TCP congestion control algorithm has proved remarkably successful, it is now recognised that its performance is poor on paths with high bandwidth-delay product, e.g. see [13, 8, 14, 26, 12] and references therein. With the increasing prevalence of high speed links, this issue is becoming of widespread concern. This is reflected, for example, in the fact that the Linux operating system now employs an experimental algorithm called BIC-TCP[26] while Microsoft are actively studying new algorithms such as Compound-TCP[25]. While a number of proposals have been made to modify the TCP congestion control algorithm, all of these are still experimental and pending evaluation as they change the congestion control in new and significant ways and their effects on the network are not well understood. In fact, the basic properties of networks employing these algorithms may be very different to networks of standard TCP flows. The aim of this thesis is to address, in part, this basic observation

    Live Social Semantics

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    Social interactions are one of the key factors to the success of conferences and similar community gatherings. This paper describes a novel application that integrates data from the semantic web, online social networks, and a real-world contact sensing platform. This application was successfully deployed at ESWC09, and actively used by 139 people. Personal profiles of the participants were automatically generated using several Web~2.0 systems and semantic academic data sources, and integrated in real-time with face-to-face contact networks derived from wearable sensors. Integration of all these heterogeneous data layers made it possible to offer various services to conference attendees to enhance their social experience such as visualisation of contact data, and a site to explore and connect with other participants. This paper describes the architecture of the application, the services we provided, and the results we achieved in this deployment