5 research outputs found

    Developing “Leadership Intelligence (CI2) Framework” Inside Social Media to Develop An Ethical Leader using the Johari Window Method

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    At this time, leadership and social media are two things that cannot be separated. Social media becomes an information technology media for leaders to be able to communicate about their vision and purpose. Therefore, leaders must be able to use social media effectively in order to influence the community with what they think. There are three problems caused by leaders in social media which are classified into three types such as narcissistic, compulsive and paranoid. These three things become big problems in leadership on social media and therefore, we need the formula to solve the problems. The Johari Window method is a method that has four perspectives in developing four leadership classifications such as open leaders, blind leaders, hidden leadership, and unknown leaders. If these three types and four classifications are put together, a framework will be produced called "Leadership Intelligence (CI2) Framework", the next one will produce a formula S = W.L2, where this formula will produce wise leaders on social media. This journal is the development of the journal Developing "Framework Intelligence (CI3)" Inside Social Media Using Johari Window Methods and The Development and Implementation of Wise Netizen (E-Comment) In Indonesia. As a result, this journal will give an answer and solve the problem of an ethical leader on social media and how to decrease a hoax that can affect the leader on social media. This research will continue until it produces a CI1 formula that will combine culture and leadership into a social media formula in generating positive communication, creating a positive culture and making a big impact on society

    Modelling People's Behaviour using Discrete-Event Simulation:A Review

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide a contribution to the area of behavioural operations management (OM) by identifying key challenges in the use of discrete-event simulation (DES) to model people’s behaviour in OM. Design/methodology/approach A systematic literature review method is undertaken in order to assess the nature and scale of all publications relevant to the topic of modelling people’s behaviour with DES in OM within the period 2005-2017. Findings The publications identified by the literature review reveal key challenges to be addressed when aiming to increase the use of DES to model people’s behaviour. The review also finds a variety of strategies in use to model people’s behaviour using DES in OM applications. Research limitations/implications A systematic literature review method is undertaken in order to include all publications relevant to the topic of modelling people’s behaviour with DES in the OM domain but some articles may not have been captured. Originality/value The literature review provides a resource in terms of identifying exemplars of the variety of methods used to model people’s behaviour using DES in OM. The study indicates key challenges for increasing the use of DES in this area and builds on current DES development methodologies by presenting a methodology for modelling people’s behaviour in OM

    The Design of Innovative Leadership Systems Inside University Using Disneyland Concepts to Face Globalization

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    The University is one of the most important pillars of a State. Therefore, the university should be able to produce high-quality human resources and can contribute greatly to the progress of a country in various sectors. High-quality human resources will be able to change the culture of a region, a city and even a country toward a better future, not only in certain sectors but almost all sectors. The main problem in the university, the lecturer is not placed in the right position and still lack of experience possessed by the lecturer, in terms of experience with the subjects taught. This will be answered by using the concept held by Disneyland and this concept developed into a formula L = D3.B. The formula, we created will help in the development of human resources at the university level, with the focus being lecturers and students. furthermore, this formula will greatly assist the university to be able to accept lecturers who have the competence and guide the students to achieve the maximum in themselves, all these things will be able to improve the living standard of the people's economy, with high-quality human resources, it will be able to there is a significant change in the life process, in the future

    Human system modelling in support of manufacturing enterprise design and change

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    Organisations comprise human and technical systems that typically perform a variety of business, engineering and production roles. Human systems comprise individuals, people groups and teams that work systematically to conceive, implement, develop and manage the purposes of any enterprise in response to customer requirements. Recently attention has been paid to modelling aspects of people working within production systems, with a view to improving: production performance, effective resource allocation and optimum resource management. In the research reported, graphical and computer executable models of people have been conceived and used in support of human systems engineering. The approach taken has been to systematically decompose and represent processes so that elemental production and management activities can be modelled as explicit descriptions of roles that human systems can occupy as role holders. First of all, a preliminary modelling method (MM1) was proposed for modelling human systems in support of engineering enterprise; then MM1 was implemented and tested in a case study company 1. Based on findings of this exploratory research study an improved modelling method (MM2) was conceived and instrumented. Here characterising customer related product dynamic impacts extended MM1 modelling concepts and methods and related work system changes. MM2 was then tested in case study company 2 to observe dynamic behaviours of selected system models derived from actual company knowledge and data. Case study 2 findings enabled MM2 to be further improved leading to MM3. MM3 improvements stem from the incorporation of so-called DPU (Dynamic Producer Unit) concepts, related to the modelling of human and technical resource system components . Case study 4 models a human system for targeted users i.e. production managers etc to facilitate analysis of human configuration and also cost modelling. Modelling approaches MM2, MM3 and also Case Study 4 add to knowledge about ways of facilitating quantitative analysis and comparison between different human system configurations. These new modelling methods allow resource system behaviours to be matched to specific, explicitly defined, process-oriented requirements drawn from manufacturing workplaces currently operating in general engineering, commercial furniture and white goods industry sectors