1,877 research outputs found

    Autonomic management of virtualized resources in cloud computing

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    The last five years have witnessed a rapid growth of cloud computing in business, governmental and educational IT deployment. The success of cloud services depends critically on the effective management of virtualized resources. A key requirement of cloud management is the ability to dynamically match resource allocations to actual demands, To this end, we aim to design and implement a cloud resource management mechanism that manages underlying complexity, automates resource provisioning and controls client-perceived quality of service (QoS) while still achieving resource efficiency. The design of an automatic resource management centers on two questions: when to adjust resource allocations and how much to adjust. In a cloud, applications have different definitions on capacity and cloud dynamics makes it difficult to determine a static resource to performance relationship. In this dissertation, we have proposed a generic metric that measures application capacity, designed model-independent and adaptive approaches to manage resources and built a cloud management system scalable to a cluster of machines. To understand web system capacity, we propose to use a metric of productivity index (PI), which is defined as the ratio of yield to cost, to measure the system processing capability online. PI is a generic concept that can be applied to different levels to monitor system progress in order to identify if more capacity is needed. We applied the concept of PI to the problem of overload prevention in multi-tier websites. The overload predictor built on the PI metric shows more accurate and responsive overload prevention compared to conventional approaches. To address the issue of the lack of accurate server model, we propose a model-independent fuzzy control based approach for CPU allocation. For adaptive and stable control performance, we embed the controller with self-tuning output amplification and flexible rule selection. Finally, we build a QoS provisioning framework that supports multi-objective QoS control and service differentiation. Experiments on a virtual cluster with two service classes show the effectiveness of our approach in both performance and power control. To address the problems of complex interplay between resources and process delays in fine-grained multi-resource allocation, we consider capacity management as a decision-making problem and employ reinforcement learning (RL) to optimize the process. The optimization depends on the trial-and-error interactions with the cloud system. In order to improve the initial management performance, we propose a model-based RL algorithm. The neural network based environment model, which is learned from previous management history, generates simulated resource allocations for the RL agent. Experiment results on heterogeneous applications show that our approach makes efficient use of limited interactions and find near optimal resource configurations within 7 steps. Finally, we present a distributed reinforcement learning approach to the cluster-wide cloud resource management. We decompose the cluster-wide resource allocation problem into sub-problems concerning individual VM resource configurations. The cluster-wide allocation is optimized if individual VMs meet their SLA with a high resource utilization. For scalability, we develop an efficient reinforcement learning approach with continuous state space. For adaptability, we use VM low-level runtime statistics to accommodate workload dynamics. Prototyped in a iBalloon system, the distributed learning approach successfully manages 128 VMs on a 16-node close correlated cluster

    Load Balancing and Resource Allocation Model for SaaS Applications with Time and Cost constraints forcloud-computing

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    Instead of Traditional Software, nowadays we are using Cloud Computing. It enables the on-going revenue for software providers..Advancement of Cloud Computing due to use of well established research in Web Services, networks, utility computing and virtualization has resulted in many advantages in cost, flexibility and availability for service users. These advantages has further increased the demand for Cloud Services, increasing both the Cloud's customer base and the scale of Cloud installations. This has resulted in many technical issues in Service Oriented Architectures and Internet of Services (IoS) type applications such as high availability and scalability, fault tolerance. Central to these issues is the establishment of effective load balancing techniques. In this paper focus on the load balancing and resources provisioning approaches.Here, using the linear programming approach for dynamically allocates the resources with balancing the load.Mainly focus on the time and cost constraints. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15072

    Optimizing the delivery of multimedia over mobile networks

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe consumption of multimedia content is moving from a residential environment to mobile phones. Mobile data traffic, driven mostly by video demand, is increasing rapidly and wireless spectrum is becoming a more and more scarce resource. This makes it highly important to operate mobile networks efficiently. To tackle this, recent developments in anticipatory networking schemes make it possible to to predict the future capacity of mobile devices and optimize the allocation of the limited wireless resources. Further, optimizing Quality of Experience—smooth, quick, and high quality playback—is more difficult in the mobile setting, due to the highly dynamic nature of wireless links. A key requirement for achieving, both anticipatory networking schemes and QoE optimization, is estimating the available bandwidth of mobile devices. Ideally, this should be done quickly and with low overhead. In summary, we propose a series of improvements to the delivery of multimedia over mobile networks. We do so, be identifying inefficiencies in the interconnection of mobile operators with the servers hosting content, propose an algorithm to opportunistically create frequent capacity estimations suitable for use in resource optimization solutions and finally propose another algorithm able to estimate the bandwidth class of a device based on minimal traffic in order to identify the ideal streaming quality its connection may support before commencing playback. The main body of this thesis proposes two lightweight algorithms designed to provide bandwidth estimations under the high constraints of the mobile environment, such as and most notably the usually very limited traffic quota. To do so, we begin with providing a thorough overview of the communication path between a content server and a mobile device. We continue with analysing how accurate smartphone measurements can be and also go in depth identifying the various artifacts adding noise to the fidelity of on device measurements. Then, we first propose a novel lightweight measurement technique that can be used as a basis for advanced resource optimization algorithms to be run on mobile phones. Our main idea leverages an original packet dispersion based technique to estimate per user capacity. This allows passive measurements by just sampling the existing mobile traffic. Our technique is able to efficiently filter outliers introduced by mobile network schedulers and phone hardware. In order to asses and verify our measurement technique, we apply it to a diverse dataset generated by both extensive simulations and a week-long measurement campaign spanning two cities in two countries, different radio technologies, and covering all times of the day. The results demonstrate that our technique is effective even if it is provided only with a small fraction of the exchanged packets of a flow. The only requirement for the input data is that it should consist of a few consecutive packets that are gathered periodically. This makes the measurement algorithm a good candidate for inclusion in OS libraries to allow for advanced resource optimization and application-level traffic scheduling, based on current and predicted future user capacity. We proceed with another algorithm that takes advantage of the traffic generated by short-lived TCP connections, which form the majority of the mobile connections, to passively estimate the currently available bandwidth class. Our algorithm is able to extract useful information even if the TCP connection never exits the slow start phase. To the best of our knowledge, no other solution can operate with such constrained input. Our estimation method is able to achieve good precision despite artifacts introduced by the slow start behavior of TCP, mobile scheduler and phone hardware. We evaluate our solution against traces collected in 4 European countries. Furthermore, the small footprint of our algorithm allows its deployment on resource limited devices. Finally, in an attempt to face the rapid traffic increase, mobile application developers outsource their cloud infrastructure deployment and content delivery to cloud computing services and content delivery networks. Studying how these services, which we collectively denote Cloud Service Providers (CSPs), perform over Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) is crucial to understanding some of the performance limitations of today’s mobile apps. To that end, we perform the first empirical study of the complex dynamics between applications, MNOs and CSPs. First, we use real mobile app traffic traces that we gathered through a global crowdsourcing campaign to identify the most prevalent CSPs supporting today’s mobile Internet. Then, we investigate how well these services interconnect with major European MNOs at a topological level, and measure their performance over European MNO networks through a month-long measurement campaign on the MONROE mobile broadband testbed. We discover that the top 6 most prevalent CSPs are used by 85% of apps, and observe significant differences in their performance across different MNOs due to the nature of their services, peering relationships with MNOs, and deployment strategies. We also find that CSP performance in MNOs is affected by inflated path length, roaming, and presence of middleboxes, but not influenced by the choice of DNS resolver. We also observe that the choice of operator’s Point of Presence (PoP) may inflate by at least 20% the delay towards popular websites.This work has been supported by IMDEA Networks Institute.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería TelemáticaPresidente: Ahmed Elmokashfi.- Secretario: Rubén Cuevas Rumín.- Vocal: Paolo Din
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