3 research outputs found

    The Influence of Stress on Industrial Operator’s Physiology and Work Performance

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    Elevated stress has been widely associated with physical and physiological threats as well as reduced work performance. However, there is still a lack of studies that investigate whether stress influences concurrently physiological and objective work performance. The purpose of this study is to examine whether workers’ level of stress or negative emotional symptoms correlates with their physiological coherence and work performance. Eighteen female operators who reported high severity levels of stress, assessed using the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-42) were categorized as the risk group. The comparison group was formed by randomly selecting 18 of 99 female workers who had significantly lower DASS scores. Both participants attended one session of physiological measurement. Their work performance was observed by calculating their cycle time completing a product during five workdays. A significant difference in HRV between the two groups was also found in physiological and work performance measures. The results showed that workers in the risk group obtained significantly lower coherence levels and longer work cycle time than the control participants, indicating that negative emotional symptoms were parallel with physiological coherence and work performance. However, a weak correlation was found between work performance and negative emotional symptoms as well as physiological coherence. Despite the study limitations, our findings support to evidence the more complete picture of how stress affects female worker’s physiology and work performance, suggesting a need to implement effective workplace stress intervention. Further study is needed to be conducted among different group characteristics such as male and occupational settings

    Definición de estados emocionales en sistemas dinámicos

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    Este trabajo presenta una forma de lograr sistemas adaptables y autónomos,con el propósito de emular inteligencia en máquinas, de maneraque estas puedan verse como entidades que tracen sus propiosplanes y los sigan. Sin embargo, el enfoque del artículo no es mostrarla construcción de humanoides, sino que es presentar mejoras en elcontrol de cada actuador en una máquina, esto como primer pasopara tener dispositivos inteligentes. El trabajo de cada algoritmo decontrol es el tomar decisiones para fi jar la dinámica del sistema quedirige en un valor llamado referencia. En este sentido, el autor asociadescubrimientos recientes en neurociencia y psicología acerca de laimportancia de las emociones en el proceso de toma de decisionescon el trabajo de los controladores. Como resultado, se defi ne y pruebaun grupo de emociones básicas que deberían tener los controladores

    Integration Of Cognitive And Physical Factors To Model Human Performance In Fluid Power Systems

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    Fluid power technology is constantly evolving as a result of the interaction between the human and the system. Systems such as the hydraulic excavator utilize this technology in order to deliver safe, efficient, and effective performance. However, traditional research has placed much emphasis on technical performance rather than on human components. Imbalances of this nature demonstrate inadequate understanding, lack of knowledge, and limited research on the factors affecting performance. This research aims to address these shortcomings by using an integrated approach to better model human performance in fluid power systems