50,629 research outputs found

    Surrogate modeling of RF circuit blocks

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    Surrogate models are a cost-effective replacement for expensive computer simulations in design space exploration. Literature has already demonstrated the feasibility of accurate surrogate models for single radio frequency (RF) and microwave devices. Within the European Marie Curie project O-MOORE-NICE! (Operational Model Order Reduction for Nanoscale IC Electronics) we aim to investigate the feasibility of the surrogate modeling approach for entire RF circuit blocks. This paper presents an overview about the surrogate model type selection problem for low noise amplifier modeling


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    Electronic device modeling is a crucial step in the advancement of modern nanotechnology and is gaining more and more interest. Nanoscale complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) transistors, being the backbone of the electronic industry, are pushed to below 10 nm dimensions using novel manufacturing techniques including extreme lithography. As their dimensions are pushed into such unprecedented limits, their behavior is still captured using models that are decades old. Among many other proposed nanoscale devices, silicon vacuum electron devices are regaining attention due to their presumed advantages in operating at very high power, high speed and under harsh environment, where CMOS cannot compete. Another type of devices that have the potential to complement CMOS transistors are nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS), with potential applications in filters, stable frequency sources, non-volatile memories and reconfigurable and neuromorphic electronics

    Advanced modeling of nanoscale devices for analog applications

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    Analytical model of nanowire FETs in a partially ballistic or dissipative transport regime

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    The intermediate transport regime in nanoscale transistors between the fully ballistic case and the quasi equilibrium case described by the drift-diffusion model is still an open modeling issue. Analytical approaches to the problem have been proposed, based on the introduction of a backscattering coefficient, or numerical approaches consisting in the MonteCarlo solution of the Boltzmann transport equation or in the introduction of dissipation in quantum transport descriptions. In this paper we propose a very simple analytical model to seamlessly cover the whole range of transport regimes in generic quasi-one dimensional field-effect transistors, and apply it to silicon nanowire transistors. The model is based on describing a generic transistor as a chain of ballistic nanowire transistors in series, or as the series of a ballistic transistor and a drift-diffusion transistor operating in the triode region. As an additional result, we find a relation between the mobility and the mean free path, that has deep consequences on the understanding of transport in nanoscale devices
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