1 research outputs found

    Modelling knowledge for development and application of information-expert system

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    Rezime: U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji naslov dosta „govori“ o predmetu istraživanja i okviru očekivanog naučnog doprinosa. Prikazano je istraživanje trendova inoviranja znanja, posebno u infornacionim tehnologijama(IT), u cilju unapređenja kvaliteta integrisanih tehnologija i sistema i razvoja informaciono-ekspertnog sistema (IES). Ostvareni su osnovni ciljevi, od modeliranja izvora znanja(KS), preko ažuriranja baze znanja(KB) i sistema baze znanja (KBS), do rešavanja problrma u standardizovanim oblastima stvaralaštva (ICS). Baza znanja koja vodi kontinuiranom unapređenju procesa i proizvoda podrazumeva inoviranje znanja i njihovu stalnu sistematizaciju, kroz tačno definisane oblasti rada. Standardizacijom se upućuje na povezivanje znanja koje bi dovelo do uočavanja potencijalnih razlika i utvrđivanja mera za unapređenje proizvoda, procesa i usluga. Rezultati istraživanja su sagledani kroz 12 ključnih aspekata i prikazani u fazama PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) koncepta: 1. (Plan) Uključujući polazne ciljeve izvršeno je planiranje resursa za unapređenje modela enanja i perioda uporednih analiza klasterizovanih oblasti stvaralaštva na platformi standardizacije. Informacione tehnologije (ICS1 = 35) su oblast sa najvećim intenzitetom inovativnosti; 2. (Do) Formiran je model za razvoj, unapređenje i primene IES u ICS oblastima, modeliranjem izvrsnosti u više dimenzija kroz 12 ključnih IT aspekata, posmatranih i dokazanih u PDCA konceptu, uz ostvarenje ciljeva: 2.1 (P) mogućnosti određivanja originalnih linija trenda, polazeći od izvora znanja, sa ciljem planiranja resursa za svakodnevno inoviranje znanja u pojedinim oblastima na platformi standardizacije; 2.2 (D) mogućnosti definisanja uporednih pokazatelja za sve oblasti stvaralaštva višekriterijumskom analizom, kako bi se ažurirale baze podataka i baze znanja u ICS1 oblastima, kroz omogućavanje realizacije praćenja trendova inoviranja znanja za unapređenjekvaliteta proizvoda; 2.3 (C) mogućnosti kvantitativnog definisanja indeksa inovativnosti, kao preduslova za formiranje klastera, odgovarajuće buduće pouzdane provere (enanja i trenda) u pojedinim oblastima i preferencijalno inoviranje baze znanja za korisnike; 2.4 (A) mogućnosti inoviranja enanja na platformi standardizacije, unapređenjem baze znanja uz obezbeđenje resursa i rešenje problema, realizcijom IES, odnosno modela izvrsnosti u praksi; 3. (Check) Realizacijom neophodnih pratećih aktivnosti istraživanja definisani su uporedni kriterijumi/ indeksi prvog nivoa klasifikacije oblasti stvaralaštva (ICS1 = 01, 03, ... do 99) – indeksi količine, indeksi vrednosti i indeksi inovativnosti, na osnovu kojih su određeni klasteri prema indeksu intenziteta inovativnosti; 4. (Act) Dokazana je potreba za dnevnim inoviranjem znanja kod studenata/ eksperata dvopredmetnih studija, pokazana na primeru master profesora tehnike i informatike na studijskom programu integrisanih akademskih studija Tehnika i informatika (IAS TI).Abstract: The title of this doctoral dissertation speaks volumes about the subject of the research and the scientific contribution. The dissertation presents a study of trends in knowledge innovation, especially in Information Technology (IT) and it aims to improve the quality of integrated technologies and systems and the development of Information-Expert System (IES). The main objectives were achieved from modeling Knowledge Sources (KS), through updating the Knowledge Base (KB) and Knowledge Base System (KBS), to brief problem-solving in the standardized areas of creativity (ICS). The knowledge base, that leads to continuous improvement of processes and products, implies innovation of knowledge and its constant systematization through clearly defined areas of work. Standardisation refers to knowledge connecting which may contribute to better recogntion of potential differences and establishment of measures for improvement of products, processes and services. The research results were analyzed and 12 key aspects were distinguished and presented in different stages of PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) concept: 1. (Plan) Besides initial objectives, resource planning for improving knowledge model was carried out and the periods of comparative analysis of the clusterized areas of creativity on the standardization platform were estimated. Information technology (ICS1 = 35) presents the area with the greatest intensity of innovation; 2. (Do) Model for the development, improvement and application of IES was formed in the standardized fields of creativity by modeling excellence through several dimensions and 12 key aspects of IT, which were observed and proven in the PDCA concept. The objectives were achieved and the following should be provided: 2.1 (P) A possibility to determine the original trend line, starting from the source of knowledge, with the aim of resource planning for daily innovation of knowledge in certain areas on the standardization platform; 2.2 (D) A possibility to define comparative indicators for all areas of creativity using multi-criteria analysis, in order to update the database and knowledge base in ICS1 fields, by enabling the realization of monitoring trends in knowledge innovation for the improvement of product quality; 2.3 (C) A possibility to define a quantitative index of innovation intensity as a precondition for the formation of clusters, the appropriate and reliable future testing (of knowledge and trend) in certain areas and preferential innovation of knowledge base for users; 2.4 (A) A possibility to boost knowledge innovation on the standardization platform through the improvement of the knowledge base and the provision of resources and problem-solving, realization of IES or the model of excellence in practice; 3. (Check) Realizing the required accompanying research activities, the comparative criteria/indices for the first level of classification of fields of creativity (ICS1 = 01, 03, … to 99) were defined: quantity indices, indices and indices of innovation. The innovation intensity clusters were determined based on the index indicators and parameters; 4. (Act) The need for daily knowledge innovation for students/experts completing double-major undergraduate studies was evident and demonstrated on the example of Master students in Techniques and Informatics at the integrated study program of Techniques and informatics (IAS TI)