52 research outputs found

    The Effect of Noise on the Response of a Vertical Cantilever Beam Energy Harvester

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    An energy harvesting concept has been proposed comprising a piezoelectric patch on a vertical cantilever beam with a tip mass. The cantilever beam is excited in the transverse direction at its base. This device is highly nonlinear with two potential wells for large tip masses, when the beam is buckled. For the pre-buckled case considered here, the stiffness is low and hence the displacement response is large, leading to multiple solutions to harmonic excitation that are exploited in the harvesting device. To maximise the energy harvested in systems with multiple solutions the higher amplitude response should be preferred. This paper investigates the amplitude of random noise excitation where the harvester is unable to sustain the high amplitude solution, and at some point will jump to the low amplitude solution. The investigation is performed on a validated model of the harvester and the effect is demonstrated experimentally

    An E-shape broadband piezoelectric energy harvester induced by magnets

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    We describe in this work a broadband magnetic E-shape piezoelectric energy harvester with wide frequency bandwidth. We develop first a nonlinear electromechanical model of the harvester based on the Hamilton variation principle that simulates the effect of the nonlinear magnetic restoring force at different spacing distances. The model is used to identify the distances existing between two different magnets that enable the system to perform with a specific nonlinearity. The performance of the E-shape piezoelectric energy harvester is also investigated through experiments, with E-shape energy harvesters at different spacing distances tested under several base acceleration excitations. We observe that the frequency domain output voltage of the system shows a general excellent controllable performance, with a widening of the frequency bandwidth. The half-power bandwidth of the linear energy harvester for a distance of 25 mm is 0.8 Hz only, which can be expanded to 2.67 Hz for the larger distance of 11 mm between magnets. The energy harvester presented in this work shows promising performances for broad-spectrum vibration excitations compared to conventional cantilever piezoelectric energy harvester systems with a tip mass. </jats:p

    Multifrequency piezoelectric energy harvester based on polygon-shaped cantilever array

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    This paper focuses on numerical and experimental investigations of a novel design piezoelectric energy harvester. Investigated harvester is based on polygon-shaped cantilever array and employs multifrequency operating principle. It consists of eight cantilevers with irregular design of cross-sectional area. Cantilevers are connected to each other by specific angle to form polygon-shaped structure. Moreover, seven seismic masses with additional lever arms are added in order to create additional rotation moment. Numerical investigation showed that piezoelectric polygon-shaped energy harvester has five natural frequencies in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 240 Hz, where the first and the second bending modes of the cantilevers are dominating. Maximum output voltage density and energy density equal to 50.03 mV/mm3 and 604 μJ/mm3, respectively, were obtained during numerical simulation. Prototype of piezoelectric harvester was made and experimental investigation was performed. Experimental measurements of the electrical characteristics showed that maximum output voltage density, energy density, and output power are 37.5 mV/mm3, 815.16 μJ/mm3, and 65.24 μW, respectively

    Applicability of magnetic force models for multi-stable energy harvesters

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    Multi-stable piezoelectric energy harvesters have been exploited to enhance performance for extracting ambient vibrational energy from a broadband energy source. Since magnetic force plays a significant role in enhancing the dynamic behavior of harvesters, it is necessary to model and understand the significant influencing of structural parameters on magnetic force. Recently, several theoretical modeling methods, including magnetic dipole, improved dipole, magnetic current, and magnetic charge models, have been developed to calculate the magnetic force in multi-stable energy harvesters. However, the influence of structural parameters and magnet dimensions on the accuracy of magnetic force calculation for these methods has not been analyzed. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the applicability of these methods under a range of operating conditions. New insights into the accuracy and application constraints of these methods are presented in this paper to calculate the impact of magnetic force on multi-stable energy harvesters. From the theoretical derivation of models and numerical results obtained, a quantitative assessment of errors under different structural parameters and magnet sizes is presented and compared to evaluate the application constraints. Moreover, experimental measurements are performed to verify the applicability of these modeling methods for bi-stable and tri-stable energy harvesters with different structural parameters.</p

    Analysis of nonlinear suspension power harvest potential

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    Because the power consumption of a controlled suspension is huge, the power harvest potential of a nonlinear controlled suspension is analyzed. Instead of simplifying the suspension to a linear model or adopting some control strategies to solve the problem, this paper investigates the effect of the nonlinear characteristics on the power harvesting potential. A mathematic model is introduced to calculate the nonlinear vibration, and the amount of harvested power was obtained using the multi-scale method. A numerical validation is carried out at the end of this study. The results show that the investigated mechanical parameters affect both the vibration amplitude and the induced current, while the electric parameters only affect the induced current. The power harvesting potential of the nonlinear suspension is generally greater than the linear suspension because the frequency band of the actual pavement also contains bandwidth surrounding the body resonance point. The only exception occurs if the vehicle travels on a road with a particular profile, e.g. a sine curve. To optimize harvested power, it is better to consider the nonlinear characteristics rather than simplifying the suspension to a linear model

    Chaotification as a Means of Broadband Vibration Energy Harvesting with Piezoelectric Materials

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    Computing advances and component miniaturization in circuits coupled with stagnating battery technology have fueled growth in the development of high efficiency energy harvesters. Vibration-to-electricity energy harvesting techniques have been investigated extensively for use in sensors embedded in structures or in hard-to-reach locations like turbomachinery, surgical implants, and GPS animal trackers. Piezoelectric materials are commonly used in harvesters as they possess the ability to convert strain energy directly into electrical energy and can work concurrently as actuators for damping applications. The prototypical harvesting system places two piezoelectric patches on both sides of the location of maximum strain on a cantilever beam. While efficient around resonance, performance drops dramatically should the driving frequency drift away from the beam\u27s fundamental frequency. To date, researchers have worked to improve harvesting capability by modifying material properties, using alternative geometries, creating more efficient harvesting circuits, and inducing nonlinearities. These techniques have partially mitigated the resonance excitation dependence for vibration-based harvesting, but much work remains. In this dissertation, an induced nonlinearity destabilizes a central equilibrium point, resulting in a bistable potential function governing the cantilever beam system. Depending on the environment, multiple stable solutions are possible and can coexist. Typically, researchers neglect chaos and assume that with enough energy in the ambient environment, large displacement trajectories can exist uniquely. When subjected to disturbances a system can fall to coexistent lower energy solutions including aperiodic, chaotic oscillations. Treating chaotic motion as a desirable behavior of the system allows frequency content away from resonance to produce motion about a theoretically infinite number of unstable periodic orbits that can be stabilized through control. The extreme sensitivity to initial conditions exhibited by chaotic systems paired with a pole placement control strategy pioneered by Ott, Grebogi, and Yorke permits small perturbations to an accessible system parameter to alter the system response dramatically. Periodic perturbation of the system trajectories in the vicinity of isolated unstable orbit points can therefore stabilize low-energy chaotic oscillations onto larger trajectory orbits more suitable for energy harvesting. The periodic perturbation-based control method rids the need of a system model. It only requires discrete displacement, velocity, or voltage time series data of the chaotic system driven by harmonic excitation. While the analysis techniques are not fundamentally limited to harmonic excitation, this condition permits the use of standard discrete mapping techniques to isolate periodic orbits of interest. Local linear model fits characterize the orbit and admit the necessary control perturbation calculations from the time series data. This work discusses the feasibility of such a method for vibration energy harvesting, displays stable solutions under various control algorithms, and implements a hybrid bench-top experiment using MATLAB and LabVIEW FPGA. In conclusion, this work discusses the limitations for wide-scale use and addresses areas of further work; both with respect to chaotic energy harvesting and parallel advances required within the field as a whole

    Multifrequency Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Based on Polygon-Shaped Cantilever Array

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    Minimising the effects of manufacturing uncertainties in MEMS Energy harvesters

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    This paper proposes the use of an electrostatic device to improve the performance of MEMS piezoelectric harvesters in the presence of manufacturing uncertainties. Different types of uncertain parameters have been considered and randomised according to their experimentally measured statistical properties. It has been demonstrated that manufacturing uncertainty in MEMS harvesters results in a lower output power. Monte Carlo Simulation is used to propagate uncertainty through the MEMS mathematical model. It has been found that the uncertainty effects can result in two sets of samples. The first set of samples are those with resonance frequency higher than nominal values and the second set includes samples with resonance frequencies lower than the nominal value. The device proposed in this paper can compensate for the effects of variability in the harvester by tuning the resonance frequency to the nominal design. This device is composed of a symmetrical arrangement of two electrodes, which decrease the resonance frequency from its nominal value. However, achieving precise symmetrical conditions in the device on a micro-scale is not feasible. Therefore, the effects of an unsymmetrical arrangement due to manufacturing variability are also investigated. The device includes two arch-shaped electrodes that can be used to increase the resonance frequency


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    Chapter 8: Energy Harvesting Technologies: Thick-Film Piezoelectric Microgenerato