5 research outputs found

    Modeling and analysis of supply chain risk system under the influence of partners' collaboration

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    Confining the focus to individual enterprise, traditional risk management literature seems to echo inadequately in the context of collaborative supply chain, partially due to its exclusion of correlation of risks across companies. In this study, we refine the notion of risk in supply chain and propose a model of supply chain risk system (SCRS) that consciously takes into account the correlation among risks resulting from partners' collaboration. Through analytical inference we found that the level of collaboration contributes to the resilience of supply chain. It implies that collaboration can positively affect the topology of SCRS, thus benefiting supply chain operations in terms of risk management. A simulation program has been developed with aim to demonstrate the practical feasibility of the proposed model. Implemented in simulation, two sets of experiments have been conducted for testing the model in actual business scenarios. The experimental results provide supporting evidence to consolidate the analytical findings. © 2011 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS 2011), Kauai, HI., 4-7 January 2011. In Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2011, p. 1-1

    Finansijsko upravljanje rizicima lanca snabdevanja u funkciji maksimiziranja vrednosti preduzeća

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    Aktivnosti koje se preduzimaju na unapređenju efikasnosti procesa lanca snabdevanja obično uključuju globalizaciju poslovnih operacija, lean poslovanje, outsourcing, smanjenje baze snabdevača, relaksiranje kreditne politike i dr. Međutim, ove aktivnosti, takođe, dovode do uvećanja izloženosti lanca snabdevanja različitim vrstama rizika, kao što su prekidi u snabdevanju, prekidi u proizvodnji, promena tražnje, izgubljena prodaja, nenaplativost potraživanja, nelikvidnost i dr. Izloženost ovim rizicima uslovljava odstupanja ostvarenih od projektovanih finansijskih performansi preduzeća. Finansijsko upravljanje rizicima lanca snabdevanja ima za cilj uspostavljanje takve ravnoteže između efikasnosti i ranjivosti lanca snabdevanja, koja treba da doprinese dostizanju ciljnih finansijskih performansi preduzeća – nosioca lanca snabdevanja i maksimiranju njegove vrednosti. Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu su alternativni pristupi za finansijsko upravljanje rizicima lanca snabdevanja od strane preduzeća – nosioca lanca snabdevanja. Posebno se analizira i istražuje uticaj koji finansijsko upravljanje rizicima lanca snabdevanja ima na stvaranje vrednosti preduzeća. U skladu sa definisanim predmetom istraživanja, osnovni cilj istraživanja je razvoj modela za finansijsko upravljanje rizicima lanca snabdevanja, koji doprinosi povećanju vrednosti preduzeća. Rezultati empirijskog istraživanja sprovedenog u doktorskoj disertaciji pokazali su da je kombinacijom logističkog i finansijskog modeliranja i simulacije moguće razviti efikasan model finansijskog upravljanja rizicima lanca snabdevanja. Primena finansijskih i operativnih strategija primerenih odgovarajućim rizicima lanca snabdevanja, omogućava transformaciju rizika lanca snabdevanja u potencijal za povećanje vrednosti preduzeća.Activities undertaken to raise the efficiency of the supply chain include the globalization of business operations, lean operations, outsourcing, supplier base reduction, relaxation of credit policy and others. However, these activities аlso lead to an increase of the exposure of the supply chain to various risks such as the interruptions of the supply, interruption in production, changes in demand, lost sales, bad debt, and liquidity problems. As a consequence, the actual deviate from the planned financial performance of the company. The financial management of supply chain risks aims to establish such a balance between efficiency and vulnerability of the supply chain which should contribute to achieving the planned financial performance of the company – holder of the supply chain and maximizing its value. The subject of this study are alternative approaches to the financial management of the supply chain risks by the company – holder of the supply chain. In particular, the effects that the financial management of supply chain risks has on the creation of the company’s value will be analyzed and explored. Due to the defined subject of the research, the basic aim of the research is to develop the model for the financial management of the supply chain risks, which contributes to increasing the company's value. The results of the empirical research conducted in the doctoral dissertation show that by combining the logistical and financial modeling and simulation, it is possible to develop an efficient model of the financial management of the supply chain risks. The application of financial and operational strategies appropriate to respective supply chain risks, enables the transformation of supply chain risks into the potential for the company's value increase

    After sales supply chain risk management.

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    Lean supply chains with cost optimized production and logistics processes in the automotive industry have become a benchmark for other industries. Short delivery times, low inventories and high availability are parameters which assume a robust supply chain. In industrial practice we see, however, that in the After Sales business particularly related to the supply of automotive spare parts, that there are always unforeseen delays in delivery. In order to avoid service level losses on the focal firm level due to missing parts it is necessary to understand the risk structure on the supplier side. For this reason, a risk model for the After Sales inbound SC is developed through this work. Based on an extensive analysis of delivery data a central risk size was derived. Comprehensively researched SC risks are supplemented by After Sales specific risks derived through an empirical supplier survey. A reference network, which is methodologically based on the Bayesian theorem, to control the dynamic relationships was developed. The developed risk model allows for the identification of proactive and reactive measures by top-down and bottom-up analyzes to make lean supply chains for after sales requirements in the best cases robust and resilient. A big advantage of the developed model is not only the ability to quantify the cause and effect of supply chain risks but also to describe the constantly changing risk environment of the supply chain through continuous belief updates within the model. The risk analysis in the developed model potentially reduces the delivery delay of spare parts by 65 percent and diminishes the buffer stock value by 50 percent. To achieve such improvements in the real world organizations must be able to implement measures in explicit SC risk clusters for sustainable supply chain performance and inventory management. Improvements in the internal supplier processes, due to risks like prioritized series supply, or inappropriate after sales supply strategies are necessary. Utilizing the developed After Sales Risk Management Model (ASRIM) organizations will be able to implement proactive risk mitigation strategies, facilitating agile SC performance, while simultaneously reducing buffer stocks

    Development of model for logistics risk management in supply chains

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    Doktorska disertacija razmatra probleme upravljanja rizicima u lancima snabdevanja sa osnovnim ciljem razvoja modela za upravljanje određenom grupom rizika-logističkim rizicima. Na osnovu širokog pregleda postojeće literature predloženo je više originalnih konceptualnih okvira namenjenih razumevanju složene strukture koncepta rizika u lancima snabdevanja i principa njihove sistemske analize i upravljanja. Takođe, razvijen je originalni model identifikacije, ocene i tretiranja logističkih rizika, koji se zasniva na simulaciji diskretnih događaja i SCOR metodologiji. Testiranjem predloženih okvira i modela na realnom primeru pokazana je njihova praktična primeljivost.The thesis is dedicated to exploring the problems of supply chain risk management with the final aim of developing model for logistics risk management. Based on a broad literature review it is proposed a several original conceptual frameworks aimed to understanding the complex structure of the supply chain risks concept as well as principles of their system analysis and management. In addition, original model for identification, assessment and control is developed, based on discrete event simulation and SCOR methodology. Case study shows practical applicability of proposed frameworks and models

    Оutsourcing risk management of the organization's logistics activities

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    Osnovni cilj disertacije je definisanje posebne grupe rizika koji nastaju usled prenošenja logističkih aktivnosti organizacija na logističke provajdere. Doktorskom disertacijom se predstavlja kategorizacija navedene grupe rizika i razvija okvir i model za upravljanje rizicima autsorsinga logističkih aktivnosti organizacije, koji je u skladu sa teorijskim osnovnim postulatima upravljanja rizicima. Takođe, uvidom u rezultate empirijskog istraživanja ispitani su odnosi između učinka logističkog procesa sa ključnim faktorima uspeha uspostavljanja autsorsinga logističkih aktivnosti organizacije. Testiranjem predloženog okvira i modela na realnom primeru pokazana je i njegova praktična primeljivost.The main goal of the dissertation is to define a special group of risks that arise due to the transfer of logistics activities of organizations to logistics providers. The doctoral dissertation presents the categorization of the defined risk group and the developed framework and model for risk management of outsourcing the organization’s logistics activities, which is in accordance with the theoretical basic postulates of ‘risk management’. Also, insight into the results of empirical research examined the relationships between the performance of the logistics process with key success factors in establishing the outsourcing of the organization’s logistics activities. By testing the proposed framework and model on a real example, its practical applicability was shown