9 research outputs found

    Modeling Adaptive Behaviors in Context UNITY

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    Context-aware computing refers to a paradigm in which applications sense aspects of the environment and use this information to adjust their behavior in response to changing circumstances. In this paper, we present a formal model and notation (Context UNITY) for expressing quintessential aspects of context-aware computations; existential quantification, for instance, proves to be highly effective in capturing the notion of discovery in open systems. Furthermore, Context UNITY treats context in a manner that is relative to the specific needs of an individual application and promotes an approach to context maintenance that is transparent to the ap-plication. In this paper, we construct the model from first principles, introduce its proof logic, and demonstrate how the model can be used as an effective abstraction tool for context-aware applications and middleware

    Modeling adaptive behaviors in Context UNITY

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    Context-aware computing refers to a paradigm in which applications sense aspects of the environment and use this information to adjust their behavior in response to changing circumstances. In this paper, we present a formal model and notation (Context UNITY) for expressing quintessential aspects of context-aware computations; existential quantification, for instance, proves to be highly effective in capturing the notion of discovery in open systems. Furthermore, Context UNITY treats context in a manner that is relative to the specific needs of an individual application and promotes an approach to context maintenance that is transparent to the application. In this paper, we construct the model from first principles, introduce its proof logic, and demonstrate how the model can be used as an effective abstraction tool for context-aware applications and middleware

    Context-aware Approach for Determining the Threshold Price in Name-Your-Own-Price Channels

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    Key feature of a context-aware application is the ability to adapt based on the change of context. Two approaches that are widely used in this regard are the context-action pair mapping where developers match an action to execute for a particular context change and the adaptive learning where a context-aware application refines its action over time based on the preceding action’s outcome. Both these approaches have limitation which makes them unsuitable in situations where a context-aware application has to deal with unknown context changes. In this paper we propose a framework where adaptation is carried out via concurrent multi-action evaluation of a dynamically created action space. This dynamic creation of the action space eliminates the need for relying on the developers to create context-action pairs and the concurrent multi-action evaluation reduces the adaptation time as opposed to the iterative approach used by adaptive learning techniques. Using our reference implementation of the framework we show how it could be used to dynamically determine the threshold price in an e-commerce system which uses the name-your-own-price (NYOP) strategy

    A Query-Centric Approach to Supporting the Development of Context-Aware Applications for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Doctoral Dissertation, August 2006

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    The wide-spread use of mobile computing devices has led to an increased demand for applications that operate dependably in opportunistically formed networks. A promising approach to supporting software development for such dynamic settings is to rely on the context-aware computing paradigm, in which an application views the state of the surrounding ad hoc network as a valuable source of contextual information that can be used to adapt its behavior. Collecting context information distributed across a constantly changing network remains a significant technical challenge. This dissertation presents a query-centered approach to simplifying context interactions in mobile ad hoc networks. Using such an approach, an application programmer views the surrounding world asa single data repository over which descriptive queries can be issued. Distributed context information appears to be locally available, effectively hiding the complex networking tasks required to acquire context in an open and dynamic setting. This dissertation identifies the research issues associated with developing a query-centric approach and discusses solutions to providing query-centric support to application developers. To promote rapid and dependable software development, a query-centric middleware is provided to the application programmer. These solutions provide the means to reason about the correctness of an application\u27s design and potentially to reduce programmer effort and error

    Design Time Methodology for the Formal Modeling and Verification of Smart Environments

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    Smart Environments (SmE) are intelligent and complex due to smart connectivity and interaction of heterogeneous devices achieved by complicated and sophisticated computing algorithms. Based on their domotic and industrial applications, SmE system may be critical in terms of correctness, reliability, safety, security and other such vital factors. To achieve error-free and requirement-compliant implementation of these systems, it is advisable to enforce a design process that may guarantee these factors by adopting formal models and formal verification techniques at design time. The e-Lite research group at Politecnico di Torino is developing solutions for SmE based on integration of commercially available home automation technologies with an intelligent ecosystem based on a central OSGi-based gateway, and distributed collaboration of intelligent applications, with the help of semantic web technologies and applications. The main goal of my research is to study new methodologies which are used for the modeling and verification of SmE. This goal includes the development of a formal methodology which ensures the reliable implementation of the requirements on SmE, by modeling and verifying each component (users, devices, control algorithms and environment/context) and the interaction among them, especially at various stages in design time, so that all the complexities and ambiguities can be reduced

    Requirements Engineering of Context-Aware Applications

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    Context-aware computing envisions a new generation of smart applications that have the ability to perpetually sense the user’s context and use these data to make adaptation decision in response to changes in the user’s context so as to provide timely and personalized services anytime and anywhere. Unlike the traditional distribution systems where the network topology is fixed and wired, context-aware computing systems are mostly based on wireless communication due to the mobility of the network nodes; hence the network topology is not fixed but changes dynamically in an unpredictable manner as nodes join and the leave network, in addition to the fact that wireless communication is unstable. These factors make the design and development of context-aware computing systems much more challenging, as the system requirements change depending on the context of use. The Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a graphical language commonly used to specify, visualize, construct, and document the artefacts of software-intensive systems. However, UML is an all-purpose modelling language and does not have notations to distinguish context-awareness requirements from other system requirements. This is critical for the specification, visualization, construction and documentation of context-aware computing systems because context-awareness requirements are highly important in these systems. This thesis proposes an extension of UML diagrams to cater for the specification, visualization, construction and documentation of context-aware computing systems where new notations are introduced to model context-awareness requirements distinctively from other system requirements. The contributions of this work can be summarized as follows: (i) A context-aware use case diagram is a new notion which merges into a single diagram the traditional use case diagram (that describes the functions of an application) and the use context diagram, which specifies the context information upon which the behaviours of these functions depend. (ii) A Novel notion known as a context-aware activity diagram is presented, which extends the traditional UML activity diagrams to enable the representation of context objects, context constraints and adaptation activities. Context constraints express conditions upon context object attributes that trigger adaptation activities; adaptation activities are activities that must be performed in response to specific changes in the system’s context. (iii) A novel notion known as the context-aware class diagram is presented, which extends the traditional UML class diagrams to enable the representation of context information that affect the behaviours of a class. A new relationship, called utilisation, between a UML class and a context class is used to model context objects; meaning that the behaviours of the UML class depend upon the context information represented by the context class. Hence a context-aware class diagram is a rich and expressive language that distinctively depicts both the structure of classes and that of the contexts upon which they depend. The pragmatics of the proposed approach are demonstrated using two real-world case studies